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About DJSade

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    On the Coast

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  1. DJSade

    Is DayZ a disappointment?

    Haha. I just wanted to share something about this game since I come by and check if there are any news on the updates. Forums are for sharing crap between people with a common interest no? I really feel lile this game kinda failed it fans, there are only a tenth of people playing it now and it's sad to see how the game will stay in the same place.. I mean 4 month for an update.. kinda abandoned no?
  2. DJSade

    Is DayZ a disappointment?

    I don't know. I got the most of the game at the first year of its alpha early access, what's the point of getting excited at release? Like, we paid for a release at some point - but whats the point if you never get to enjoy it.. And now, I don't even play it at all - the average playerbase in a day is 2500. Kind of disappointed how this game is a kind of unfinished project for years. Will you really be excited to see 1.0? What will be the difference from now.. It's gonna be the same with an fps buff, helicopters, slightly better graphics, slightly better mechanics. This is kind of disappointing to me.
  3. DayZ was a blast 2 years ago. But what do the community think about it now? And even with the upcoming .60 patch.. Is it a disappointment or not?
  4. DJSade

    Dayz for Xbox One?

    Well, I got PS3 and assuming this game comes out to consoles I can either upgrade my CPU or simply buy it to my PS3 (I prefer buying a new CPU though). But, I am planning to buy the XboX ONE. Will DayZ come out to the Next-Gen consoles ?