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Everything posted by johnm81

  1. johnm81

    Name 5 thinga you want the most for dayz asap.

    1 bugs fixed 2 melee system redone 3 base building epoch style 4 cars
  2. Two things. Add a stealth mechanism like in the mod. And two add an improved melee system aoe attack based off of arc swing like guild wars
  3. johnm81

    Suggestion - Board up existing houses

    Great idea. Would allow for clan territory wars as well.
  4. There is no reason why this game cant remove frustrating factors and maintain its hardcore feel. And to those who say we dont want the type of player that isnt like us let me say this. Eventually you have done it all a hundred times over and you will get bored without new content. Guess who pays for that? A steady stream of new players. You paid for development they pay for updates after gold.
  5. And yet the games that have the most success and have the capital to reinvest in their products are indeed the ones who are able to distill out frustrating features while leaving in challenging ones.
  6. 800k in sales is prob barely covers payroll n R&D.
  7. johnm81

    Clans/territory wars

    Combat logging fix wont bring a sense of community to the game. A base u n a clan maintain that is bound to the server will.
  8. To OP. You are correct. I love these ppl who could be summed up as 'too bad suck it up' would be the same people crying if servers get shut down due to low traffic. A game in this market is growing or dying. Give us players the ability to assist friends into the zombie apocalypse. Not everyone is hardy as the ones that blaze the trail but thats okay we need varity as it makes interaction more interesting vs everyone being the same gungho types as we all are.
  9. johnm81

    What, exactly, is the point of this game?

    You raise a significant point. After gearing up there isnt anything to do except pvp in some form...usually griefing. Thats why i think we need some sort of base building epoch style. So then the point is to rebuild civilization for ure grp.
  10. I like the idea. Me personally, I want to play DayZ for the survival aspect not so much the pvp. And so, I would take your idea and go even farther. I don't persay like the idea of forcing others into trying to survive in the woods, rather for players like me, simply offering me the ability to do so would be enough for my avatar to flip the world the middle finger and leave civilization. Crafting I would like to see to enable this: Hunting: 1. Animals ranging from small game to large game with an AI that can be aggressive. A large prey item should be dangerous if I wound it or miss. 2. Small game should have migration paths (more on this later). Foraging: 1. Plants should spawn edible parts for harvesting. Textures should be developed that will only be rendered when the player examines the part in their inventory. Unique textures should identify the plant part as edible, needs to be cooked first, or a poisonous species. 2. Other plants should be an indication to animal spawn spots. Low lying leafy green plants indicate rabbit spawns ect... Tools: 1. Stones should be crafted to crude blades, Blades make carved tools, ect.. Point is I should be able to collect enough items to start gearing up as a mountain man without ever having to set foot into a town. 2. Weapons such as bows or cross bows with crafted ammo should be open to me as well. Traps: 1. Animals that have migration paths can be trapped if a survivor knows where those paths are. 2. Traps can be set off by human players and are just as lethal. A set trap should be very hard to spot but not impossible if a human is looking for it. Shelters 1. Lean-to, Debris huts, ect... craft-able for storage/weather protection and textured with the same pallet as the foliage around it to make it very hard to spot. 2. Temperature/weather should be put back in DayZ and necessitate the use of shelters and fires to survive esp if a rain/snow storm is moving through.
  11. johnm81

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    After geared and fed what else is there in this game? This is why base building is so important. Give us something meaningful to do so we dont kos out of boredum
  12. Melee System. Suggested changes: 1. A melee weapon should be in the spawning load out. 2. Increase Melee weapon range. Currently zombie hand to hand equals a shovel, which makes no sense. 3. All melee weapons should knock down and stun a zombie on first hit for 3 seconds. Allowing player to hit them on the ground. 4. Give Melee weapons a right click blocking next attack move. As of right now with fire axes not exactly what I would call plentiful and zombie spawns slowly being turned up its getting frustrating to have to abandon a bunch of houses just because have a useless nerf foam melee weapon (aka all of them but the fire axe) with two zombies that seem to have a 95% bleed proc on their hand attacks which seem to have an equal if not longer range than my shovel, bat, ect...
  13. Your exhaustion or tiredness not withstanding its a moot point. Arma3 Breaking point has their characters start with a melee weapon and it works out well. Besides, when bandts are walking around with m4s who cares if you started with a shovel or your fists. On the other hand it compensates for a unrealistic aspect of this game and that is the inability of our characters to fashion melee weapons as ppl would if thisactually happened.
  14. Your personal attacks do not add any credit to your argument. You should rise above that. But being you opened an interesting topic, I would like to see all cars thart aren't enterable, to have a chance of having a lootable car part so I can repair wrecks. The part should take up a lot of pack space tho.
  15. This game has bullet physics. They have this for realism of the game. I make no claim that the game needs to be 100% realistic, but to assert that the game needs to differenciate between arm distance and arm + weapon distance isn't a stretch.
  16. I think for now, server stability and cheating is their priority as it should be.
  17. They follow longer esp when u come back to get the food you need or starve.
  18. I believe that would compensate
  19. No realism card applies. While zeds aren't realistic we are operating in a military sim game where realistic physical features apply like bullet drift. And yes even arm reach not being as long as weapon reach applies.
  20. The difficulty isn't in the fact you can run away, the difficulty is the fact that you are near dying of hunger/thirst and the only homes that have food in it u can't stop at cuz of zeds on your tail.
  21. Not if fixing the swing animation as rocket said they are doing means your swing is slower than a hand to hand strike.
  22. It really doesn't simplify the game. It makes 1v1 zeds more consistant. But you need to keep your eyes on where the game is going. The game is going to lots of zeds in towns. Lots. The ability to 1v1 a zed allows the element of strategy when approaching many zeds. You will have the increased complexity of how do you peel one off a group at a time. Instead of the blind dumb luck of did the server sync with my client enough detect the head shot? No? Oh well here bleed some for your trouble.
  23. Rethink it? Okay. ... Mhmmmm hummmm. Yeah I still think it needs to be in there to compensate for not letting my character pick up objects in the game world and use them as melee weapons. Your advice is useless as is my usual practice and has yielded similar results.
  24. Finding useful melee weapons, aka fire axe, is a bit of a challenge as loot spawns much less frequently as the Mod. Which segways into your question. Yes extensively. zeds in the mod were WAAAAAY more frustrating than the SA I will admit. So big improvement there, but imo some more small tweaks needed.