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Max Planck

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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    Warning points

    Ok, cool. It still says three points in the forum rules though. EDIT: I'm also very sure it was ten points on the old forums.
  2. Max Planck

    Warning points

    I just read the forum rules http://dayzmod.com/f...80-forum-rules/ and it turns out I am wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Alec was right, three points. They must have changed the system then, on my profile it still says four warning points.
  3. Max Planck

    Warning points

    10 points, I believe. You get 4 for saying something the mod on duty doesn't like, which means you can mouth off two and a half times according to my calculations. Not true, I have four myself.
  4. Max Planck

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    You can't find 3 zombies and make them kill you as fast as you could press 'respawn'. Servers used to have this in the lower left corner all the time: 'Talon2000uk died' 'Talon2000uk died' 'Talon2000uk died' 'Talon2000uk died' 'Talon2000uk died' 'Talon2000uk died' 'Talon2000uk died' 'Talon2000uk died' 'Talon2000uk died' 'Talon2000uk died' Now at least, at takes a good bit longer to kill yourself.
  5. Max Planck

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    Thanks, but seriously, how do you drive 226km in three minutes? The map is only 15km X 15km approximately.
  6. Max Planck

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Okely-dokely, added.
  7. Max Planck

    How can i be bandit with bandit suit?

    You have to travel back in time. EDIT: While you are back in time, you could post this in the new players forum. And also, kill Hitler.
  8. Max Planck

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    You can drive the whole length of the map fifteen times in 3 minutes? Do you have a special vehicle that I don't know about? Can I have a ride?
  9. Lies, they just made it possible to turn 'drop-stuff-in-water' off, there is no way to know if your server actually took advantage of that. People still drop stuff in water, I have even seen a thread about it today.
  10. Max Planck

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    So you made a forum account just to ask this question again? Would it not have been ten times faster to look for the answer? A little tip: Open Rocket's profile and press the 'find content' button, that will show you everything the guy has said including why the respawn button was removed.
  11. Max Planck

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Added. Look here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3141-banditsurvivor-morphing-to-be-removed/page__st__160#entry32219 Added. Answered or added. Merged with question #31. I have never heard of servers that have Direct Comms turned off, can you verify this?
  12. Max Planck

    Damage Nerf on Firearms

    Yes, yes it should. Rifles make big holes in people, this ought to be reflected in the game. Being able to survive more than a full magazine of .45 rounds is incredibly gamey. Not that there is anything wrong with arcadey shooters, it's just that there are so many of them already. Let's keep DayZ from going down that route, shall we?
  13. Max Planck

    A noob unfriendly game.

    Pffft. OP didn't insult anyone, he posted in the new player discussion forum, and was met with this shit: I think you might be the wanker here.
  14. That's the thing. In arma the combatants are wearing body armor, so the change does make sense. In DayZ there's no armor, so a little fix to the mod files might be required. BIS needs to keep developing their game and they'll do it the way they see fit, mods or no mods. If Rocket wants DayZ to stay the way it was he'll have to change up the mod a bit.
  15. Max Planck

    Why did I spend $30 for this?

    It's not love. It's envy.
  16. Max Planck

    Why did I spend $30 for this?

    What's wrong with it? Was it broken?
  17. Every time someone hits the piñata, a little bit of stupidity falls out. And the piñata itself? It shall never know.
  18. What scares me is that this guy is probably old enough to drive a car, own firearms and vote.
  19. Max Planck

    A noob unfriendly game.

    Well he is in the new player forum. To OP: It sounds like you have been running, you need to crouchwalk pretty much all the time. Also remember that the zeds have a field of vision, they can see thing in front of them from far away, but can't see anything behind themselves.
  20. Max Planck

    .22 LR

    Why you naughty boy! 1. You start your thread by claiming that everyone but you are 'crying'. 2. You propose to introduce something you claim you don't care for. 3. You make thread #1560395 on adding a weapon at spawn. So in conclusion, if you don't stop bawling, blubbering, moaning, sobbing, snivelling, wailing, wimpering and crying, I won't let you watch that Roy Orbison video again.
  21. Max Planck

    Day Z going to shit?

    It usually turns out to be 'very stupid'. Sad, but that's humanity for you.
  22. Max Planck

    Day Z going to shit?

    If you say so.
  23. It's true. I had been alive for 13 days once, and two days later I died.
  24. Max Planck

    mp5 glitch ?

    A bit arrogant with the '/thread' there, are we? You are the third person to give the answer, I think the thread ended a wee while before you graced us with your presence. Bud.
  25. Max Planck

    mp5 glitch ?

    I think it can use your g17 mags as well.