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Cheese Grinder

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About Cheese Grinder

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    The Cheese Master

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    And then the God said, let there be Cheese

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  1. Cheese Grinder

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    A horse walks into a bar and says nothing to the barman because it is a horse and horses cannot speak human language, or any language for that matter.
  2. Cheese Grinder

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Guys...this sounds crazy, but what if...the "Everest" that he refers to all the time is actually Dayz Sa? Like as if it is a mountain for him he has to conquer, overcome all challenges and do it in time?
  3. Cheese Grinder

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I am lucky, I only needed to rub one ice cub over my nipples and that was it
  4. Cheese Grinder

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I thought you gonna say "chill your tits" cause I did, they are super chilled.
  5. Cheese Grinder

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Stay strong and have a heart of gold, everything will come to you.
  6. Cheese Grinder

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Wat? Speaking of banning people for posting pointless posts :/
  7. Cheese Grinder

    Grenade damage

    Now that I think about it, there should be different blood loss depending on the area bullet strike. Also grendage fragments can fly up to 250m so you still have chance to be struck by one even very far away
  8. Cheese Grinder

    Grenade damage

    Blame the Jews, I mean Gews
  9. Cheese Grinder

    Grenade damage

    I'dd say if the grenade explodes within 10m from target, thats should be almost a sure kill because of concussion from blast and fragments, but after that it should be a random chance to get hit by a fragment. I know the effective range of a grenade is 250m but the chance of being hit by a fragment at those distances should be around 2-3%
  10. Cheese Grinder

    Grenade damage

    That one real of course, your point?
  11. Cheese Grinder

    Grenade damage

    They are both fake, the grenades have no actual charge and are simply like fireworks, real grenade would cause peaces of earth to fly and have some HE potential, these ones look all fake. The first one has real charge inside the hole and somebody detonates it for press.
  12. Cheese Grinder

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Ohh my god, when I see people who don't understand the simplest of humor, I cringe until I go into coma.
  13. Cheese Grinder

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    The zombies should just speak with heavy English accent, will be scarier as we will run away from them
  14. Cheese Grinder

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Ok lets get a little back story out for those of you who have not been around dayz for very long. In-case you did not know dayz became popular due to the fact it was the first zombie survival game that did things well the way dayz does it, and here is something a large amount of game reviews at the time stated was the only reason it was popular, it was the first game ever that you could login to ANY server and have the same character, gear, location, etc. That was due to the central Hive database that Every server connected to. This unified server system made people love DayZ even more. For those of you who are wondering the time frame I am talking about, I am referring to the very early stages of dayz, right around the end of april and mid may. At the time what made dayz so amazing was the thrill of trying to survive with just what you find, and of course the hunt of trying to find a vehicle when less then 50 servers had vehicles and less then like 10 had helis, People were simply in love with trying to find the best possible loot and set up a tent base. A vehicle at the time seemed like an endgame as it saved you from the countless hours of back and fourth between airfields your base and cities. DayZ was simply more about surviving, And from what I can tell what Dean (Rocket) truly wants with DayZ. NOW Now the whole Idea of dayz has changed, most of the old players who made dayz big are gone, and its new players thinking that what dayz is now, is how it has always been. The central Hive is pretty much none existent, logging into pretty much every server will cause you to spawn with a new character and new gear. So right there a huge part of what dayz used to be is changed now. I know this is going to get me a lot of hate, But here goes. And now onto what is the worst thing to happen for dayz "Private Hives". Private Hives have ruined pretty much everything that made DayZ, DayZ. Surviving really is not a thing anymore when you have server admins putting 200+ vehicles on the server which take away from that sort of endgame like goal of finding a vehicle, You now have server admins with the ability to simply repair vehicles to full with the press of a button, and they now have the ability to spawn vehicles where ever they damn well please which is for sure not what dayz was about. Now onto admins giving weapons, changing starting loadout, and more. Allowing admins the ability to give weapons, heal, and do what ever to players is also something that ruined what dayz was all about. You used to have to spend hours upon hours trying to find loot in military barracks and heli crashes (even though they used to almost never work) just to find say a DMR, If you had a squad with a DMR, a winchester, and an M4/M16 or two you were king You had Fun in your group as you knew that the 5 hours you just spent finding that DMR was worth it. Now that is all gone, server admins can simply give them selves guns weapons what ever, and give other players what ever they feel like. Heck you can now change it so instead of starting with basic survival gear you start with the best possible stuff in the game.... That makes playing pretty much pointless. Now this leads me onto what a decent amount of servers are doing, "donate for an as50" or "donate for a loadout of your choice" that sounds an awful lot like pay to win which is something no one expected dayz to ever be. Now granted you will say well not all servers do it. Well your right but a decent amount do, do it which is the reason why i am mentioning it. And onto my last point. NEW PLAYERS Right now is the worst time for players to pickup dayz for the first time as not only do they have to get used to the clunky inventory system, and just learn what dayz is. They now have to choose from what map and what mod of dayz mod they want to play, which as a new player you might not even choose actual dayz on chernarus. You then have to choose one of the 6 thousand servers that are out there knowing that what ever server you join is the one you will need to stick with, but not only that you need to hope you pick a server that 1 the admin is not going to be abusing his powers, and 2 a server that is not going to change maps and you lose all your effort, and 3 one that is not going to be cancelled a week from now and once again you lose all your stuff. Which going back to the THEN part of this section is something you did NOT have to worry about when dayz was more towards rockets vision. And onto the topic WHY PEOPLE WILL BE DISAPPOINTED Lets talk about the title and why I said "Why The Later SA Is Released, The More People Will Be Disappointed" As you may or may not know rocket is developing the game he had always dreamed dayz could be, So that game will be more towards what dayz used to be and not what it has become now. That means at least for a decent amount of time in the beginning, there will be NO private hives, there will simply be the one main Hive that they run. He has said that he does not want to do private hives at first because they want to simply work on fixing bugs and new features at first which will result in possibly large changes that will need to be made on a daily basis to the Hive. No private hives means no "200+ vehicle servers", no "admin maps", no player tracking, no special starting gear and loadouts, no donator classes, no plunking down vehicles where ever you please, none of that. That right there is huge news to those who think dayz SA is going to be like dayz now just with improvements. Personally I hope Rocket does not allow private hives at all for at least a year, It simply changes the idea of DayZ too much, Don't get me wrong I hope admins get some more tools then they get on a official server now, but I hope to what ever god you believe in they don't get all of what they get now. Now for those of you who only play say taviana or only play dayz 2017 and think normal dayz on chernarus sucks, well you are also going to be out of luck as rocket has also stated that modding will NOT be allowed for the foreseeable future as well going back to private hives, they simply want to work on fixing issues and working on improvements to dayz rather then supporting people trying to day one make 20 maps. I am also personally very happy about this news too as no modding means no extra maps which means no private hives will need to be made. From what I just said a lot of you might be thinking to yourself oh what he said is false, SA is going to have everything well its simply not. There are plenty of places for you to look to find sources for what I said, Its all been said by rocket. Plain and simple. Now for those of you who understand what I have said can think to yourself, those who have not played dayz way back when and realize what its truly about may not like SA when it comes out as its simply not going to have the million maps and private hives with admin maps and tools. That right there I know for a fact will make a lot of people hate SA. Then of course the longer the mod is out and SA is still just "in development" players will be buying arma 2 for dayz mod playing it and getting in their heads that is what dayz is and that is what they can expect from SA. If SA would have released back when Rocket said (end of 2012) more people most likely would have expected what they got as even though its only been 3 months private hives were not as big then as they are now, and since then a lot more mods and maps have come out which have changed dayz even more. From Reddit top page
  15. Cheese Grinder

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    No!!!! Never!!! XD