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Max Planck

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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    Player activated environment sounds

    Any non-solo players who can shed some light on whether sounds are specific to the individual player, or if two characters can hear the same bird/gate squeak?
  2. Max Planck

    The REAL cause of greif

    Care to expand on this?
  3. Max Planck

    More characters

    Would you like to get rid of tents, then? Because they would be completely useless if you could store stuff on secondary characters.
  4. Max Planck

    Latest beta patch 94876

    It just came out. We have to wait for BattlEye to support it, like all the other beta patches.
  5. Max Planck

    Latest beta patch 94876

    I don't think 94876 has been cleared with BattlEye yet.
  6. Max Planck

    Make boats useful

    @ Faithwolf: You still lose stuff in the water, the beta patch only made it possible to turn it off. I would love if it was possible to shoot from boats though.
  7. Max Planck

    What does it mean when....

    Script kiddie. Admins can't do that.
  8. 19. Nineteen. Teen. You are a teenager. You will stop being one when you turn twenty.
  9. Max Planck

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    A 15 sec login timer would give you time to take him out if he logged in behind you. We need a fix that will prevent both his server hopping and your DC'ing. (In before 'Disgraced' throwing a hissy fit over this mindless repetition of a suggestion that is found practically everywhere all the time. Except it isn't)
  10. Max Planck

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Zombies show up in the Armoury when doing the 'Hunter' challenge, I don't know if it is1.7.2 related though. Could be an easter egg?
  11. Max Planck

    Background color, text color

    You can change the forum skin in the lower left corner. 'Change Theme' button. It's much better in white.
  12. Max Planck

    Player activated environment sounds

    Nah, I have the music turned way down but I still hear loud gate squeaks.
  13. Max Planck

    Player activated environment sounds

    I agree that some sounds could do with a tweak, others are already playing at varying soundlevels/distances from the player. The footstep sounds you are right about, we seems to be wearing metal boots. Still, it is good that we are able to hear someone who isn't trying hard to be sneaky. A thing I've been wondering about, are sounds specific to an individual? If you and I are hanging out in the forest and I hear a squeaking gate (?), do you hear it as well?
  14. Its possible, I mean look at minecraft, you can easily go through all the content. But the difference between Dayz and minecraft is that in minecraft you can make things and change the world around you. Are you using Minecraft as an example of how you can 'exhaust the content' in a sandbox game, and in the same sentence declare that the content in Minecraft cannot be exhausted? How does that work? "It's just like minecraft! Except that minecraft is different..."
  15. +2 to camo netting
  16. You have a point (no, not you 'LordOpeth'). When I started out I was completely peaceful towards other players and would only shoot in self defence, but lately I have found myself gravitating towards hotspots without necessarily having a need for beans and soda. It's not that I'm bored, but when you play solo it can sometimes be easier to pick that gps off of someones lukewarm corpse than to find it yourself. Rocket has been talking a good deal about adding new base building stuff, maybe that is intended to be some sort of endgame?
  17. I know, I'm gonna tell on you. Nyah-nyah! Also, no news. Is no news good news? Who knows.
  18. Max Planck

    Few Weeks In: Observations

    Well' date=' here's one. Me. Can you imagine? Sidechat was horrible, trying to sneak around in the dark while the left half of the screen was blue with all kinds of bigoted shit was not my idea of fun. It ruined the immersion and served no purpose. You want to chat? There are places for that, places where your chatting won't ruin other people's experience. EDIT: [You're bad at trolling. Move along. '] That was pathetic. Can you not stand having people disagree with you? Go to your room and be ashamed of yourself.
  19. When I find a can of Mountain Dew I drink it on the spot. Doesn't matter if I'm thirsty or not and I don't even like the stuff, but down it goes. Out of sight, out of mind!
  20. Hey, I'm not against what you are doing, and props for posting it instead of keeping it secret. I don't have any problems with the fact that other people loot farm, because it doesn't affect the way I experience the game. Contrast to server hopping/DC'ing/teleporting which does affect my experience, mainly because I didn't sign up for any of that Harry Potter bullshit. It was surposed to be a Zombie/Survival game, no? That said, I won't do any farming myself since I find it detracts from the feeling of immersion I get from DayZ, which happens to be the reason I play.
  21. Loot farming is cheesy, but when you are sitting in the treeline with your binoculars watching some guys doing it, it does not look like a bunch of wizards on an outing. Server hoppers on the other hand, completely break the immersion. That's the difference for me. [if you approach a Deerstand too quickly, the loot won't spawn. If you manage to run within 200m of a deerstand, get to it within 5-10minutes, get within 30m of the deerstand, loot will not generate. ] I see, thanks.
  22. My proposal for solving teleporting, server hopping and disconnecting in combat in one fell swoop: When logging out, let the character stay on the server for a number of seconds. Maybe around 20? It would have to be tested and finetuned. When logging in, let the character freeze, or do an animation, for a number of seconds, this number would also have to be finetuned after testing. This, I firmly believe, would solve the above mentioned problems. Any takers?
  23. Max Planck

    n-sec 'logout-timer' + n-sec 'login-freeze'

    Precisely. Right now I'm prone on the forest floor while happily typing away in here. Nothing is going to happen, there is a lot of forest. Just don't do it in Cherno and you are set.