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Max Planck

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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    225 km2

    Because he will insult you' date=' bypass his ban and get you banned. [/quote'] Has anyone ever been so far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  2. Why hello there, and welcome to the forums. May you have a pleasent stay. With such a heart opening first post I'm sure you will be well cared for. Nice photo though. Is it open source or do you retain the copyright?
  3. Max Planck

    225 km2

    Hey, that's me! How did you do that? If find it hard to be fancy on this forum without copy/pasting from elsewhere.
  4. Max Planck


  5. Max Planck


    You are the only one. Not saying it doesn't work, just sayin'.
  6. Max Planck

    Oh, Heartthrob

    I have a question about the new heartbeat mechanic. Can anyone explain what it sounds like and how close I have to be to hear it? I had an incident yesterday where I thought I heard a players heartbeat, but it might have been his backpack or some sort of hobnailed boots... Sorry guy. I was in the forest near NWAF, just minding my own business, when all of a sudden this guy comes darting through the woods making the weirdest sound. He went "Tink-tink-tink-tink-tink!", with some other noises mixed in as well. It didn't at all sound like the noise my own backpack makes, It was really loud and since he was in ghillie I would not have seen him if it hadn't been for the racket he made. Anyway, I thought it was a heartbeat, made a split second decision and shot him. Now I'm a murderer. Not how I planned. So, any experiences with the heartbeat thing?
  7. Max Planck

    Oh, Heartthrob

  8. Max Planck

    How do I open a door?

    Here's some: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Manual#Character_Controls
  9. Hmm. Strange. Maybe the guy who emptied out your tent forgot/didn't know that you can put stuff in vehicles? It happened to me once, I had found a bus which I then drove around in a calm and responsible manner. When I was done I left and walked halfway across the map only to realize that you can loot those things. It still doesn't explain why the car is still there though.
  10. I miss other peoples' tents. Now I have to work for my stuff.
  11. Max Planck

    i know it's a beta but...

    Youtube videos. Here's one I like:
  12. Max Planck

    i know it's a beta but...

    Seriously guys,he is just trolling. There is no way anyone could think it's a beta, as every third post in these forums says "it's in ALPHA! ALPHA! ALPHA!". It is even stickied! Right now the OP is going "loool lololol i troll you!" while thinking of his misspent youth and crying a little inside.
  13. Max Planck

    Ingame voip question

    Thanks, that explains why people can't hear me. Sorry guy, who got shot for not identifying yourself.
  14. Max Planck

    Careful not to RANDOMLY DIE during this "HOTFIX"

    I just spilled my drink. It shouldn't happen, and I am so tired of the 'gravity' excuse.
  15. What happened to the water bottles?
  16. I don't think the new hatchet is all that great. Could we have the old one back? It kinda sucks having to choose between having a rifle and being able to chop wood. Maybe something else could be used for a melee weapon? Hammer? Length of pipe?
  17. Ok, we can play it your way.
  18. Max Planck

    Got some big ol' Bags

    I was expecting something else.
  19. Max Planck

    Melee Weapon Petition

    I'll eat it. Hard, even. Have anyone tried it out? What do you think? Are you going to carry a melee weapon instead of a gun?