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About ARMA2K13

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    www.thebigfucrew.com - Professional DayZ Community
  1. THE BIG F.U. CREW - PVPville Invite LMS Tournament - Each player can earn a spot to play in our promotional events. Stay active in the TBFU community, and you will be invited to play our tournaments. All we need is credibility that your a community player, and legit. Registration: Free 2 Play Tournament Date & Time: To Be Announced Map Location: 136,123 Format: LMS PVP = Last Man Standing Player vs Player - PRIZE - - 1st place: $50 Amazon Gift Card - 2nd place: $30 Amazon Gift Card - 3rd place: $20 Amazon Gift Card or Custom Loadout - 4th place: $15 Custom Loadout Tournament briefing will take place before the event will start. Each player will receive the same weapon & inventory items. Once all players have been informed of their objective the rule list will then be reviewed. PVPville Tournament Rule List: - NO side chatting while playing in PVPville events. If you need an admin please type "admin" in side chat. - There is NO time limit for these events. - Once your on PVPville Island for the event you cannot leave the Island. If you leave then your considered out of the event. - If you disconnect from the server while in an event you are automatically disqualified, and will be removed from PVPville Island. - If your caught hacking or combat logging you will be banned from our community server and website "forever". - During this event players may NOT team together period "not for help or team support". - Camping in the water behind the rocks next to the coastline is considered being "out of bounds and off the Island". This will result in being disqualified from the event. - Yes you are allowed to loot other player bodies to gather more ammo, and supplies. - NO you can not pick up any weapons/frag gernades you find in loot spawns. Only use the weapons given to you by an admin. - Yes you are allowed to pick up food and medical supplies from loot spawns. After the rules have been explained and understood a 5 minute timer will be started. Within the 5 minutes all players must find a starting position on the Island. When the 5 minute timer runs to 0 the admin will sound the start to the tournament, and all players can began PVPing until there is only one last man standing!!! If you shot a player before the admin sounds to start you will be disqualified and maybe banned depending on how the situation went down. Thank you for your time, and please let us know if you have any questions. Good Luck. Direct forums link to event: http://thebigfucrew.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1415
  2. Someone come join and play with me. I'm all alone :(
  3. 10 PPL ON, AND new heli spawns, and vehicles spawns. NOW OVER 200 WORKING VEHICLES!!!
  4. 10 ppl on. we need more more more!!!
  5. bump first time bumping join us dudes & dudets!!!
  6. We dded 50 vehicles & 10 heli's 100% working. Come join us today!!!
  7. SUNDAY IS SNOW DAY - We have snow enabled. Come join us!!!
  8. www.thebigfucrew.com Please come join us. We have a lot to offer.
  9. We have enabled custom skins. This means you can add custom player character skins, and everyone in-game will see your custom skin. Enjoy!
  10. Custom Loadout Donations are now 100% LIVE - http://thebigfucrew.com/loadout-options/