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Max Planck

DayZ Forum Team
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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    DayZ poem

    You forgot 'goodbye VS3.'
  2. Max Planck

    Learning The Map

    I can help you move your topic to the mod section. As for the map, you can find it if you google it, but using an out-of-game map really ruins the feel of the game in my opinion.
  3. Max Planck

    how do you stay warm?

    You're in luck, I just saw that someone posted a video on how to do that. I'm not sure if it is a very serious one, though. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/221526-the-best-dayz-campfire-tutorial/
  4. Max Planck

    how do you stay warm?

    Put warm clothes on, run, be near a fire, carry hot stones (or guts) around. I don't think being inside makes any difference.
  5. It's all here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/221332-054-issues/ EDIT: Maybe not the pig thing.
  6. Max Planck

    Weapon Sway!

    Just because the stamina system hasn't been implemented yet, it doesn't mean that everything else has to be unrealistic as well. Using that line of reason, everything could be justified: "Why should fall damage be tweaked, the lack of a stamina system is unrealistic too." "Why should the thirst and hunger mechanics be tweaked, the lack of a stamina system is unrealistic too." "Why should a stamina system be, oh wait..." "Why can't I breath fire like a dragon, the lack of a stamina system is unrealistic too." Fact is, the game is fairly early in development and a lot of systems and features have yet to be implemented. Using this as an argument against further development of the game's features just boggles my mind. It boggles it good.
  7. You guys need to report these abuses, posting it on the forums will change absolutely nothing. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/ EDIT: From the banner in the server area:
  8. Max Planck

    Weapon Sway!

    Exactly. Though abilities should not necessarily be taken away, but maybe altered a bit. Like, they could fail sometimes. Otherwise I agree with what you've said, except this: I do find it a bit weird that our 'everyman' character is more of a 'can-do-anything' character. I don't think that opinion makes me 'idiotic' though. How exactly the imperfect nature of our character could play out in the game, I have no idea. There has been talk of a 'miniskill system', something I know would please a lot of people. I don't know, and I have no specific suggestion. I do know that I rather have a game where we play fumbling, bumbling, desperate survivors of a sudden, catastrophic and overwhelming disaster, trying to get our next meal and avoid dying in the process, while falling over things, loosing things and being terrible shots at the worst possible moment, than a game where we play groups of soldiermen fighting other groups of soldiermen. I already own Arma2+3 for that.
  9. Max Planck

    0 desync and so much LAG!

  10. Max Planck

    3D model extraction

    Oh, nonononono. No messing with the files. Locked.
  11. Max Planck

    3D model extraction

    Wait, how is this related to DayZ exactly?
  12. Max Planck

    1fps in towns

    Please don't bump a troubleshooting topic as old as this one, todays problems aren't necessarily the same as the ones we had a years ago. It will only lead to confusion and misleading advice. Locked. EDIT: I know this is not in Troubleshooting, but it should have been.
  13. Max Planck

    So what's the policy with public servers today?

    It is not allowed and you should be reporting it, it's currently the only thing there is to do about it. Well... Reported servers usually get a warning first time (provided there is some sort of proof), only if they persist in their behaviour will it be closed. And they do get closed. Reporting servers lead to results, posting about it on the forums do not. Locked.
  14. Max Planck

    Sandwiches and baking

    Merged. Please don't crosspost, just post once and in the right forum area.
  15. Max Planck

    Weapon Sway!

    Nope, there is no storyline at the moment. Maybe sometime in the future, but right now we are just some civilian who turned out to be immune to the virus.
  16. Max Planck

    Weapon Sway!

    Maybe the character you are controlling isn't an avid shooter?
  17. I've passed the question on to the powers that be, will get back to you here when/if I get an answer. But keep in mind that it is Sunday.
  18. Max Planck

    Game "Stuck" in low poly

    Moved to DayZ SA troubleshooting... It sounds to me like you have a problem with your GPU.
  19. Max Planck

    Persistent notes on paper

    Oh man, you are right. This is embarrassing, now I really wish I hadn't tried to be funny. In that case, I fully support the suggestion. I would also like to add the suggestion that the mod and SA forums should be easier to tell apart. Sorry OP.
  20. Look here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/191410-dayz-support-stuck-characters/
  21. Max Planck

    Relis_Original videos

    Please don't use this forum to advertise youtube channels, just post your videos. If they are good, people will subscribe.
  22. DayZCommander doesn't work, just launch the mod from Steam.
  23. Max Planck

    Persistent notes on paper

    The devs work so fast they have already read your suggestion, considered it, and implemented it in the past.
  24. Max Planck

    Why I Get Kicked From Battleye

    Merged. Stop posting about your global ban here, there is nothing anyone can do. Contact BattlEye if you want to dispute the ban.
  25. Max Planck

    0 desync and so much LAG!

    Try deleting all your launch options, they mess with the new build something awful.