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Everything posted by liquidcactus

  1. liquidcactus

    Mental health / Morale

    Ahh the morale issue.. Flogging a dead horse all over again... and again.. and again... and again... and again.. and again Personally I dont really have much trouble with KOS or bad players.. I have manipulated my play style to always be on 1 low pop server that is a private hive.. I see where you coming from but shit damn this is suggested alot and as frustrating as it is I really think dayz needs to be left out of the "morale" penalties.. dayz is the only game of its kind and sure it can be a pain in the arse but the key phrase here is One of a kind...
  2. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I just want some actual zombies in this zombie game man !! I'm tempted to try exp actually.. maybe there is a zombie over there somewhere :D
  3. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Okay folks i didnt have the internet for 5 damn weeks straight.. what did i miss ? any improvements to zombie ai ?
  4. liquidcactus

    Outdoor sports clothes/gear

    Well there is a track suit so thats a start ^_^
  5. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    So who is actually enjoying this patch ? I played under an hour and almost vomited :P Lots of awesome new stuff however, I am getting this issue where my character ice skates around and i cant control it.. anyone else ? also the brokken hands bug :o I expected this patch to be so good because it took 2 months to release.. I keep thinking we will see a shit load of zombies in just a month.. just one more month... just another month.. jus.. never ANYWAY ! alpha right ? i dont wanna be one those angry kids that doesnt understand development, let alone dayz's think its time for liquid to have a break... might see you folks in a few months :D
  6. liquidcactus

    Yea, I've done it all, or have I? Let's talk Ideas!

    This is a pretty good topic. I never run and gun for players and KOS. Thats pretty much every fps i played before dayz. Tho there seems like a lack of things to do you really have to make your own fun some how. One thing I always do is try to talk to anyone that is within potential distance of making contact. And i can assure you I have only been KOS perhaps under 5 times in 300 hrs of gameplay. Although I play strictly on a private hive, pretty much everyone I meet is willing to talk and have a peaceful result.. now the things is most people always have there weapon raised first and are willing to shoot before they talk but once they hear me initiate a conversation they are usually fine and willing to have a conversation. I'm tellin you guys ! just try to talk to people first unless you are a KOS retard of course but like deepfryer said he likes to people watch and I also like to do a bit of that myself, just need a damaged trench coat to where. I think when barricading buildings is implemented properly there will be some interesting things to do.. like navigating traps of a potential clan HQ. I'm pretty interested to see this and how much people will focus on trying to rob peoples safe houses.. Also taking your shoes off should make your feet quite ! but shit yes we need different level volumes specific to footwear.. I also think when the game has evolved some more there maybe alot more potential for role playing and maybe it will be more popular. I mean this may sound far fetched but imagine you and a pal get to a town and you meet other players that tell you there is a group of men abducting women players (in game) and apparently they have them in the next town and you go hunting for these dogs.. and yeah you get the picture.. I never really played any roleplay dayz but some of the videos I have seen were off the chain baby and I think thats what the driving force for this game will be in the future, all by its "emergent game play" nature
  7. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    there was lotsa vests spawning at schools... and wherez all the zhumbies ?
  8. pretty good ideas.. I think most of us really do fantasize for the potential of the dynamic spawns of random... crashed trucks with stacks of fruit or beverage is an awesome one The introduction of the checkpoints to the map is an exciting start
  9. liquidcactus

    Revert the ammo can back to 8 squares for ammo

    i think they change the containers and or med kits 2 4 slots aswell which is pretty odd.. i mean whats the point other than a little pointless protection ?
  10. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I was rubber banding like a mother trucker when i tried 57 yesterday in what I am pretty sure was cherno and I was even ice skating around the floor in one of those orange brick houses.. it was ..umm.. yeah, you know :huh:
  11. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Thats a cool story, no unnecessary violence. Believe it or not most of my interactions go this way.. tho i do play on a private hive.. I find i always try to make contact first more so then most people.. they will always have a gun up before saying anything but wont shoot after i try to put across a neutral and good spirited vibe to my voice and generally the outcome is good and most players offer an item.. gives you hope really ^_^
  12. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    What makes you say that ? why will backpacks be rare ?
  13. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Is it true there is no Zhumbies on stable atm ?
  14. liquidcactus

    Duct tape mouths

    We have all thought about this before.. i say hell yes.. its something that would more than likely happen anyway, someday down the track :D
  15. liquidcactus

    Cycle Through Player Spawn Spots

    Mee too
  16. liquidcactus

    [Door] Shotgun Booby Trap

    I think this dude wants to play survive the nights :lol:
  17. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well thats just it.. i dont play any of those crappy survival mods for arma 3.. just vanilla arma 3.. i find the scale of the environment still satisfies me enough while waiting for dayz + i play with a clan which is pretty good stuff untill they start whinging at each other :D But yeah dayz is kinda like sex without the climax right now...soo yeah.. looking forward to 57 !
  18. liquidcactus

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Well its been 2 months since a stable.. so i would say another 2-4 months.. hang iin there buddy.. or just do what i decided to do and forget about dayz for as long as possible and play arma3 :D speaking of chainsaws.. has anyone even had one working ?
  19. liquidcactus

    Primitive Shelters

    wow nice videos.. the 2nd one with the guy making the A frame shelter against a tree was great.
  20. liquidcactus

    Some servers where guns are NOT available

    Interesting idea.. even pistols only like goldeneye wouldnt be a bad idea pistols as the only guns obviously B) I agree with what you say and your playstyle.. 2000 hrs wow man thats alot.. im at 300 hrs for the sa and i did about 450 in the mod.. I always avoid everyone also.. like you self i have only shot a couple people but it was so long ago i dont even really remember? but I havent been killed by players very often at all.. I find one of the biggest parts of this game is to try your best not to be shit scared of other players and just try to chat.. every time i have tried to talk to a player even if there weapon is raised they always talk back and the situation always ends up working out fine. Obviously this wont work out every single time but I am more so explaining personal experience here rather than dictating how one should approach others but regardless every time I have tried to talk the will always talk back. Other things to factor in also are i play on a private hive and the server is never super busy so i think it draws a more "survival play" mindset of players than "lets gear up and shoot everything that moves like a retarded child" kinda mindset.. (maybe) I still do agree with the hermit play style however and staying away from popular routes etc.. I just cant wait to see how rare guns will become later on but dayz is taking so long I'm trying to distract myself from it.
  21. liquidcactus

    Stink bombs

    And how about laser pointers and tamagochies ( ..pending graveyard :P)
  22. liquidcactus

    My overall vision for DayZ

    wait another 5-10 years ..ouch... hahaa Apparently the new graphics render should help us out with this no zombies low fram rate thing But even then I'm still sooOoo skeptical. I will have to see it to believe it
  23. liquidcactus

    Stink bombs

    Before we start any stuff like this.. allow me to be able to poke ppl with a seedy syringe full of bleach or petrol... and the higher the damage of the syringe, the higher chance of "tetanus" F*CK YEAH !
  24. liquidcactus

    Forest in The Witcher 3

    We will never see the forests change in dayz. All I think they would do (maybe) is add more bushes etc to make it more dense but thats about it. I would eat my hat if anything happened in the next 4 years on this subject anyways
  25. liquidcactus

    This has to do with the new school

    wow thanx man, it loox good cant wait to see alot more bigger structures. Btw I think the bell idea for the school would be really good. I'm all for ideas where you can manipulate the environment in such a way.. adds a lot of depth for me