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GrumpyGat (DayZ)

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Everything posted by GrumpyGat (DayZ)

  1. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    View compass with flashlight

    Title says it all, the compass is useless at night, and realistically a person would be able to point their light at it.
  2. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Support for 3GB+ GPUs

    Should have specified, that I meant the SA not the mod.
  3. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    The Hero Chernarus Needs

    I am... Partially Invisible Man
  4. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    DayZ Player Actions

    Does anyone know how to Wave, surrender, and flip the bird? been trying to figure it out forever...
  5. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    DayZ Player Actions

    Still can't seem to flip the bird
  6. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    View compass with flashlight

    The headlamp is angled wrong, it's always pointed at the ground so for that reason I don't bother using one, until they are adjusted at least.
  7. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    trade dayz for cards

    you can buy steam cards for about $0.11 a pop. that's only 2.50 worth of cards. not a good deal.
  8. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Fucken steam...
  9. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    Anyone else experiencing this? I can't get into any server at the moment, and I have tried waiting almost 30 minutes on this screen. Any suggestions as to what I can do?
  10. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    stand over it and hit tab, it will show in your vicinity.
  11. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    Gates need to be easier to interact with
  12. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    I pad mini vs nivida shield

    Microsoft surface pro 2. end of story.
  13. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Timelapse of the epoch trader cities

    what are your system specs? Looks like you are getting some amazing FPS...
  14. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Grumpy's DayZ Tid Bits: Flight Risk

    R.I.P. Sputnik
  15. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Low FPS Issues

    That's because its your CPU bottlenecking the game. Arms 2 is super CPU intensive.
  16. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Really Hard To See People At A Distance

    Either antialiasing or post processing is the issue
  17. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Need help pitching a tent

    space bar?
  18. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    a SIMPLE guide to getting the most FPS

    glad to hear that you saw some improvement!
  19. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Degrading Backpacks: Stuff Falls Out

    Why is everyone always trying to throw in more and more realisms that will ultimately cuase additional work and frustration?! fuck It lets just toss in killer bees, abandoned minefields, sinkholes, earthquakes and active volcanos. Now change the name to DayZ: Whybother
  20. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Fun with the UH-1H

    This is what happens when you play on just about any other epoch server: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_vHG1Hcvfg
  21. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Fun with the UH-1H

    The fuck did I just watch?
  22. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    New Member looking to start a Youtube Series

    All i said was don't get your hopes up, getting so emotional over criticism will not serve you well in your endeavor. YouTube is a harsh place.
  23. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    New Member looking to start a Youtube Series

    I wish you luck sir, there is a sea of amateur youtubers trying to break into dayz so competition is rough. Just don't get your hope too high with the whole server/website/t-shirt line, just start simple and see what happens.
  24. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Mid/Higher end gaming comp - Low fps

    Your GPU will never be at anything more than 20-30% load sir, as ARMA2 is primarily CPU intensive. Now I didn't need to put much effort into my original answer because all I got outta your post was "ALL MY SETTINGS ARE MAXED TO THE EXTREME! EXTREME CHEDDAR YEAH!!!*". Your going to experience FPS issues in just about any server with more than 10 players. The way ARMA works is it renders and send you data related to anything and everything that is going on around the map, regardless of where you are. The more players = the more info = the long it takes to recieve = FPS starts to compensate for desync. Now, disabling those settings IS what you should do even if you get 10 FPS extra. Any extra FPS you can squeeze is a win in my book. Just to give you a idea I have a 3770k OC'd to 5ghz, 16gb ram, 2x SLI 660ti 3gb (6gb t/VRAM), with AA and PP off, and I get max about 60FPS on epoch. The only time I have ever gotten in the 80-120 range is when the server was at extremely low population. Quote may not be verbatim*
  25. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Mid/Higher end gaming comp - Low fps

    Your computer isn't the issue your settings are. 1. Turn off AA and post-prosessing 2. Profit