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Max Planck

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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    dmg chart

    I simply don't understand what you are saying. Can you cut the text speak and write in english? Also, who are you responding to? The chart I linked you to is up to date, if you don't like it, tough. You won't find any better.
  2. Max Planck

    Game has now become completely unplayable

    If it was the Hive we would all have that problem, but most of us play just fine. The problem is at your end. It's a user error.
  3. Max Planck

    Game has now become completely unplayable

    I'm using 1.7.3 and the 95208 beta, I have not experienced either of those problems. It's pretty laggy but that might be the server I play on. I don't want to leave it because bicycle. It's definitely not unplayable for me.
  4. Max Planck


    Not all of us are from english speaking countries. Quit acting like a bad school teacher and sod off.
  5. Max Planck


    One charge? Are you talking about an AED? They are only 1.5-2 kilos or so. In my country we have them at metro stations and other places with lots of people. Still, they are good for arythmia and tachycardia, not so much for gunshot/blast/blunt trauma wounds.
  6. Max Planck

    Banditry deterrant

    Everyone? Including yourself? Or, everyone but yourself? Or maybe you are talking out your backside and giving the few loud whiners too much credit.
  7. Max Planck


    So because morphine is not realistic, you want to add another mechanic that is also not realistic? In that case, I would like to suggest adding portable holes and perpetual motion machines. EDIT: This was made using the 'edit' button. There are many like it, but this one is mine. You have one too, you know.
  8. Max Planck


    You type fully, I read fully. Besides, you posted while I was editing. I had no way of seeing it. I think you could too. I know I can. It's already in the game. Bandaging stops bleeding. Blood must be added by other means. There is no reviving. All is good.
  9. Max Planck


    Ok, ignore the size. Still, It has absolutely no effect on someone who has been shot. It also needs recharging. It does not do what you think it does. EDIT: Ok, let me elaborate. A defib ran sometimes restore normal rythm to a heart that has gone arythmic or stopped. If you have a brand new hole in your body, massive blood loss and shock, it doesn't do bugger.
  10. Max Planck


    Have you ever seen a defibrillator? It's fairly big. It also has absolutely no effect on someone who's been shot. It also needs recharging. It does not do what you think it does. Dead is dead.
  11. Max Planck

    Banditry deterrant

    Of course it is PvP. A fighting chance is never guaranteed, this is not Tekken or Mortal Kombat. If you want to take someone out, why not do it in a safe way? It's all about survival, no? That said, I roll with an AKM because *BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM!!*
  12. Max Planck

    Here come's the clone's :)

    There is a fourty-odd pages long thread on this, new ones being added by the minute. The problem is that the moderators think it's a laugh merging the threads instead of just deleting the surplus ones, thus the discussion in the official thread gets derailed. You are not furthering the discussion, you are ruining it. You are doing this because you are a lazy arse.
  13. Max Planck

    Banditry deterrant

    It's because people are getting annoyed seeing this kind of thread at least three times a day. Also, Rocket said he won't disadvantage banditry so there is really no point in asking for it. Certainly no point in asking a gazillion times.
  14. Max Planck

    Here come's the clone's :)

    The only clone here is your thread.
  15. Max Planck

    Banditry deterrant

    In right after... the usual. On topic: Not going to happen.
  16. Well done, my longest run was 15 days... Must have been a fairly bored guy sniping you, how often do he get to shoot at something out there?
  17. Max Planck

    dmg chart

    Here you go: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34434-the-most-comprehensive-one-page-cheat-sheet-weapons-info/
  18. Max Planck

    Logging off solutions?

    The next patch,, will attempt to fix the issue. There are also a billion other threads on this, try using the search function.
  19. Max Planck

    Want to know WHY I SoS?

    These "I'm-a-big-manly-man-because-I-shoot-people-in-computer-games" posts are getting a bit tedious. It's like you are shouting in the dark, forever searching for the thing that will make you whole. Maybe it's a penis? No really, being a loudmouth on a forum and bragging about your supposed keyboard and mouse skills does not make you appear more masculine.
  20. Max Planck

    Want to know WHY I SoS?

    How about people who don't DC, how did they bring it on themselves? You are using the DC issue as an excuse for killing people, why not just admit that you do it because you like it? Anyway, next patch will attempt to fix it so you can spare your ranting from now on.
  21. Max Planck

    Community Minigames

    This is funny AND true!
  22. Max Planck

    Add motorbikes with side car

    I totally support this idea, as well as the name 'batcaveslimer'.
  23. Max Planck

    Server Day and Night

    As Sibexius said, what you want is already there. It's up to the server hosts to put it in the description though, there's not much the devs can do about it.
  24. Max Planck

    Would you guys love the Leaderboard back?

    It's not wrong, you just disagree with it. It would do you well to learn the difference. My point was that having a motivating factor such as '# of survivors killed' will impact the way the game is played, and since DayZ is a multiplayer game this affects all of us. The way I see it (yes, opinion again), players should be motivated to survive because the gameplay is good - not because of an outside factor such as getting your name on the DayZ homepage or earning achievements. Can you tell me how that opinion is 'wrong' oh wisest owl?