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About wisper

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    Athens, Greece
  1. -The planned anti-combat logging system, which should also prevent combat and damage for X time until fully connected once logging on. In other words once your join a server, you cannot A take damage and B deal Damage for X time. Foolee's got it on this issue. If only they would go as far as to prevent looting/inventory handling for said ammount of time...I can think of ways to abuse this feature otherwise and even with these additional limitations, "gost spying" for a group will happen.
  2. wisper

    Insanity from the player

    The original suggestion is good, kudos :-) Talking to oneself might be a bit too much but antidepresants (and their side effects) are not... As for those who don't like the restraints of such a mechanic, it is far more realistic then a camper who sits comfortable eating while his/her character is in stalking mode in game. (Famous snipers could stay in 1 position for a long time but this extraordinary stoicism turn them into legends and that is what your average patato couch is not.) In real life, being alone for a long time is not only unbearable emotionaly, but can affect u also physicaly, so it does make a good/realistic insentive to socialize in game.
  3. Obviously, and small kids that can pilot the damn things ;)
  4. wisper

    campaign mode

    Bull! 90% of your life is reacting to outside stimulae (aka story). Absolute sandbox can only be found in kindergardens...
  5. wisper

    campaign mode

    Dayz girl nailed it. There is nothing wrong with adding a story line, prequel style. Furthermore, u might want to experiment on some things, without messing other people's game.
  6. Blimps are no longuer filled with hydrogen, (the source of catastrophic accidents) and even when they were, they were used to cross the atlantic and as bombers during ww1. Weather does not affect them as much as u would think (atlantic) and they can withstand massive damage and stay afloat (short of a plane ramming them camekaze style it was damn hard to shoot them down). Maintainance is an issue, (especially the ground based equipment needed) but nowdays it is all mobile and, in the end of the day, what maintainance is not complicated in a dayz world? Finally, the map is not a country and in a country u can find blimps.
  7. I want blimps! High up in the air, parashuting a squad in town. Looting and loading all in big baskets to be pulled back up. Or even fighting between blimps/balloons/light aircraft... once helis gets introduced all this will be kind of obsolete though.
  8. wisper

    Better Hospitals

    Perhaps a mental clinic addition too?
  9. wisper

    broken tank or apc at an army base

    Take your quews from the Ukrainian situation... APCs, even helis, but not so many tanks/airplanes. This is because in any unorganized confrontation things get "close and personal" instead of tactical/strategic, (truth be told, whoever holds a strategic mentality in such a mayhem, usualy wins).
  10. Must have sound. Whoever claims differently hasn't thought it through. Still, sound must be non-threatening and unique, (yawn or woosh or something) cause otherwise it might add to the confusion ("Did u just load? No did u?")
  11. wisper

    Essential for survival: Sleep

    Then what? U would have people fortify a police station, snipe from in there and keep it inaccessible to everybody else for the rest of the time by sleeping? Or are all fortifications vulnerable in which case your character is shit out of luck if you are casual player and stay off line during working days for example? No, avatars must be taken off the server while ur not on line... otherwise the strain to support all these inactives would mess up efficiency too I imagine.
  12. wisper

    Essential for survival: Sleep

    I wouldn't wish u to do anything behind your screen, too many cables there... :pSeriously: Sleeping during log off does not mean that your avatar stays available online, the system would be overcrouded by snoring inactives. What I meant is that u prepare your sleeping arrangement, (whether this is a great hiding place, or out in the open or anything between the two) and then u dissappear when you log off, as it now happens. But, when u log back in u are rested as much as your previous preparation allows and u appear in the server as well hidden and covered as u were at your log off. Only during napping u remain online inactive, but u can also prepare for that, it is not supposed to last longer then 30secs and u wouldn't be taking a risk that is greater then eating a can.
  13. wisper

    Essential for survival: Sleep

    Denial eh? Ur in the first stage :pSeriously though, I may be wrong but I don't see someone playing 10 hours streight at this point of the development... there isn't so much to do appart from sniping. In any case, whatever your play style, the initial suggestion, with the napping option added, sounds right.. right?
  14. wisper

    Essential for survival: Sleep

    U mean campers, right? Yeah, we like those too. If u follow the thread u will discover that we are now catering for a system that uses 10 to 30 secs naps and considers that the avatar sleeps during logout time. If u stay 24/7 online, spending 30 secs every couple of hours is not such a drag is it? U spend as much to eat and drink :)
  15. Every time u log in a server, u can check 360 and accept or reject connection. At the same time, if u accept connection, a big yawn is heard from your location and your avatar stretches for 10 secs.