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About PaxC4T

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  1. Only read up to this, Instant beans.
  2. PaxC4T

    New player, First Impressions!

    YOU HEAR A WALKER SHANE!? *pulls out axe*
  3. PaxC4T

    How to OPEN A CAN with BARE HANDS

    .... Survival. You would do this to survive, Therefore, it fits in the game.
  4. I'm sure its been said, but I need to say it myself. Why cant you people just make your own, first person only servers? Seriously. Why should people have their gameplay altered just because a few people dont like a feature?
  5. PaxC4T

    Please for the love of god don't add "Sanity."

    For the love of fuck its nothing about getting good at the damn game, Its about not wanting some pussy hiding out in a bush and gunning you down. I would rather have someone act friendly, just to gun me down later. I'm so aggravated with the whole "Gitgudskrub" thing when someone talks about KOS, It has nothing to do with how good you are, Someone hides and guns you down, theres is nothing you can do really.
  6. PaxC4T

    DayZ Slavery.

    I like how people are saying this isnt illegal, or calling it a troll post. Guys, the OP's name is "Serious Stan"
  7. PaxC4T

    Zombies hits = Bleeding (almost everytime)

    I always wait till the zombie is a few feet from me and begin circling the bastard, usually i just have to go to the right of them and smack em with my axe. Did that every time a zombie came at me last night. never got hit.
  8. PaxC4T

    Should beards be in DayZ?

    There should be scissors (If their isnt already) that you can use to style them.
  9. PaxC4T

    How to make your character stop moaning...

    its still funny having a female character and hearing "UHUHUHUH" in a mans voice.
  10. PaxC4T

    Why no zombie kids?

    Zombie babies too. That would be scary.
  11. PaxC4T


    I love the idea, as long as they are big baggy hoods like Dima's from Battlefield 4 http://cdn2.gamefront.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/B4-5-1.jpg and not something small and stupid looking like this http://www.bristoluniforms.com/media/images/Bristol%20Hood%201.jpg
  12. PaxC4T

    People over exaggerate KOS so much.

    Good for you! 90% of my encounters, someone fucking attacks me.
  13. PaxC4T

    Dear Mr, Spade.

    Its funny, someone (like me) posts something like this on the DayZ Reddit, I get told its a "Shit post" and downvoted like hell, Someone does it here they get praised. Fuck sharing stories on Reddit.
  14. PaxC4T

    Better music.

    I honestly loved the Mod's soundtrack, and I want it back for SA. I absolutely LOVED it.
  15. PaxC4T

    Sickness question.

    Hypothetically, I hypothetically made a hypothetical note to my self to hypothetically never eat a hypothetical rotten fruit ever again, even if I was hypothetically starving to hypothetical death..... hypothetically. :I