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GrumpyGat (DayZ)

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Everything posted by GrumpyGat (DayZ)

  1. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    My DayZ Series. This is my story.

    Was cool that it was full screen windows Video intro was pretty cool looking, i was getting excited SAW RESOLUTION. CLOSED WINDOW. If you have a new PC with fancy parts, you really shouldn't have such a terrible aspect ratio
  2. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    need someone to help pay for server and be admin

    Thats because he is full of shit and he is trolling you.
  3. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Not so super fun adventures...

    well, i do my best to cut out any useless footage like that, and if it does make it in its usually because the conversation over top of it is worth keeping it in :)
  4. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Not so super fun adventures...

    thanks man!
  5. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Dayz Magic Moments.

    haha, nice vids
  6. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    [Tutorial] How to set up a DayZ Overwatch server

  7. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Check out my Oil Pastel DayZ Wallpapers! MSG FOR CUSTOM

    OMG your so inspirational that I decided to hand draw my own pictures, I printed these, climbed up a mountain naked and in the sunset I drew these with my own body fluids and excrement, I also made a oil painting of your oil painting post so you can look at your oil paining post while your oil painting! Your such a bullshitter kid, don't take credit for someone else's hard work. the real hero here is the plugin maker. He made a plugin so good that some phony little kid can actually convince a handful of people he did something amazing. Anyone who gave this kid beans, please take em back. EDIT: Oh and if anyone else wants to playing Picasso here is the plugin: http://www.adobe.com/technology/projects/oilpaint.html Its free.
  8. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Help a new YouTuber

    My two cents: Video link #1: The quality looks good, you're covered there. I didn't like the western music, at first it was kinda cool like a wild west feel, but after hearing it playing for more than 30 seconds it becameinsanely annoying. Try using your mic more, and talk about interesting stuff. most people play dayz so they don't want to just watch videos of people playing by themselves. A huge part of building a fan base is the youtubers ability to keep an audience entertained with conversation or (with a partner) debate. Also, the vignette effect is over done, it just makes it look like you are trying to shove too much "hollywood" into something that really only needs a crisp image and good audio. Also, in sony vegas (which you are quite obviously using) right click on the sound track after to do the time stretch, and in properties check off "lock to stretch". It will remove that annoying choppy sound and make it sound more "matrixy". Video link #2: I didn't watch the whole thing but from what I saw, it again needs more voice, explanation, humor, and above all interaction. Also, if you want to become a JOOTOOB STAR stop using copyrighted music. You can't monetize and you may get the sound actually removed from your videos if the artist files a claim. You don't have to worry about claims right now, but in the future it could come back and bite you in the ass. there is a plethora of free music on the web, link it in your descriptions as good faith. I wish you luck, its a hard market to break into ESPECIALLY if you are exclusive to a game that isn't mainstream. DayZ has a fantastic community, but it's not very big compared to games like LoL and shit. At some point you are going to want to consider diversification. Take my advice or leave it, I know i'm not frankie or some other big shot youtube dood, but I am doing my best, and with almost 1k subs in 1 month, I think i'm doing fairly well. The key to success is as follows: DO THIS FOR FUN, this isn't a job, if you want to make money from this then you need to reassess your priorities. My motivating factor is my subscribers, I fucking love and cherish every single god damn one, and I do my BEST to make sure that I provide them with the highest quality of entertainment that I can produce. And lastly, be unique. Don't just follow in everyone else footsteps. Find something that sets you apart and run with it. Your mind is the greatest tool you will ever need. Use it wisely. Best of luck to you my friend, I hope that you succeed in your endeavor.
  9. YES!!! We can finally utilize all those washing machines I find in the road!
  10. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Lets burn something...

    I can see you are quite desperate to get some YouTube attention, so I have some tips for you: 1. Talk in your videos. People don't just want to watch someone play silently, they want action and commentary. 2. Use cuts and remove the stale footage. Noone is gonna watch a video of someone running in a field for 5 minutes. 3. Don't use copyright music. If your intention is to make that YOOTUUBZ MONEHZ, your not going to be able to monetize your videos without the rights to the music. Side note, its not about the money, if your doing this for pure profit, don't waste your time this isn't a lucrative venture I assure you. But if you enjoy just playing with your friends, and sharing your experiences with other people like I do, then I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor.
  11. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    DayZ Fails Compilation

    Why do people always just rip the images off the "dayz" google image search? If you want more production value in your videos, take the initiative to do your own screenshots and stuff. Taking some stuff from google is fine, but just from your thumbnail I can see 4 completely overused generic dayz images. Just my two cents. Take it how you want but I'm giving you honest feedback. PS: The video is ok, its suppose to be silly so it works for that.
  12. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Request a new Instance

    The support system is not really functional right now, the admins have very limited control over what they can do at the moment. Be patient, I know it sucks but there really isn't much that can be done.
  13. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    DayZ Panthera | Episode 1 | Welcome To Panthera

    I didnt know panthera still gets players lol
  14. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Anti's & Stuff

    So, I usually hate posting these suggestions because the chance of them actually being used are slim to none. But I have two suggestions that I believe should be implemented as soon as possible. 1. A player should be able to "administer" antibiotics to another player, thus gaining additional humanity. and seeing how hard anti's are to find, it should be a decent amount of humanity gained. 2. You should be able to interrupt any activity (ie: refueling, repairing, using medical supplies, etc...) I cant stress enough how annoying it is to have zombies bashing your head in while you refill a jerrycan. That is all. If you agree, let me know. If you don't, YOU SUCK.
  15. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    FPS Hardware question.

    Yeah your laptop is nowhere near where it needs to be. Try following some guides to get as much FPS back as you can.
  16. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Heli not refueling.

    A heli has to be FULLY repaired in order to hold fuel. I'm afraid you will have to fix it somehow.
  17. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    [Machinima Series] Infection: Z *Episode 3 Now Live!*

    Looks really nice, good work keep it up.
  18. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Have: Special Weapons and Gear - Want: Ghillie and Ammo

    Ill give you a ghillie AND a camping tent for that SAW.
  19. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    DayZ & Other Livestreams

    Incase you missed this weeks livestream (Which I doubt you knew existed) Here is a recap: If you would like to check out my twitch channel click here: http://www.twitch.tv/grumpygat Appreciate it! I stream at least once a week!
  20. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Strange shadow figure at Green Mountain?

    the particular shade of black doesn't match the surroundings, the game wouldn't render such a dark blotch, and it would be effected by ambient lighting.
  21. GrumpyGat (DayZ)


    I love how people have now gone into a passive aggressive approach towards the standalone, it really makes me giggle.
  22. GrumpyGat (DayZ)


    Watch out! We got a badass over here!
  23. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Strange shadow figure at Green Mountain?

    All criminals eventually slip up. Just doing my job, protecting the people of Chernarus.
  24. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Im not sure what is causing the influx of strange occurrences in DayZ recently, but earlier today I spotted this horrendous creature. It was captured lurking around Elektro... I can't really explain it guys, It all happened so fast. All I know for sure it that no matter how many times I shot it and tried to take it down, it would not divulge a standalone release date. Fresh spawns beware!!
  25. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Strange shadow figure at Green Mountain?

    Detective Grumpy reporting for duty. This is very obviously fake. i don't even need to address the second screenshot at the "black figure" is exactly the same thing just pasted in. 1. zoomed into the figure to isolate. 2. enhance brightness 3. Clearly mark the trees profile 4. clearly show that the edge of the supposed entity is visible OVER the trees profile. I REST MY CASE! THIS WHOLE POST IS OUT OF ORDER!! but nice try trying to advertise your server.