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GrumpyGat (DayZ)

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Everything posted by GrumpyGat (DayZ)

  1. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Speed test

    VPN lol
  2. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Speed test

  3. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    What is DayZero? Here you go!

    again, it was still very informative and a good help, just thought I would suggest some ways to add "Production Value". :P EDIT: Also, you gotta fix your resolution, its very off putting :(
  4. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Slow torture. Lol.

    Hey I tried messaging on steam to feel you out, maybe giving you the extra copy of OA i bought during the summer sale, but you never replied to anything I said.. aw well
  5. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    What is DayZero? Here you go!

    Good video in terms of explanation and such, but if I were you I would have gone with an post-capture recording of the vocals, and chopped up some main key points in your footage rather than doing it as a let's play. Just my 2 cents. Beans regardless
  6. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Why can't I even play a ducking server?

    Perhaps the script scanners are finding your hack folders in your arma 2 directory. Delete scripts and try again. I'm sure you will deny deny, but if you are indeed guilty I hope this atleast helps lol
  7. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    New intro to my ongoing series, ratings ? :)) [Video]

    I agree with everyone above, its way too long.
  8. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Looking for players 25+

    40+ years old, with a 69 in your name. You life must be going swell.
  9. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    DayZ Weekly Recap #7 (seven days of news; one video!) - [4:02]

    Still can't believe you didn't include my DayZ Retro video in your weekly recap #5. damn thing was trending!
  10. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Is this okay to do? (SSD+HDD question)

    I have all my days mods and arma on a RAID 0 SSD and I really don't see a difference, maybe just in load times.
  11. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Realistic pill boxes and other items.

    Also matches should sometimes burn out, and should not work when wet. Perhaps If you hold them to long you burn your fingers. and you can hold a match to your dick to cauterize that zombie wound.
  12. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Me and the bandits.

    Try to get bullets in and around their eyes, that seems to work for me.
  13. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    No GUID or IP?!

    This is the absolute wrong section for something like this. Please look around before making a panic post. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/16-server-general/
  14. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    "Not Worry Friend" - Looking for Voice Actors

    I'm always down to do some voice work, I also have a studio quality mic. Check out the channel in my sig.
  15. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    So I heard some screams by devils castle..

    A few months ago I was at the polana factory and I swear I heard a baby crying. I nearly shat myself.
  16. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Why You Should Play on US264

    Sounds like a nice server, but this is not the section for this. try http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/16-server-general/
  17. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Take all the damn time you guys need, just give us a good game.
  18. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Big Rivers

    I'm sure rivers would end up being a prime feeding ground for bandits to shoot at boats in the bottlenecked areas.
  19. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    DayZ Youtube - Tutorial/Gameplay

    This belongs in the gallery tho...
  20. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Helicopter Gear

    Any vehicle that is beyond repair (ie. burnt to a crisp) will lose all its gear.
  21. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Let me love you!

    lol that was pretty funny
  22. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    So I was crab walking...

    You should have told him you where sniffing for clues
  23. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Being Sexually Violated in DayZRP

    There is nothing less intimidating than a flock of 12 year old British rapists.
  24. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Screenshots for our latest and last Real Life DayZ series video

    Thanks for the mature response to my passive aggressive, satirical and mocking post.
  25. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    DayZEVO Adventures EP01 | The Fallen Angel [Video]

    You lost me at your friend washing his sister, disturbing...