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Max Planck

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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    AS50, Mil-Dots and Ranging

    It not only gives mildot adjustments, there are also range calculations based on mildots in there. As an example, 4 dots tall target could mean 500 meters distance. Zero to 500, bang on target. Depending on the rifle, of course. It won't help any with the weapon in question, being bugged as it is, I just thought it was what you were looking for.
  2. It's not BattlEye supported yet. Check this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137382-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95099-%281-61-MP-build%29 it will tell you when you can play.
  3. Max Planck

    AS50, Mil-Dots and Ranging

    Is this what you are looking for? http://wolverine.cameron.edu/~ac113448/ARMA2/ARMA2WeaponRangingAndCorrectionGuide.pdf
  4. Here's a place to post new info as it trickles out from Rezzed. Starting off with the Presentation and Q&A: Website Concept: Interview: http://thegamershub....hall-interview/ Plus a short article (has dogs): http://www.eurogamer...popular-is-dayz adachezero's youtube vid with info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlROg9Q7c38 420K players now http://www.vg247.com...the-arma-2-mod/ and other places Horde's Q&A from the Rezzed presentation: http://dayzmod.com/f...1016&pid=270510
  5. Max Planck

    AS50, Mil-Dots and Ranging

    He was probably too busy giving himself beans.
  6. Max Planck


    I played with it all night yesterday. Worked just fine, loading times are pretty long though.
  7. I didn't do any of the BattlEye stuff, it still works. Went straight to 95054 from 94700, maybe that's why?
  8. Max Planck

    Why Day-Z Fails

    By 'made progress' you really mean 'made the game the way I want it' don't you? Have you not noticed the updates that has been coming out the last few days? He's not just making interviews, he also finds time to introduce new bugs.
  9. Max Planck

    Why Day-Z Fails

    Now he'll uninstall and we'll never hear from him again.
  10. Max Planck

    Why Day-Z Fails

    But it doesn't actually 'fail', does it? It's incredibly successful. 664,895 players and it's still only in alpha. So there's that.
  11. 1. Delete 'beta' folder', it's in the 'expansion' folder in Arma OA. I delete the beta shortcut as well, don't know if it is necessary. 2. Run the exe for the new beta. 3. That's it.
  12. I just updated normally, didn't tinker with BattlEye. Works just fine.
  13. I can't possible update to every beta patch, you have to delete one to get the next one. What I did was to delete my 94700 and install the 95054 (not the RC), it worked like a charm. I can join servers and all.
  14. http://www.arma2.com/latest-news/arma-2-army-of-the-czech-republic-dlc-project-announcement_en.html
  15. You don't need the dlc, there is a 'light' version for those who don't buy it.
  16. Whenever you install a new beta patch you delete the old one, no? 'George3011' said: "You should only use the 95054 IF YOU HAVE UPDATED TO BETA PATCHES SINCE BUYING THE GAME". How would it make a difference when you delete the old patch? I'm currently at 94700, which way to go?
  17. I know how to find them, but yourself and the other guy I quoted gave differing explanations for how the different patches... differed. I did only wonder who was correct.
  18. Okely-dokely http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?82-ARMA-2-amp-OA-BETA-PATCH-TESTING
  19. On the BI forum there are links to both, they each have a separate thread.
  20. There are two versions of it, RC#2 and 'plain' 95054. I wonder what the difference is?
  21. Max Planck


    Jesusdrunkdrivingchristyougottabeshittingme Also: http://dayzmod.com/f...l__achievements And: http://dayzmod.com/f...l__achievements And let's not forget: http://dayzmod.com/f...l__achievements Honorable mention: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/580-character-motivations/page__hl__achievements#entry7735
  22. Could someone explain me the difference between the 95054 beta patch and the 95054 RC#2 patch?
  23. Disregard, I'm blind.