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Max Planck

DayZ Forum Team
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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    Resolution problem

    Here is a guide: http://imgur.com/a/nPJ7Y We also have a pinned topic on this, on the very top of the page this was posted on.
  2. Max Planck

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Smiley or no smiley, that's not the way we talk to each other around here. Take a break. Let's get away from the personal bickering and back on topic now, people.
  3. Max Planck

    PPSH-41 Could We see it?

    Suggestion forum: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/128-suggestions/ List of already existing suggestions: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/186014-list-of-already-existing-suggestions/ Weapon suggestion thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172276-the-communitys-list-of-suggested-weapons-for-dayz-standalone-version-124/
  4. Max Planck

    Problem with DayZ

    Try the servers closest to you, the ones with the lowest ping. People in Europe can usually play on servers in the US and vice versa, so it should be possible for you to find a server to play on.
  5. Max Planck

    The Mantra of a Dayz "Hero"

    "If you are cold I will offer you warmth." Sure you will. Pervert. I'm on to you.
  6. Max Planck

    Servers not showing up

    Merged. More reading, less crossposting please.
  7. Max Planck

    Experimental problem

    I think stable and experimental is the same build at the moment.
  8. Max Planck

    please do something about esp reader hack.

    If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Posting a topic will result in it being locked.
  9. Max Planck

    Please help.

  10. Max Planck

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Also, no multi accounting please. Your old account was temporarily suspended for spamming, the suspension should be lifted shortly. Please quit the spammy spam-spam now.
  11. Max Planck

    some ideas for trading/cash

    Cash wouldn't be worth anything without a large organised group (like a state) backing it up. Without that, it is just bits of metal and paper. Money is basically IOU's issued by a country.
  12. Max Planck


    If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Posting a topic will result in it being locked.
  13. Max Planck

    I am shaking...but!

    I see what you did there, with the title. I see it.
  14. Max Planck

    Coincidence? Or...

    If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff, it will be looked into and verified.
  15. Max Planck

    Religion in DayZ, is a god out there ?

    It goes for everyone, you too. Next time while be the last time, for a while. Locked.
  16. Max Planck

    hackers hacker everywhere

    If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff, it will be looked into and verified.
  17. Max Planck

    Humanity level bandit and hero skin

    You want to remove the whole system of individual pieces of clothing, and replace it with simple skins??
  18. Max Planck

    Religion in DayZ, is a god out there ?

    Cpanther, stop with the personal attacks please.
  19. Max Planck

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    You have been told several times to quit the homophobic remarks, but you completely ignore it. Off you go, then.
  20. Private shards should make this possible. Source: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/206651-status-report-week-of-august-4-2014/
  21. Max Planck

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    We actually have a pinned topic on the matter, is has been there since May 15th. If we were trying to cover anything up, we would be doing a really bad job. But don't trust my scheming, conspiring self, have a look: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/195964-dayz-sa-security-leak/ Feel free to post there, it's an open topic.
  22. Max Planck

    Player activated environment sounds

    I agree. I stick suddenly breaking in a forest should mean 'oh fuck'. Birds flying up and shrieking would mean 'uh-oh'. 'Someone could be here'.
  23. Max Planck

    Server Questionw

    MrTopBanana is right. That's why he's the top banana.
  24. Max Planck

    Someone Please Help

    Okay, I got it. I just needed to know which one of your threads to hide. As Zyryanoff said, try to include some real screenshots and describe your problem in more detail. Also include your pc specifications. It's hard to help based on what we have now.