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Max Planck

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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    DE 78 - Server Thread

    Are you guys still there? Can anyone tell me what happened to DE 125? I miss it, I miss my bicycle.
  2. Max Planck

    DMR bi-pod useable?

    Lie down, I think.
  3. Max Planck

    should i buy Soldier Suit from my friend?

    Hehe. I was just trying to point out that he didn't have it messed up, he had simply found one of those soldier suits the deer stand zombies are wearing. Hacked in. Ass biters are like taxi cabs by the way, when you need one they are nowhere to be seen.
  4. Max Planck

    Civilian Clothing

    Yes. EDIT: Ninja'ed again! These forums have more ninjas in them than a ninja movie about ninjas working in a ninja factory which has nothing in it but ninjas all the time. Ninja.
  5. Max Planck


    I have played since the end of May and the only hacking episode I have witnessed was a bunch of orthodox priests being spawned near me. That's it. Posting which servers I play on would probably change that, as the cheaters would want to make sure nobody is enjoying the game. It is really not in my best interest to attract those people.
  6. Max Planck

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    Oh yeah? Plenty more where that came from. Goodnight.
  7. Max Planck

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    Yes it is. You aren't arguing or explaining your point, you are insulting the other guy's intelligence to make his statement appear invalid. You are attacking the man, not his point. EDIT: Imagine if I argued that you were wrong based on the fact that you can't spell for shit. They only difference is, your "lack of intelligence" comment was not based on fact but on fabrication.
  8. Max Planck

    Questions about Ghillie suits

    But at least it was a good excuse for linking to this: http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/photos/
  9. Max Planck

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    As soon as they figure out how to fix it! What do you expect him to say? No more "are we there yet?" questions, please!
  10. Max Planck

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Temperature is a work in progress, and as you might have discovered it is no longer listed on the debug monitor so it makes no sense to change the values. The values simply aren't there to change anymore.
  11. Max Planck

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Questions about the ongoing patch/hotfix are not likely to be answered here. No more "are we there yet?" questions, please! Added, 'single-server-character' question has been removed as it has already been asked. Please read the original post before asking questions. I think #39 covers that fairly well, don't you? Please read the original post before asking questions.
  12. Max Planck

    a realy question for the community

    To be fair, most of those 1000+ years were not spent testing but just playing the game and complaining about it. A quick guesstimate says that DayZ has spent 26 minutes in open testing. Or thereabouts.
  13. Losing your stuff because someone is cheating and losing your stuff because you have yet to get used to the mechanics are not 'similar problems'.
  14. Max Planck

    Why do people call them zeds

    I'm saying "mind your own business, I'll call them what ever I bloody like."
  15. Max Planck

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it. Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as a logical fallacy, more precisely an informal fallacy and an irrelevance.
  16. Max Planck

    Why do people call them zeds

    It is indeed stereotypical, and like all stereotypes it is bullshit. No other yanks are responsible for his idiocy.
  17. Max Planck

    Why do people call them zeds

    No one is arguing, the OP is an idiot an he is being told so.
  18. Max Planck

    Why do people call them zeds

    For every bug report, helpful hint or piece of feedback on these forums there are about 250 worthless posts like yours. Just putting that out there, food for thought.
  19. Max Planck

    a realy question for the community

    You aren't wrong, I agree in full. The game has definitely gotten worse after you joined.
  20. Max Planck

    a realy question for the community

    My favorite part was this: " This game has actually gotten worse in bugs, exploits and hackers, since I bought the game."
  21. Max Planck

    a realy question for the community

    So you are saying it's in Beta, right? I didn't know that, thanks. Anyway, it's the best Battlefield mod I have played so far.
  22. Being good at something is the same as cheating? Did I read that correctly? The Olympics are on in London at the moment, you better call them with these groundbreaking news. "Disqualify everybody, damn cheats!"
  23. Max Planck

    What gear do you rock?

    Flashlight and a bandage.
  24. Vostok rifle? It's a civilian version of the Mosin-Nagant. Also, Mosin-Nagant.
  25. Max Planck

    Remove Hats, it's against my friend's religion

    What about Team Fortress 2? Seriously guys, he's pulling a fast one on you. EDIT: Sonofa... Sniped!