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Everything posted by johnm81

  1. The difference is if the game wont let me pick up the many objects around me to use as a melee weapon then spawning with one is a fix that brings the game closer to realism. Sick people with arm reach greater than a shovel breaks realism yes, that break is frustrating as well.
  2. True. weapons aren't hard to find. But the ones that actually are worth their salt are.
  3. You spawn with a shirt that can be made into bandages. You care bear, care bears everywhere Be a man and strip before playing. See I too can make pointless remarks.
  4. Not true. A bat wack to the head 'sometimes' puts them down. Not because what you say about the head hit box is false, but because the server client syncs aren't good enough for reliable aiming to the head = server sees a head hit.
  5. Two points to address; 1. We should spawn with a melee weapon because this game should strive for some degree of realism. If a zombie outbreak was reality, why wouldn't I as a survivor pick up the first branch, rock, shower curtain poll, fireplace poker, ect...? Melee weapons are just as abundant as the tshirts on our back that we have when we are 'birthed' on the southern coast. 2. You confusing the concept of challenging to frustrating. Unrealistic traits such as zombies have equal hand to hand combat range to a shovel isn't challenging its frustrating.
  6. Wrong, they get up right away.
  7. johnm81

    Does any one else feel burnt out already?

    Once they put in a good form of base building the game will be new imo.
  8. If you want to break kos mentality you need to give a reason to group. Put in a deep maintenance intensive epoch building system in that benefits from players form groups aka guilds in other games.
  9. johnm81

    RULE 1- Don't get attached to your gear

    I only get attached to one item and one item only. A Map. I think DayZ needs to take a note from Breaking point. Maps should spawn very frequently. People have maps makes the game more new player friendly and helps facilitate group play as spawning is random. Plz make map spawns just as frequent as those motorbike helms
  10. johnm81

    the melee system is crap

    Yeah this is true. However, I am not sure the shovel should have the same effect as it has a blade edge or a blunt side depending on how it swings. Wouldn't it be cool if the user could use one as a knock out weapon or a axe like cutting damage weapon?
  11. johnm81

    the melee system is crap

    I agree the melee system needs work. Several issues I know of... 1. Melee range seems to be equal or less than the melee range of zeds. Clearly this is physically wrong. 2. While Axe is fine the bat and shovel (maybe others I don't know) do little to no damage to the zed requiring many many hits. What I would like to see is a left click swing and hold right click block next auto attack with some negative like longer recovery time before you can swing or block again. This would not only make the system better but would make melee pvp interesting as well.
  12. More bandage spawn and for love of God less helmits. We get it rocket you really REALLY love those helmits. Yes they look good. You can now stop putting them everywhere. Like a mother that needs to show pics of their kids to EVERYONE...
  13. johnm81

    What DayZ Truly Needs

    It needs epoch base building.
  14. I would recommend the following changes to zombie speed, but I wouldn't put any of this in the game till vehicles are in the SA alpha. 1. Make Zombie speed 75% of player movement speed. 2. Institute an endurance when players are running. 3. Make Zombies chase and track of over loooong distance. (Already in SA) 4. Make vehicles far more common, but gas rare (Already intended to be in SA) As a player runs endurance decreases. When it reaches zero the player moves at 70% speed. This allows people like me who want the walking dead feel of zombies get what we want and at the same time makes zombies much more of a threat. Thanks.
  15. I am not an vet player by any means and so this suggestion may not be of much value but I've been thinking about this. So let me run this concept past you all in the hopes that maybe it will sway some opinions of players and devs. I started playing Zomboid and that game had a certain immersive feel that DayZ has been lacking for me. Then it struck me, Zomboid has WAAAAY more zombies AND they got the feel right. I am actually scared when i round a corner and see a huddled mob of zombies. That's what is missing from DayZ imo. In that game if you come across one or two zombies you can kill them no problem because they are slow, but due to the huge number of them and how they are attracted to the sound of you killing other zombies survival is much harder and more thrilling than DayZ. I suggest the following changes be made together: 1. Make DayZ Zeds slow lurching zombies -This will allow them to be picked off when alone but still dangerous in large numbers. -Also helps the annoying warping and zig zagging that they have now so instead they move slowly and in predictable ways 2. Make DayZ Zeds #'s not only very high, but concentrated in towns. -This will give players a reason to group up and work together to clear out small towns instead of kill on sight. If we 'NEED' other players to help clear a town then suddenly people will work together. 3. Make DayZ Zeds have a 10% chance upon hit to scratch or bite you. -A scratch or bite = you will die in 1-2 server days with no hope of curing it. Again this gives incentive to work as a group to kill zeds as they are much more deadly. 4. Make DayZ Zeds head shot only as some traviana servers have done. -Again, harder zombies, guarding resources = players needing each other to survive which is the essence of why survivors group up in shows like the walking dead ect...
  16. Hey Guys I'm happy to let you know that ARMA 3 Breaking Point has put in classical proper zombies.. I highly recommend you check this out. Smak was streaming it and the dev was on answering questions. Really awesome. Imo it is significant competition for the SA. http://www.thezombieinfection.com/ http://www.twitch.tv/xsmak
  17. johnm81

    Zombie Speed Suggestion

    Hey Guys I'm happy to let you know that ARMA 3 Breaking Point has put in classical proper zombies that walk and they are VERY dangerous. I highly recommend you check this out. http://www.thezombieinfection.com/
  18. Epoch has its failures. But it adds an actual endgame n gives a reason to grp up.
  19. No. I would want epoch building system in dayz without the bugs n glitched...obviously. Thats the point of making a standalone game.
  20. I would rather see an Epoch system than a cellar door in the middle of the woods leading to some underground bunker.
  21. I hope it will have aspects of Epoch in it. And when I say that, I mean, I hope it will have building/resource gathering system like epoch but without anything else of the Epoch features. Here is what we do know, Rocket stated that there will be a base building feature much later on near retail release of the game. He wasn't sure how it would look like, but he eluded to something under the ground, perhaps instanced, and raid-able by other players. I for one hope that the devs look at Epoch and take from it the good parts and realize how much of an end game Epoch adds and how much it encourages team play when gathering/defending/attacking takes place.
  22. johnm81

    Zombie Speed Suggestion

    Then if that is the case, how about the idea that this is pre-alpha/alpha and such a thing can be tested and kept if players like it or discarded if such a 'hissy fit' takes place. Isn't that was alpha is for? Testing?
  23. johnm81

    Zombie Speed Suggestion

    While I can't be sure of it, I thought this was something that was stated to be in the SA. I could be wrong though.
  24. johnm81

    Zombie Speed Suggestion

    I guess if I may be so bold to sum up your point, DayZ has a winning formula for you and you don't want to tinker with what isn't broken least risk breaking it. I understand it and a reasonable concern to have. But I would say no great game was made even better by not having a mind set of always seeking ways to improve it.