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Max Planck

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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck


    You are right, I take it back. Had entirely forgotten the first post, just re-read it. Your comment was warranted. EDIT: Oh yeah, topic: As long as tents are in, I think it will be a lot easier to just die and then go re-gear.
  2. Max Planck


    I meant IRL. Would be neat to have it in game. It could just be a vehicle in a horse skin.
  3. Max Planck


    A horse is really just an inferior bicycle.
  4. Max Planck

    All servers should enable name tags

    My problem with the nametags is that they completely ruin the immersion for me. So do crosshairs for that matter. I would rather pick my nose in the dark than play with either of those enabled. As for hackers, I believe the gentleman above me is correct. The problem is much worse on US servers for whatever reason.
  5. Max Planck

    All servers should enable name tags

    I would not play if there were name tags on all servers, I'd rather take my chances with the hackers. So far, I've seen one episode of hacking over two months of play.
  6. Max Planck

    Pet system

    I don't know, but elephants can't jump. That I do know.
  7. Max Planck

    Pet system

    Yeah, he couldn't get them to run up hills though.
  8. Max Planck


    You are probably thinking about the bandit skin. The model had a keffiyeh wrapped around the noggin'.
  9. Max Planck


    You are preaching to the choir man. I ran into a pack of wild dogs once, in the middle of nowhere in Greece. Nearly shat myself. You have to throw rocks at them, flail your arms wildly and yell like a crazy person. Then you get to walk a couple of kilometers like that while they circle you looking for an opening. EDIT: It's perfectly ok getting off topic, there are tons of threads on this subject. You could have used the search function.
  10. Max Planck


    Exactly. Dogs on the other hand, are bastards.
  11. Max Planck

    Game has now become completely unplayable

    Well, reinstall it is I guess. Then manual patch install, SixUpdater is sometimes a bit funky with the beta patches. It can't be the Hive, as you said " None of my companions have suffered any problems like mine either."
  12. Max Planck

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Ok, I'll add it. But from now on questions are short, ok people? I made an exception for L0GIN because I'm weak in the bones and he is bloody persistent. I'm trying to keep this concise and easy to read. Keep on trucking.
  13. Max Planck


    Yep. Wolves are afraid of humans, dogs aren't. Dogs are used to us, we made them. Have you ever met feral dogs? Most fucking scary thing ever. They are intelligent, they work as a team and they are not weak. There are almost no documented cases of wolves attacking humans, dogs attack humans everyday. They are up to something, I swear.
  14. Max Planck


    Regular dogs would be a lot scarier than wolves, wolves will only attack humans if they are absolutely desperate whereas wild dogs will go out of their way to do it.
  15. Max Planck

    Game has now become completely unplayable

    Are you sure your server is running the same patch/version as you? Sometimes they are a bit slow to update the server description.
  16. Max Planck

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Well, there is also actual 'learning by doing'. Learn how to tell north with a watch and shadows, or find the north star. Learn how close you can get to zeds. Learn how to best use your weapons, how to bla-bla-bla. This is how I have understood his intention. This is how I believe it is. Ingame skills are just that, skills, not advantages on dice rolls. Anyway, I'll add your question. Thusly: Q: Any chance of a hidden skill point system? Is that ok with you?
  17. Max Planck

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    "Is this your final statement Mr Athrins?" It's ok, I think I got it right in the end. Added.
  18. Max Planck

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Added, except the third question, I believe he said those bases will be a communal effort, hence not tied to a single character. Added, opinion cut out.
  19. Max Planck

    I am so pissed off at DayZ servers

    Boobs. Eh... I mean, Alpha!
  20. Max Planck

    Player activated environment sounds

    True. The big ass gates are completely silent, but the sound that fits them is played at random, even in the woods.
  21. Max Planck

    How to get a blood?

    Beans. They give you 200 each, when you a solid enough that you won't faint all the time - go hunting for those matches.
  22. Max Planck

    40% Off Arma 2 Co

    Welcome mate. I'm sure you'll enjoy the game, if not the forums.
  23. Max Planck

    40% Off Arma 2 Co

    I will never quit winning like a little girl.
  24. Max Planck

    40% Off Arma 2 Co

    Hmm... I don't have the DLC, but I won't pony up the dosh for both. With one is best? How are the campaigns? Do they have anything going for them other than the skins which I won't see because 3DP=0?
  25. Max Planck

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    According to this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38656-fps-guru-interview/ thread he said "no skill points, ever" in the fpsguru interview, but I haven't found the time to actually listen to it so I can't verify it. If you really want me to I'll add your question, but I'll hold my horses for now until you or someone else can expand on that quote. Hope you are ok with this.