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Max Planck

DayZ Forum Team
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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    Something for the ladies... the Pink Derringer exists!

    How many inventory slots does it take up?
  2. Max Planck


    Merged. Don't reopen closed topics, if you think they were closed in error you can take it up with the moderator in question or with the forum administrator.
  3. Max Planck


    Please read this before posting in this section: This section of the forum is for clans/groups to advertise their groups details as well as for players that are looking for a group/clan. -This section is not to be used for ex clan members or anyone else to post their dislike of a certain clan, doing so will result in action being taken. If a clan is breaking the forum rules, please report them to us. -Bumping is permitted but is not to be abused. If your post is on the first page then please don't bump. Otherwise please don't bump your thread more than once per day. Don't advertise Clans/groups based on religious themes/ideals. Don't advertise Clans/groups based on known real world hate groups that could offend. Don't advertise Clans/groups with offensive titles. Please don't use this thread to advertise anything else or to provide links to sites with the intention of making money. All other forum rules apply within this thread with regards to bumping, spamming, trolling, flaming and double posting. Source.
  4. Max Planck

    What changed?

    It's all in here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/134-development-blogs-status-reports/
  5. Max Planck

    dayz mod problem

    I have no idea why Steam won't let you install, maybe you could contact Steam support and ask. As for DayZCommander, have a look at this: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/205545-dayz-commander-not-working-read-this-dayz-launcher-the-new-alternative/
  6. Max Planck

    dayz mod problem

    Are you still trying to launch it with DayZCommander, or through Steam?
  7. Max Planck

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    On topic, please? Please.
  8. Max Planck

    Fix Respawn Glitch After Drowning

    The Suggestion forum is not for suggesting that the devs continue to develop the game, it's more for actual suggestions regarding content, direction etc. That development will continue is a given, we don't need to suggest that. If you want a specific bug/issue to get more attention, the feedback tracker is your place: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php
  9. Max Planck

    DayZ + Spintires?

    Merging topics.
  10. Max Planck

    Get it off your chest!

    Harteman and Dac, quit with the personal insults please. It's about the ball, not the man
  11. Max Planck

    Private Shard Pricing is Outrageous

    Private shard hosters provide a community service too, hosting servers for people to play on. There might be a few who will restrict their server to their own closed group, but I'm pretty sure the majority want other people to play with.
  12. The brave Christopher "Barechested Alphamale" Livingston over at RPS has carried out an experiment with perma-permadeath in DayZ, please read about it here. A few blurbs from the article: And the comments: So what do you guys think? Would like to up the stakes and try something similar? I was thinking about trying a watered down version myself, where dying would make me stay away for a month or so. That's kind of how I play already though, so I guess it wouldn't make a great difference, but it still might add some sweat to my furrowed brow. Any takers? Any other ideas for added consequence?
  13. Max Planck

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    You are against people setting voluntary challenges for themselves that affect no others in any way? Why would someone put a voluntary challenge on himself, then cheat to avoid it?
  14. Max Planck

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    Who said it was? Except for the guy in the article, that was the whole point of it. So, it is not for you then. Good for you, have fun however you choose to play.
  15. There are very few Vanilla servers, so I'm pretty sure you could find a good crowd of regulars. I only know of one vanilla server off hand, and it is pretty full mostly. There is still a good amount of people who want to play the original mod, they just don't have a lot of places to go. If you are looking for specific suggestions, a 1st person only vanilla server would be mine. I don't know if it would get a large following, but I think it would be the only one of its kind. I'd play on it.
  16. Max Planck

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    Now that's masochism. Or maybe it's a really sneaky way to procrastinate. "I swear honey, I'll do the dishes when I die!"
  17. Max Planck

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    How are we supposed to have discussions in this forum if it gets spammed with livestream topics? No need to answer that, it was a rethorical question. Livestream posts go in the livestream topic, end of story. The people who enjoys watching streams will come here to find them.
  18. Max Planck

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    Nobody is saying it should be a core feature... We are talking about special servers. We are talking about a personal choice. If you didn't read the article or the comment in this thread, please don't comment.
  19. Max Planck

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    No, at least I don't. Can't speak for the others, there might be one or two... The game is what we make of it, and some of us thinks that self-imposed difficulties like this would make it better. It has nothing to do with masochism, it has to do with trying to shape the experience and getting exactly what we are seeking out of it. It's about getting value for our purchase, one could say. The point is not to limit, but to enhance the experience.
  20. Max Planck

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    I agree, I think Christophers' attempt was a little, let's say foolhardy. The essential idea was good though, if a bit extreme.
  21. Max Planck

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    People, eh? Can't live with them, has to be one. But you are right, even the forum admin is trolling my topic.
  22. Max Planck

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    It wouldn't happen, it can't happen. The game would not be changed so drastically this far into development and after 2mil people have paid for it. We can still discuss voluntary options though, I really think servers with limited respawns would change the way people play in a more survival oriented direction. I would love to see it happen.
  23. Max Planck

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    The buggyness did have a good deal to do with how he died, maybe the game isn't really ready for an extreme experiment like this one. But less could do. I've been thinking about that and I kind of like the idea. I don't think it would go down well though, and it wouldn't be fair to introduce something like that this far into development. Maybe on special servers or something like that? EDIT: Yeah, something like that.
  24. Max Planck

    Get it off your chest!

    This is a 'confession' thread, right? If it turns into a repeat of the Hacking/Ranting topics, It will be locked.
  25. Max Planck

    Get it off your chest!

    I confess that the only thing I have ever actually reported to the dev team, was a spelling error.