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Everything posted by liquidcactus

  1. liquidcactus

    "Hey man.. are there coyotes in this game?!"

    Lookn forward to it jake, this was a great video.. was it you playing or a freind ??
  2. liquidcactus

    "Hey man.. are there coyotes in this game?!"

    I can see what you mean, If you have enough ammo its all good. The thing is I've only ran into wolves by myself and when there is a pack 6 or 7 with not alot of ammo (and hands shaking in RL from scaredness) ^_^. I'm thinking perhaps in the future it will be nerf'd a tad when the game is harder as atm you can get ammo and weapons quick especially if you have friends. Regardless i must say its damn exciting man and I've waited a while to see and its such a fantastic dynamic because half the time you forget they are even in the game until you hear that distant howl
  3. liquidcactus

    No barrels to be found

    Well in my experience the barrel finding is very random... didnt see one for a few weeks then found 3 barrels in the space of a few hours tho perhaps that could have some thing to do with a server wipe maybe.. I would love to know how many barrels spawn on a server on a fresh wipe. They seeem so much more practical than tents IMO. Dont give up ! :D
  4. liquidcactus

    "Hey man.. are there coyotes in this game?!"

    what is wrong with this dude CLOSE THE FUCKN DOOR MAN !! hahaa Wolves are a bit OP when you godda shoot em with 3 AK bullets each
  5. liquidcactus

    Wolf pack pursuit

    Yes BEARS!, there was talk of adding bears a long time ago I'm not sure if they still planning do it but hopefully we will see bears one day And also being able to tame a dog and have a companion, i honestly don't think that is in the worx anymore i think it was an old idea rocket had in the very early days of the SA. I remember an early video of sa development before the SA released and they showed how a character pooped out empty cans after you eat a tin of food and maybe the dog companion could hunt the scent of the player via the can. I swear i seen it but cant find the video :D
  6. liquidcactus

    Wolf pack pursuit

    Pretty happy to have wolves in the game I have always wanted to experience something like that in dayz and it is exactly how i imagined. You hear those howles and shit yourself !! :D Tho i so think there hp needs to be nerf'd somewhat but i haven't encountered them for over a month now.. GG'z !
  7. liquidcactus

    Revision for Apple/Berries

    I wonder how long it will be until we see a fix because the apple glitch has been in the game a long time, no ? The game should be more interesting when it is fixed as even tinned food seems pretty hard to find these days and i play on a quite server. Its really starting to feel like we will really have to grow and fish for food once the ol' apple spamm-o-tree is a thing of the past. Limited % searches for each apple tree until server reset happens :D
  8. Wow this old chestnut of a thread ^_^ I'm sure i posted about the UZI 9mm in here some time ago.. think i would be still interested to see more obscure east euro SMG's. I'm also wondering if the devs are almost done adding weapons anyway or would that always be an ongoing thing ?
  9. liquidcactus

    A Few Thoughts on.. Bugfixing, Priorities, and Beta

    I really think that alot of people dont realize just how damn huge the dayz map is compared to all the other survival games out there that the haters compare dayz "snail paced" development too. Most other survival games are maybe half the size of the dayz map or smaller. Making the world as good and consistent as we want it on this (dayz) scale would always take time but i think most people think if they sold 3 million copies @ $30 bucks a pop theres alot of money earned = faster development which i suppose isnt entirely true
  10. liquidcactus

    Should 3rd person be removed?

    I remember they did introduce that a while back " Lower and Closer to the Body" camera angle,i defs remember playing with it i wonder if that was on experimental.. because it wouldnt let me look over walls and i remember thinking hell yesss but there seems to be nothen like this in the game atm obviously
  11. liquidcactus

    Remove zombies, 100 player servers

    Like the chap further above said "ARMA3" it has loads of mods that are player faction based with light survival elements. wasteland and exile to name a few. go on then go get em
  12. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch 0.61.137076

    My friend went unconscious because he drank alcohol tincture (after i clearly told him its a disinfectant some hours prior) so he was poisoned then went unconscious.. i told him he can spam a water pump to make himself vomit which i think can work to cure sickness ? i have had the sa for a while but have not had enough group play to confirm any of these medical practices.. so i guess next time a good idea is saline bag then ? So CPR seemed to work to get him up from what i could tell ? anyway maybe more trial and error in the future :D I figured morphine was still the same as the mod and only fixes broke legs as does the splint i would think. Thanx for the response
  13. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch 0.61.137076

    Well i have to say i have been playing this patch with a few friends (15+ hrs) and i have been having the best time since i have bought the sa 3 years ago. We have been playing on a quite server that doesnt have alot of player traffic and i haven't really been coming across any real problems to do with game play at all except for a small amount of rubber banding the other day and 2 zombie glitching through the hospital roof door. I have seen alot of complaining here but maybe everyone is playing on busy servers. I have been getting the "no texture" face tho from wearing head gear bug. Rain still seems to have a sound and no animation sometimes also. Other than that the game really does feel like its coming around imo. The loot is spawning alot more realistically in my travels(perhaps still 2 many weapons but thats probs to still test them etc) tinned food is scarce (lucky 4 those apple trees!) The clothing items seem to be spawning with a nice ratio of damaged to good conditions. I think there is just enough zombies to keep it interesting also which is GREAT. Me and my group were passing through a small military checkpoint outside of dubrovka that looked empty of infected.. than all the sudden one alerted and ran out of nowhere so i shot him then 10 more came out from the trees and behind the check point it was an amazing ambush of sorts. For the first time ever i encountered a wolf pack near Dubrovka also the other day while i was by myself and i must say that was some intense shit! I Still really want to work out how the wolves work.. when i hear the first "Howl" far in the distance should i turn and burn and bail out of the area ? I would think so. Do they track you from the first sound you hear of howling ? who knows.. but regardless it is a very immersive and menacing addition. If you are by your self you really cant do anything without 10+ bullets all and even that's pushing because you don't want to miss! I also had to do CPR to to friend that was unconscious as i couldn't get the epi-pen to work. I also tried the morphine stick but he didn't wake. The cpr finally got him up. His character could move around again but it seemed it was only on my screen where my freinds screen still said he was "unconscious" but he was pressing the move keys and was moving around. Which brings me to my next question. Do the morphine and epi-pens even work yet ? What do the morphine sticks do exactly ? same as mod and fix broken legs ? i have had this game 3 years and never had to use one as i played alot by myself. The CPR addition to the game is pretty rad i must say ^_^
  14. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch 0.61.137076

    Sooo, is anyone actually enjoying this patch on stable so far ? I cant quite tell :D. I noticed early in this thread people complaining that the zombies are way too tough and smart.. however they are alot easier to kill. I killed some with only 3 or 4 hits from a shovel which i deem to be a pretty shitastic hand to hand weapon.. I see alot of people whinging about no vehicles also.. i could really care less for vehicles(still not sure why there isnt at least a push bike yet) i just want to see alot more zombies.. that is all i have been waiting for these past 3 years :D lotsa zombiesss
  15. liquidcactus

    Loot tables

    Ahhh.. the old "first post ever rant at game sucking cause i suck at the game" Like the other folks suggest try moving inland dustin, the coastal towns always get looted first and are therefore always dry of loot objects ! :D
  16. liquidcactus

    Loot tables

    Ahhh.. the old "first post ever rant at game sucking cause i suck at the game" Like the other folks suggest try moving inland dustin, the coastal towns always get looted first and are therefore always dry of loot objects ! :D
  17. liquidcactus

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Hello ! I have been absent for some months now. Thought i would pop my head up to see how this 61 patch is and what people are reporting back. Seems pretty exciting actually, I'm hearing reports of alot more zombies ? Is it consistent through out most towns on the map or pretty random with the amount of zombies in the smaller towns ? i wanted to check exp servers earlier today but got this error that read "The instruction at 0x007515ce referenced memory at 0x1a6060d0. The memory could not be read." Anyone else had this error when clicking "change server" in options ?
  18. liquidcactus

    Persistance - suggestions for items

    I havent really bothered with vehicles or jerry cans at all but i think the j cans being persistent is a really good idea especially considering you can use them for water also
  19. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    This is what i want to know also.. cant really tell from the vids but there doesnt seem to be a mention of it..
  20. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I haven't seen any Aus exp servers for maybe 2 days now. Can anyone else confirm this ?? Yes, i know about changing the filters to find them also.. I'm guessing maybe im checking at the wrong times when they are down perhaps..
  21. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    How do people find the loot spawning ? is it an improvement on 59 ?? can you notice a difference ??
  22. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    As some others may have mentioned. It seems the Aus exp servers have been down for a long time now. I haven't bothered spamming any enter key to get into any server as of yet.. trying to wait till it calms down which by the looks could be weeks hahaa.... sadface Can anyone please confirm for me if zombie numbers are increased or not ?
  23. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    holly shit !! well that looks like a worst case scenario if i ever seen one for dayz haha ! lets us know how you go fixing it
  24. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I hope all you fuckers in AUS give it a break at least after 1am so i can join for a bit ! :D WoOo. ALSO i couldn't use youtube while alt+tab out of dayz while sitting in the lobby.. vids would load but wouldnt play ...WEIRD
  25. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Wow we need so many more EXP servers. Only 2 for Aus, having said that i spose there has never been a patch this big but still ... I'm sure there use to be 4 exp aus servers.. hmmm oh well may just have to wait for the hype to die down a bit or try joining at 1am tonight because i have a day off 2moro woo hoo