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Max Planck

DayZ Forum Team
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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    Hitchhiking in DayZ. It works!

    I'm sure you'll get more rides if you put those guns away, they make you look a little bit like, you know, an armed psychopath.
  2. Max Planck

    Hitchhiking in DayZ. It works!

    That's great, I love his outfit. It looks like he is just going about his business, apocalypse or no apocalypse.
  3. Max Planck

    A download for dayz comnmander

    I have no idea, but you can have a look over here: http://epochmod.com/forum/ It's the Epoch forums, so I'm sure there is a guide or something over there.
  4. Max Planck

    A download for dayz comnmander

    People still play it, yes. A lot fewer though, now that the standalone is in Early Access.
  5. Max Planck

    A download for dayz comnmander

    It doesn't work anymore, you shouldn't use it even if you can find it. Edit: Aargh, a ninja.
  6. Max Planck

    New server and I can't use/see it

    I was not aware of this, seems I have some reading to do. Thanks.
  7. Max Planck

    New server and I can't use/see it

    That's good to hear, let's all pretend it was my doing. You have an excellent avatar and name, by the way. I not afraid to say that I'm a fan. Would you mind telling me just what the hell it is?
  8. Max Planck

    hoe to del forum accunt

    Is it because you want to change your name? You can contact Boneboys about that. If you just want to delete your existence here, you can edit out all your content and stop using the account.
  9. Well, did you try this? This is the DayZ forum by the way, we have nothing to do with Epoch.
  10. Max Planck

    public shard "multicharacter" / character selection

    Well, we can always agree to disagree. I'm not completely sure what exactly I'm disagreeing with though, people shouldn't fear death, they should fear death? I don't get it.
  11. Max Planck

    public shard "multicharacter" / character selection

    That exactly, is the problem with it. One should fear death more than anything.
  12. I went there on vacation several times as a kid, didn't know it had found its way into arma3.
  13. Max Planck

    Status Report - 3 mar 15

    Hehe. I'm not saying anything. This and this though, is absolutely golden. I agree with Yazar, best update yet.
  14. Max Planck

    Bug... or was I shot...?

    Oh, the ladder. I wasn't paying full attention while reading and was thinking of the stairs. I wouldn't know much about the ladder bugs as I haven't touched a single ladder, not even the deerstand ones, in my entire time with the standalone. The mod scarred me, it scarred me for life.
  15. Max Planck

    Bug... or was I shot...?

    Hard to say, but some people do spend an incredible amount of time looking at firestation towers through their scopes. To each his own.
  16. Max Planck

    Open discourse about hoarding.

    Yeah yeah, AIDS. Not acceptable, scoot for a few. You know the drill. Guys, please chill out. It's been a long day and it's just a game. A game about hoarding stuff. Endless hoarding.
  17. Max Planck

    Considering Purchasing the Game

    Have a break, carpet man. Censorship, you yell? You bet it is. I censor away the stupidity. Take a break from the forums, please take a break from DayZ as well. At least until it is released, that is. If the walls are broken at 1.0 still, I'll join you in moaning. Until then, enough of this. You had a single dodgy death in an early access game, and you have made multiple topics and posts about it. Get over it, enough.
  18. Max Planck

    Where to go when I first spawn...?

    Pretend you are a clueless survivor with no knowledge of the area, who've just been washed up on the beach. Go where you think you'll be likely to find food, clothes and shelter. Is that a house up ahead? Check it out maybe, but be careful. The locals seem... aggrevated, somehow. The game is about the experience of surviving against the odds, of desperate struggle, confusion and despair should be part of it. It is not a competition to get 'the best gear' or to win the beach brawler battle in Cherno. My advice for a new spawn? ignore the youtubers, ignore the out-of-game maps, guides and lootlists and just play. Immerse yourself, the DayZ world works best if you pretend it's the only one.
  19. Max Planck

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    When all features are in, bug hunting and optimization starts. In Beta.
  20. Max Planck

    Considering Purchasing the Game

    It isn't slowing down, and it isn't slow. A lot of the important progress happens on separate code branches though, and we won't see big leaps before those get merged into experimental/stable. The dev team have recently started communicating a whole lot on these official forums, they release weekly progress reports and the team leaders communicate with us and answers questions. I don't see any signs of slacking, development and communications seems a lot more 'structured' than it used to. Yes, but the bugs sure can be annoying. Some people seem to be affected a lot, some don't. If you are likely to pull your hair out in frustration, I suggest you wait. Hair is important. No, but sometimes I do regret playing it a bit. It's the old sausage factory comparable: A sausage can be a lot less appealing if you see how it is made. The current build is fairly far from the end goal though, but there is still the risk of burning out on it before it is even made.
  21. New zombies are being developed on a separate branch so they can be tampered with without messing up the working parts, we haven't seen them yet. Something is about to happen though, have a look here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/221751-status-report-3-mar-15/ Locked.
  22. Max Planck

    New server and I can't use/see it

    Klunt, did you get it sorted? I have yet to get a reply from upstairs.
  23. Max Planck

    This makes no sence.

    This. If you were banned by Battleye, contact Battleye.
  24. Max Planck


  25. Max Planck

    stuck under a house.... please help

    Or this: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/191410-dayz-support-stuck-characters/