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Max Planck

DayZ Forum Team
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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    And you, 'pacific_coast', need to be held accountable for your previous behaviour here, and therefore can not be allowed to create new accounts to escape old bans. Bye bye.
  2. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/136-official/
  3. Max Planck

    Player Numbers

    Did you really create an account just to tell people here to go to another forum?
  4. Max Planck

    Doors and the Infected

    Soon... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/204280-nav-mesh/
  5. Max Planck

    Stay AWAY from this server.

    When a topic gets locked, it stays locked. Take a break from the forums.
  6. News will be posted in the Announcements forum area as they become available. Untill they, no one knows a thing. Locked.
  7. Server hosters can not make rules about how or whom people are allowed to engage on their server. Look: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/
  8. Max Planck

    Update Today?

    Because that's where all those quick little questions go, it even says so on the forum front page.General Discussion is for discussion topics about DayZ.
  9. Bit crass though, and not at all helpful. I've reported myself for it and I'm not the only one.But I do feel that exploiting the video settings to murder people more efficiently goes against the 'spirit' of the game, and that, to me, is what makes this particular game special. Dayz is not about k/d ratio, it's not about 'winning' and it's not about any other kind of statistic that separates you from the experience, it's about "running-alone-in-the-woods, oh-so-scared my golly" and all the side stories that human interaction will create on that basis. But that is me, mileage may vary.
  10. Max Planck

    My resolution!

    Why do people not read stickied threads? We make them because we want to help. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/203970-resolution-problems-read-here-before-posting/ This has no place in General Discussion, please don't just post at random.
  11. Max Planck

    Need help lost gear to Glitch

    Gear will not be replaced, sorry. This game is still in development and these things happen, I also believe you have been warned that something like this might happen, before purchasing.
  12. Max Planck

    NEW Enddayz Overpoch

    Just one bump per day, please.
  13. You have to set 'Anti-aliasing' to 'embarrassing', 'Shadows' to 'Full Cheat' and 'Texture Quality' to 'Being a wanker'. Also, moved. Don't do that again please, it is a weakness of the engine that certain will exploit. We are all "wankers" to some degree ! Bb
  14. Max Planck

    Arma II | DayZ error

    Moved to DayZ Mod Troubleshooting.
  15. Max Planck

    Player activated environment sounds

    They are, but the environment sounds (birds and branches and such) aren't. It would be nice if those sounds had a purpose too, other than just being random background noise.
  16. Max Planck

    End game content?

    If that's your only comment, don't bother posting. Let's have some quiet time in the back seat. DayZ gun mechanics aren't finished and Arma3 is not a game 'purely for PvP'. Other than that, and this has probably been said a few times already, the game is what you make of it. For someone who plays in a group, I could imagine 'end game content', for lack of a better word, to be something like controlling an area of the map. Also hoarding, everyone loves oarding stuff. Personally, as a solo player, I like to steal shit. I like searching for, and finally finding, big fat bases and sneakly hidden caches. My 'end game content' would be to find large camp and plan, then pull off, a 'heist'. Then hoard all the stuff.
  17. Max Planck

    Why no 24h-cycle servers with nighttime ?

    It isn't '24hourdaylight' by design, it's because most of the server hosters don't want nighttime on their servers. It will probably change when more night-oriented items get introduced and when the nighttime lighting gets improved.
  18. Max Planck

    Why is it so hard to install and run?

    A 'mod' is a modification of an existing game. The DayZ Mod is a modification of Arma2, the 'DayZ Standalone' is a new game currently in development. To start DayZ Mod, simple follow kichilron's instructions, it is very easy. If you still find it completely impossible, I'd recommend sticking with playing unmodified games. User developed modifications (mods) always require a little more patience than the games they are based on, it is the nature of the beast.
  19. Max Planck

    How do you like your boar?

    Topig is pointless.
  20. Max Planck

    player stuck

    Did you set up a separate account for the tracker?
  21. That kind of stuff is not okay here, make your points without personal insults in the future. Thanks. As for the topic, locked. These 3rdP/1stP topics always turn into flamefests, it's is unbelievable that the issue can make people lose all decency in just a few pages. Please be better than that. This goes for everyone: if you can't say something without being a dick about it, don't say it.
  22. You are in the DayZ Standalone forum now, try having a look over here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/6-dayz-mod/ Please, have a good look around and do some research before posting questions, the information is there and readily available.
  23. You buy it from Steam. But remember, it is in a very early part of the development phase, it is still a work in progress. If you want a finished game, I suggest you wait for the full release. You could also try the DayZ Mod, for which you need Arma2 and Arma2: Operation Arrowhead.