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Max Planck

DayZ Forum Team
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Everything posted by Max Planck

  1. Max Planck

    Loot paths, locations, no military...

    Cleaned up a bit.
  2. Max Planck

    VAC Ban

    As said, contact Steam support.
  3. Max Planck

    Please Bohemia can we get character locked servers?

    Personal bickering cleaned up. Please stay somewhere near the topic..
  4. Max Planck


    Well, because
  5. Max Planck

    Died cause of multiple bug /w Video

    I understand dying to bugs can be upsetting, but please don't resort to posting multiple identical topics about it on the forum. Also, your title is misleading.
  6. Max Planck

    Problems with VAC

    No help for cheaters, but no need for the vitriol either. Next time, please report this kind of stuff.
  7. Max Planck

    How You Can Help DayZ Reach Its True Potential

    This is flame bait. Please don't do that.
  8. Max Planck

    my dayz is gone

    In that case, try contacting Steam support.
  9. Max Planck

    my dayz is gone

    Did you buy it through Steam?
  10. Max Planck


    Despite the misleading title, this is not the place for bug reports. Closed to avoid further bumping. Go here to report bugs: https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/31/
  11. Max Planck

    Night is a problem.

    Of course it isn't. It turns discussions personal and leads to more of the same, namely bickering and name calling. We are not omniscient though, so please, please, please everyone: if you see the topic going in that direction, use the 'report' button instead of responding in kind. Thanks.
  12. Max Planck

    What time is 1.0 dropping?

    From the dev blog on Bohemia.net: "The 1.0 update will launch on Thursday, December 13th at 19:00 CET. Until then, DayZ is still available for its Early Access Alpha price of 27,99 EUR / 34.99 USD / 22.99 GBP. After launching the 1.0 update, DayZ will be sold for 37,99 EUR / 44.99 USD / 31.99 GBP on Steam and continue receiving new content and features during post-launch development and support. Our development road-map for post 1.0 content will be established and presented at the beginning of next year." https://www.bohemia.net/blog/dayz-10-is-launching-on-december-13-on-steam
  13. Max Planck

    That time of the year

    I'm a nurse, I work in a hospital. The hospital has to be staffed 24/7, and there is only so much staff to go around. It's not a 'bad employment deal' as such, it's just goes with the profession. Edit: On topic, I don't know if you'll see a patch before the holidays, but I know that now is a very busy time for the devs. The release, and all. And since development, like hospital work, can't be planned and streamlined like a sausage factory, I don't think anyone knows at this point. When they do, they'll tell us.
  14. Max Planck

    That time of the year

    What do I wish for? 18 days off during the holidays.
  15. Max Planck

    Xbox Update 12/12/2018

    There it is. Please keep your feet warm and your heads cool. And fingers crossed.
  16. Max Planck

    No Servers

  17. Max Planck

    Night is a problem.

    Whether you like the nights or not, please try to discuss it as reasonable adults. The insults and personal remarks are unnecessary. Not looking at anyone in particular, just an evenly distributed surly glance.
  18. Max Planck

    Jesus there are some snakes in this game

    This has gone off the rails. Topic closed, some people warned. EDIT: As said, several warnings were given out. You can stop reporting this topic now.
  19. Max Planck

    Goodbye rain

  20. Max Planck

    Forum Moderators

    Thanks guys, that helped a lot. We were running real low on witty remarks. For the OP: This is not the way to handle your problem. You have been asked to moderate yourself, so you have 3 (4) options. 1: Moderate yourself. 2: PM the moderator in question, and engage in the discussion with an open mind. 3: Report the moderators' message/post that the forum admin may see it. (4: secret bonus option) Keep posting topics complaining about the forum rules and guidelines while calling out particular people, and eventually get banned. Locked.
  21. Max Planck


    If this topic is to continue, it will have to do so without the personal digs and insults. Be cool, guys.
  22. I think the melee system kind of hinges on the amount of zeds that will be in the final game. If it stays a relatively low number, I think melee should be harder than in, say, Far Cry or Dying Light. I think I would like to see something similar to Mount&Blade, if at all possible. Easy to understand, hard to master. Less circle strafing or the 'back and forth dance', more timed blocks and dissimilar weaponry.