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Max Planck

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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. (Yesterday 04:55 AM)Max Planck Wrote: Noone is saying there aren't any guns in eastern Europe. I'm saying that there are LESS guns. is where I was basing my sarcastic exaggeration of your posts so far. You have it misunderstood then. I meant less than the US' date=' not less than the rest of Europe.[/font'] You are just that one asshole that is always on a forum who has the notion that no one but you is allowed to have an opinion and you must argue your point to anyone who disagrees with you, no matter what. I guess it takes one to know one. You are doing the exact same thing, except that you insist it must be public. You also seem to prefer calling me a cocksucker to arguing your point. Chernarus is based on the Czech Republic, who have very very lax gun laws compared to most European countries, excluding Switzerland. If there was a zombie apocalypse that wiped out most of the world's population, let me know how far you get without using a firearm. Correct, the Czech like their guns and are allowed to have them. But this does not mean that Mr & Mrs Czech Republic are packing, like in the US where gun ownership is a very common thing - probably due to your revolutionary history. Also, I got about three days ingame without shooting anything. I could do a lot longer if I were on a ship with no zombies around. I never said America was like Europe' date=' I said Europe has more far firearms available to civilians than you're trying to make it seem. You're that asshole who blindly defends a game no matter what the developers do to it, you're like the biodrones on the Bioware forums who blindly defend any and every patch, addition, hotfix, expansion, and game update to any game, regardless of how awful it is and scour every post of a 1000+ reply thread in search of anyone who disagrees and says the update isn't very good just so you can say how stupid they are and how awesome the new update is and why the game is better this why and why their opinion is worthless compared to yours. Take your rage to the Bioware forums, I do not frequent those. I'm not "blindly defending any and every patch" I'm saying I like this particular change, just like you say that you don't. I seems, having an opinion that differs from yours is what makes me an "asshole". Tell me one last thing, why do you need to have this discussion publicly? Are you some type of exhibitionist?
  2. QQ more Rocket's dick needs a little more sucking' date=' you haven't quite gotten all of the semen out of it. [/quote'] Cute. Tell me where I said it? You can't. How is saying "USA =/+ Europe" equal to sucking Rocket's dick? You are digging a hole here, i can barely see you anymore.
  3. Max Planck

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    It's a Windows function to end a process/application' date=' you can't disable it. [/quote'] For some reason it does not work for me. Not that it matters, but it is weird. I'm using Win7.
  4. Right then. I'll PM you my long winded answer instead of further ruining this doomed thread. I'm not spending anymore time arguing with you and I'm not doing so in a private message with you' date=' which I've since deleted. You don't know what you're talking about in terms of firearms, firearm availability, firearm laws, etc. Shooting, maintaining, and collecting firearms is my only hobby. You trying to tell me that 'hurr durrrrr handguns aren't even common in Europe, especially Eastern Europe', is so beyond idiotic I can't even explain it to you. It does not make any sense to not spawn with a firearm. You are one of the few survivors after the world was destroyed by a zombie infection, it makes zero sense for you to have gotten this far without even a small pistol. You spawn with a chest rig and plate carrier, yet no firearm? This makes as much sense as a flight simulator where you spawn in a flight suit with an oxygen mask and yet no airplane. [/quote'] Since you insist on sharing your unbelievable stupidity with everyone, instead of keeping this thread reasonably clean, i shall indulge you. First, I never said that "hurr durrrrr handguns aren't even common in Europe, especially Eastern Europe", you made that up you lying little shit. Second, "I'm not spending anymore time arguing with you and I'm not doing so in a private message with you, which I've since deleted" But you do, you lying little shit, you just want to do it in front of everyone. And deleting the PM? I guess you couldn't come up with a better answer than "hurr durrrrr". Third, "It does not make any sense to not spawn with a firearm. You are one of the few survivors after the world was destroyed by a zombie infection, it makes zero sense for you to have gotten this far without even a small pistol." Balls. I've survived in the game for several days without firing a single shot. Your guy could have been holed up in a cellar, or on a ship, while the zompocalypso went on. Fourth, "You spawn with a chest rig and plate carrier, yet no firearm? This makes as much sense as a flight simulator where you spawn in a flight suit with an oxygen mask and yet no airplane." A flight simulator is all about flying so of course you'll have an airplane. This is a survival game you don't necessarily need a gun for that, at least not from the beginning. The player model might also get changed, this is still alpha, remember? Fifth, If you must persist in making up shit you think I should have said, please sent it in a PM. There is no reason to barf your gun nut rage all over the forums. Ta'.
  5. Right then. I'll PM you my long winded answer instead of further ruining this doomed thread.
  6. No' date=' you just don't get it. I was replying to the the question Rocket asked. As for the game it doesn't matter if there are less guns. It matters that.... 1) It's the POST apocalypse, not a week after it began. Anyone left who is alive would already have a firearm. You start out with a chest rig, plate carrier, holster, boots, etc. It doesn't make sense that you don't have a firearm. 2) It's the POST apocalypse, meaning the military and government is gone, but their equipment and firearms are not. The police in Eastern Europe/Western Russia all have Makarovs, do you think they would disappear when they die? Oh for fuck's sake. Go to Prague or Eastern Ukraine and ask the people there how awesome it is to live there. It's a shit hole in the eastern Slavic countries. I didn't say America was any better, there are shit holes here too like Detroit. The game happens to take place in a fictionalized version of one of these shit holes. Remove the bloody tampon from your vagina and stop looking into every post which some kind of attitude. 1. 'Post' means 'after', it could be a week after, it could be less, it could be more. We have no way of knowing. 2. You seem to have some insider info on the lore. Tell me, how did the cops die and the players get their guns? By the way, the Makarov PM is being replaced with that Yarygin pistol since 10 years ago. When Rocket asked his question about firearm possesion, I am fairly sure he meant "who" as in "who in the games' area", not "who in America" or "who in Iraq" or "who in the Cayman Islands". Also, you are being incredibly rude and Prague is a rather nice place. Have you ever been there?
  7. Did you see where I said I was playing Devils' Advocate? I wrote basically the same as a lot of other people, but I replaced 'America' with 'Iraq'. Then you come scooting in throwing a fit, in all caps no less. I don't even need to argue my point myself when I have you around, do I?
  8. Ok, how is this for an argument, just playing Devils' Advocate a little:
  9. Ok, I completely misunderstood then. You made it so you can run the patch through Steam? I've just been opening it from the folder, it works fine except your 'time-played' on Steam is capped at 16 hours. That means, if you post on the Steam Arma forum every reply will be "LOL NUB U ONLY PLAY 16 HUORS!!1!". This is fairly easy to live with. It is even easier to stay a long ways away from the Steam forums. EDIT: Zed baby, you are to fast for me. Swoosh!
  10. Max Planck

    So when is the rollback to 1.6?

    Well, he'll have to wait for the other guys to come out first. Give the man a break, he's trying!
  11. Kudos for doing the work, but is it really necessary? All you have to do to manually install the beta patch is: 1. Download beta patch 2. Double click the installer 3. That's it I don't understand why people have problems with this, but if your program helps them all is good I guess!
  12. Max Planck

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    Calling me a liar, are we? I have seen a pitch black night. I was in a forest, not out in the open, but it was indeed so dark that I could not see my own hands. I have nrmal eyesight by the way.
  13. Max Planck

    Jerry can + Box of Matches!

    And then' date=' All the zombies from Elektro, Cherno and Balota come running :D [/quote'] Aah, that would be great! It would be so funny if zombies reacted to voice chat. Imagine having a bicycle and a megaphone, driving all over the map ringing the bell and gathering the biggest zombie train in history.
  14. Max Planck

    Jerry can + Box of Matches!

    I love the megaphones idea. "Who's shooting in Chernooo!"
  15. Max Planck

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    If there is a new moon and full cloud cover, there is no light. No light. The problem with the recently introduced lighting is that the light there is does not reflect off of things. So even on a nice starry night, the ground is pitch black. This is the problem and I am sure it will get fixed eventually, but by Bohemia - not Rocket. The lighting was introduced in a beta patch, remember?
  16. Everyone? Well, I don't. So you are wrong.
  17. You just don't get it do you? Noone is saying there aren't any guns in eastern Europe. I'm saying that there are LESS guns. America =/= 'Standard' Also, "Slav shithole"? What the FUCK is wrong with you? If anybody talked about the US like that, people here would throw a massive fit! Your blind nationalism is an embarrassment to all of us.
  18. Max Planck

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Anyone played Amnesia: The Dark Decent? No firearms there, no offence at all. Only monsters, and running and hiding. It's a great game. Obviously I'm not saying there shouldn't be guns in DayZ, I want to make that perfectly clear. I'm just saying that it is not set in stone that you should be able to shoot things all the time.
  19. Max Planck

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    But then we'll all be the same? ... Sorry, I'll get my coat.