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Everything posted by liquidcactus

  1. haha what ? makes some sence sonny.. This is actually a pretty good idea i like it ... however it would have to be done very right ! :D
  2. liquidcactus

    Hacker turned me into a goat

    well said sir I concur
  3. liquidcactus

    Hacker turned me into a goat

    haha man thats so fucked i would love to punch a hacker in RL
  4. liquidcactus

    Invincible players

    I was just watching youtube videos of hackers, those fuckers can get their hands on anything they want.. including GOD MODE... FUCK EM
  5. liquidcactus

    Dog Tags

    How about only a dog tag if the player that you killed had a military skin or ghille suit on and perhaps an I.D for standard dressed players :D (license,18+ etc) HOWEVER.. to be honest i dont care to much for the player I.D idea.. i do understand how sometimes you would give 1000 beans to find out who the prick was the killed you for what you would deem a very UN-deserved death but shit, i think we need to get used to the idea of complete anonymity cause i tell you what i love(the anonymity) and I dont have much love for B.F related idea <3 ^__^
  6. liquidcactus

    Simply, Rope

    lol at the lasoo idea haha ! ! that doesnt fit into my kinda zombie apocalypse but i still like it ^__^ Hows about a grapling hook aswell ? some people might say " well why would you " and i say just because it would be possible ! rather than entering a building from below risking ambush u surprise them from above ! ( unless 1 member of ambush team heard the hook land above :P) FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME
  7. liquidcactus

    Cheater/Hacker on DE 55

    i came to lol again ^_^
  8. liquidcactus

    ghillie and camo suits affect zombies

    it should defentley affect their(infected) sight considering zombies are basically more retarded than the average human.. soo YES !
  9. liquidcactus

    Show who you where killed by.

    no no no. this cant happen haha still so many miss the damn point of the game :) Maybe better cheat protection against hackers perhaps but i do understand being able to see the name is easier but how often does one encounter these shitheads anyway ?
  10. liquidcactus

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    ha so many still miss the point. No. Scope weapons stay !
  11. Awesome farking ideas yo, good to see someone is writing their ideas down ! all of it is really good ideas, KEep em coming !
  12. liquidcactus

    Clan Warfare

    I like this idea much more than organised fights... me and my crew could easily take cherno with about 8 of us
  13. liquidcactus

    Clearing out zombies - crash site

    ive only encountered a chopper site 2 times in 280 hrs of gameplay. Both times was at night My method to negotiate both situations was throw a flare to the far left + right of the objective as the infected will approach them. ( if u want to avoid gunshots of course ) Dont really know what happen to you but im guessing to just put it down to alpha + bugs = strange bits. I mean did r u saying they respawned ?
  14. liquidcactus

    Can you loot ghille suits off of dead players?

    ghille suits pwn
  15. liquidcactus

    Church Bells Attract Zombies

    lol at the dam and no power retards. good idea i like it much and just like most other normal people i have thought of it myself aswell
  16. liquidcactus

    Character reset after updates!

    Well the game is in alpha and still bugged out to the shit and back so who knows ! ^__^ You may have received the " worst case scenario " after a server update perhaps.. only a guess but i know its happened to others
  17. liquidcactus

    Battleye initialization failed

    when i try to download it overprtective fucking windows wont let me FUCK THIS.. tells me its a possible threat and can only delete no option to accept the download
  18. liquidcactus

    Can't join any server after 95054 update

    I was about to update to 95054 untill i read this.. seems pretty much every dayz/arma2 update fucks up everyones shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D but hey its worth it in the long run when u get the game working of course :D
  19. I have thought of the journal idea alot actually... however i never put this much thought into it, well done sir i like YOUR IDEA :D
  20. liquidcactus

    Survival Timer

    yep bottom right of screen when yyou log in
  21. the idea(s) is good but i think it would have to be subtle.. as in the chance of going insane is very low so it only happens in certain circumstances after a + b (situations) over x amount of time etc pets isnt a bad idea but um.. yeah ! nice suggestions :D
  22. liquidcactus

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    haha nice ~! well done sirS
  23. liquidcactus

    I'm turning into a bandit.. :(

    every prick shoots eachother anyway.. who isnt a friggin bandit ???