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About jdtherocker

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Canada, EH? what's all the fuss aboot
  • Interests
    video games, certain movies (spaceballs is a great film), futurama, big bang theory etc etc
  1. I have no video recording software :P
  2. To bad shaving blades cant be used like a knife otherwise I would of slashed him with that :P
  3. So I was playing with my friend on a private hive and we decided to hit the firestation in our already beaten up car (missing windshield), we turn to go to the hospital and suddenly I hear a bang of a dmr and my friends character screams. I speed up not knowing where the shot came from (sniper was prone and I was driving first person). I hear another shot and my friends character dies. As I run to the hospital for cover, I notice a rifle above me and another shot takes out my cars tires preventing me from escaping. I press up against the side of the building And I switch from my pistol (m1911) and pull out my m16a2(with the grenade launcher), I load a green smoke grenade into it, back up a foot and I let it fly. I get it on the roof obscuring the view of the sniper. I quickly take out 2 zombies and walk up to the ladder. I climb up and he's waiting on the other side. I sneak up behind him open his backpack and much to my glee he has a crossbow and I have bolts. I quickly switch my main weapon to it and let the bolt fly into his head. He dies instantly and I pick up his dmr and fire all its ammo and then leave it with his body on the roof. Turns our he was waiting for a "ride" and was going to repair our car. I left our car too as a gift, but I made sure to take out another tire (he had one spare) and leave the engine running...
  4. Greetings all, I started a series of player interviews in another game I played but I wanted to try it out here. The whole premise is to ask well known players (on the forums, cant interview people only known in game who never visits the forum) about how they play the game and for advice as well as opinions and a few stories! let me know what you think and who you would want to be interviewed (was thinking of starting with gews)
  5. /title Seriously, its pretty sad how many times I have died by accidentally pressing v instead of c while on a building attempting to crouch but to my demise I find myself screaming "nooooooo!" into my mic as my character dramatically falls to his death. please tell me I'm not the only one who does this!
  6. jdtherocker

    Recorded Green Mountain radio signal

    hang on praying... 1011010010101001101110101001012
  7. jdtherocker

    The best Dayz tip you have ever heard

    Drink mountain dew right away or risk the curse.
  8. jdtherocker

    Ever get stuck on auto pilot?

    just press w again sometimes it happens to me but when i press that movement key again he stops moving :L
  9. jdtherocker

    Blood damage

    I think it was from the old menu where you could see your exact blood, they would take a hit and see how much it was reduced by :L
  10. jdtherocker

    sneaking past a bandit is like shaving

    tried that once it actually worked...he laughed so hard he spared my life
  11. jdtherocker

    sneaking past a bandit is like shaving

    Are you volunteering? XD
  12. /title if you cut it a little too close you bleed real fast :( any tips on how to pass a bandit without shooting him or slashing his back with a hatchet without him noticing me?
  13. jdtherocker


    oh boy i am first!!!
  14. jdtherocker


    its not even worthy of that.... i shall use internet explorer to rid of it sir :P
  15. jdtherocker

