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Everything posted by delta5

  1. delta5

    3D Modeling

    All I had to do was go one auto desk website and enter my colleges info (OSU) and I got it for free.
  2. delta5

    building a DayZ pc.... need advice

    Not a good idea to buy parts over time since prices generaly only come down over time.
  3. delta5

    .bat files (because I'm an a**hole)

    When I was in high school I used some "software" to bind other files to xxx rated photos and then distribute the photos on p2p networks. When the photo was opened it copied a virus that would make internet explorer and fire fox go to a ton of gay porn sites and even a website that I created that when it loads it auto played an audio file of 2 gay men moaning and saying nasty stuff.
  4. delta5

    building a DayZ pc.... need advice

    General build 3570k cooler master 212+ heat sink 8gigs (2x4gb) corsair vengeance 1600Mhz asrock extreme 4 (allows you to add a 2nd video card in future) EVGA GTX 660 and up Quality 750-850 watt PSU ( wattage is to cover 2nd video card in future) case Western digital black series sata3 HDD. ^ Pretty much my build minus the 2nd 660, 27" monitor, and upgraded fans for case. EDIT: I max Arma2 with AAx8 and view distance maxed. Only drop is when I near a city in DayZ and the drop is to low 40fps for a second.
  5. I'd take that as a big red flag and not do business threw them. Just my opinion.
  6. Click the buy new and look for a seller that does international shipping. It'll say it to the right of their name where they list shipping details. Just remember to shop on the UK site and not the US site. No problem.
  7. delta5

    Which of these builds is better?

    #2. I'm taking it your budget is 600?
  8. 3570k http://www.amazon.co.uk/Intel-Generation-i5-3570K-3-40GHz-Technology/dp/B007RUZKK6/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1365865139&sr=1-1 mobo http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B007KTY4QU/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new&qid=1365865532&sr=1-1 RAM http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B004CRSM4I/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new&qid=1365865595&sr=1-1 Just did 3 searches for parts for you and each one has international shipping to your country
  9. 3570K http://www.amazon.co.uk/Intel-Generation-i5-3570K-3-40GHz-Technology/dp/B007RUZKK6/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1365865139&sr=1-1 You have to go on the Amazon UK site and when you find the part you want click the new option. It'll bring up sellers and look for a seller that does inter nation shipping.
  10. http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=487250 Amazon ships to where you live. I'm willing to bet Amazon is a lot cheaper than a local store in your country.
  11. Then spend the extra and get the unlocked version now. Just because you buy it now doesn't mean anything. It'll install the same way the non-k does and there is no extra steps.
  12. The ASRock is nice. I have the Extreme 4 Z77 1155 socket. If you buy that motherboard you might as well spend the 20 dollars to get the 3570K. A cheap 29.99 dollar heat sink (cooler master 212+) will easily let a 3570K hit 4.2Ghz.
  13. A quality 500W PSU will run that fine plus allow you to OC the CPU if you wanted.
  14. You must be running BF3 in 720P if you're maxing it out with a single 650. BF3 with both of my gtx 660s in the large destructible maps with 64 players dips down to 70ish fps and that is with everything maxed in 1080P on 27" monitor.
  15. delta5

    Is this laptop over doing it?

    Arma2/DayZ is all about a fast quad core. Not the video card. Arma2/Dayz don't care about if it is i5/i7. Between the 2 it is all about the Ghz.
  16. delta5

    CPU Cooling & Thermal Paste

    Don't forget OP that thermal paste has a burn in period. So using a decent cooler and over time you'll see a drop in max temps.
  17. delta5

    Help with a New Gpu?

    Didn't read that he had that PSU. OP, your 6pin connectors should have a 2 pin connector hanging off and those are used to make the 6-pin into a 8-pin. Just like a PSU's 20+4-pin connector.
  18. delta5

    CPU Cooling & Thermal Paste

    Go and buy a cooler master 212+ now and return that POS heat sink or throw it in the trash.
  19. Once you delete a file and empty it from your trash bin the chance of recovery is slim. The file still exist on the platter it is on but windows no longer considers that spot on the platter occupied. So Windows can very well write new information to the spot and if this happens the file is gone for good. Easier way of understand is think of it as your computer's dir tree. Delete it from the tree Windows won't see it but this also means Windows can put something else there.
  20. delta5

    Help with a New Gpu?

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812200459&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleAdwords&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleAdwords-_-pla-_-Internal+Power+Cables-_-N82E16812200459&gclid=CLa1mMjtwrYCFSdgMgodZxcAFg Uses the 6-pin plus a molex that goes into 8-pin connector.
  21. Proof of my current PC OC 2 builds ago I had 2 6850s and a OCed Q6600 G0 stepping in an old matx gateway case with upgraded fans and no problems with heat. So Id say I have done quite a bit of OCing. 20+4 connector comment is valid IMO because a lot of people that are new to this that buy online might over look this detail. What else is there to say about the PSU than that for a 7870? Plus with the space complaint. Gigabyte 7870 has 2 6-pin connectors on top of the card and not at the end of the card. It also comes with 2 2 molex to 6-pin adapters. If I could route cables in an old gateway case to allow airflow then the OP should be able to.
  22. http://h20000.www2.h...eriesId=5187022 7850 will def fit in your case. Any atx PSU will also fit in your case. Just make sure the PSU you get has the 20+4 connector. PSU: http://www.newegg.co...N82E16817151094 No need for a 600W PSU. I have OCed 3570k and 2 GTX 660s OCed and I pull under 450 watts. I know it is under 450Watts because I used a kill-a-watt meter while gaming and then doing prime and furmark at same time.
  23. delta5

    Eyefinity question

    At the last convention in CA they had a prototype helmet like device. You wear these glasses that has the screen built into them and 7.1 sound and a mic. If you want to look in another direction you can simply turn your head instead of hitting a button or turning your char. Plus the glasses/screen are 3D as well.
  24. delta5

    First murder

    Tired of being the nice guy. I was in Cherno gathering up supplies in a building when someone comes in. I turn and point my rifle at him. I see he only has a hatchet and then he lays down. I'm thinking he is trying to say he is friendly but doesn't type it or say it. So I just lit him up. I felt like I got a little high off of killing him and a sense of satisfaction.
  25. delta5

    First murder

    I don't get it. Off topic but still. Been playing on this server today. No problems at all and all of a sudden kicked with script 40 message. Log back into the server and see everyone has been kicked off and only 3 or 4 are on. So I play then all of a sudden someone comes overhead in a heli and spawns a car that they pick up with the heli. Then one gets out and spawns a crap load of zombies. Does this mean the server was hacked or what?