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Everything posted by liquidcactus

  1. liquidcactus

    This has to do with the new school

    I would love to know where the school is in the map before we move forward
  2. liquidcactus

    NPC (Dead) Bodies

    Also locked doors or barricaded doors of random rooms with potential stash, inside houses that follow the same principal also
  3. liquidcactus

    Handgun Holsters

    One day... Having somethings in the game like the cowboy hat, revolver and a bandanna mask you would think we would have a waist holster B)
  4. liquidcactus

    Government anti-infestation measures

    Indeed the high risk high reward situation should definitly be considered/worked on.. I suggested a while ago about an idea of situations that would have an "area" heavily infested that would require a team to clear to reap the benefits.. i must stress the reward would be anything to grand.. for example Big Office Block - needs maybe 4 ppl to clear and has a few water coolers and snack machines still filled with goodies on one of the top floors somewhere(random). Mill / Factory- Has maybe one peice of heavy machinery, a truck, a heap of engine parts, or a stash of petrol and fresh chainsaws to be collected after being liberated from the infected. I could go on for a while but i wont. Instead I will say this. I hope the hosptal(s) get some love and we can enter those other levels and rooms that are still solid.. the upper level rooms seem out of proportion also, the roof is maybe a few inches above your head.. :o i dont have a pic
  5. liquidcactus

    NPC (Dead) Bodies

    What I think he means is random static spawns of interest like the cop cars/ heli crash sites but with dead bodies that have some basic items on them. This is a pretty good idea i think.. spice up the loot hunding a bit by running in to a house with a dead body or 2. I think an extended feature of this further down the track could be that the bodies are decayed and you could have a % chance of getting sick yourself but this risk could minimize depending on how much protection you are wearing (gloves/dust mask/glasses etc)
  6. liquidcactus

    How it's made

    Very true... Tractor implements and stuff- There was tractors in the mod
  7. liquidcactus


    Naaa, i think that music is used way too much on any zombie related youtube vid.. well done on the video tho :D
  8. liquidcactus

    A little idea

    Fair enough buddy.. i just get a little snappy whenever i read something like " me and a freind wanted to kill this guy by himself" but anyway :D
  9. liquidcactus

    A little idea

    Weak. An award for killing a solo player ? you deserve nothing.. reckless KOS fools, especially when in groups wanting to shoot people who are by them self is pathetic. >:( :emptycan: I'm wondering about the " tell me if someone logs off within 500 meter radius" then I see the 1 post :emptycan:
  10. liquidcactus

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    they will do it after you can rotate items
  11. liquidcactus

    New map: Chernobyl and Pripyat

    I would cream if i could one day play this Chernobyl map in dayz sa
  12. For myself I'm very much the same for the stamina/weight distribution because you are going to have to be so much resourceful and carefull with what you choose.. i can see my self taking 15 minutes decide on whther to put matches or bullets in my last slot And the renderer Really i have so many more.. Zombies for the most part.. i wanna see them heaaaps more until they are in my dreams Hand 2 hand combat has been dodgey so long, especially if you are an OG who had played the mod from the start back in the day, the idea of a good close combat system these dayz seems pretty f**kn mental :D
  13. liquidcactus

    DPM Uniforms Added

    I would love DPM camo pants to go with my black bomber jacket and black balaclava to look like a true thug mofo.. (aka bullet magnet skin:P)
  14. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Wow.. seriously sounds like this game is getting to the point that I want it to be with the zombie situation.. that's all I have wanted to see in the sa, a shit load more zombies than anything else ever and it seems like its finally getting here. Thanks for reporting back Atrophy.. Think I will start assembling my laZy crew from the depths of my steam friends list
  15. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    That is actually a beautiful story.. I havent tried the exp of 56 so could you please give me a rough guesstimate of how many infected attended your party biohaze ?
  16. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

  17. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    :huh: it... is..... ex.. pe.... ri... mental. :emptycan: It happens to the best of us. Then I would advise to take a break from the game, go outside and have a kit-kat
  18. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Hell yes!, thats what I love about them also :lol:
  19. liquidcactus

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Think I will download exp while at work for 5 hours then come home n thrash and try 2 feedback
  20. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    That's what I thought, they always announce it
  21. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    So who is thinkn there will be a character reset tonight.. ? It's only going to happen if there is a patch obviously. I'm gonna start playing with my brother in the next few dayz and had wondered if it was worth jumpn on today to find some food before we met. Thats why I ask you, my people. You guys are like sons too me
  22. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well thats good to know because I tell you what I dont trust mines at all considering how dodgy and buggy dayz is they seem like a recipe for disaster.. Or recipe of trolling from the dev team ^_^
  23. Nice.. I would never approach 2 players at night
  24. liquidcactus

    walkie-talkie suggestion

    I was just thinkin this today when i found a walkie, I thought it was a 1000m but it defently needs a range increase
  25. liquidcactus

    Motion activated camera.

    If anything I think something more practical thats a bit different than this idea is something for defending camps. We could have a recipe consisting of string+Sticks+rocks+empty can could create a primitive "sound" trap and even more so a flare gun can be added to this crafting recipe for a "night time" flare ambush to mark an intruders position. We could also paint the flare gun with spraycan to make it blend better.