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Posts posted by valdark

  1. The reason they dont run indoors is because the pathing issues in the mod. This has been completely overhauled and improved in SA.

    I really dont mind this and am pleased about it as it helps make the game as challenging as it should be. I would imagine to help combat this you would have to close doors behind you or barricade entrances and they will no loner be able to just warp straight through any more. It also means you have to deal with zombie threats, ideally as quietly as possible. For me this only goes to improve the game.

    I do understand that issues arose early on but I don't believe they've even tried re emplementing the running in doors since the community team resolved many of the issues with zombies and how they react to objects.

    So the suggestion is to just pop it back on in a test build and see how it runs. If it doesn't just let us know that and don't bring it to an official release.

  2. The suggestion here is that the community devs test zombies moving at full speed indoors again.

    This was previously available within the mod but due to them clipping through walls and interior objects was removed.

    Now that those bugs have been removed for the most part has the return of full movement for indoor zed been tested at all?

    If not I would like to suggest that testing be done and considered for the next patch (not the one coming monday of course).

  3. I began playing in early November and after a couple hack attacks on the public hives I began searching for a private hive to call home.

    I tried several others and never found a fit until I joind BMRF #2. It's first person, no waypoint, no peripheral dot setup had me hooked.

    If that wasn't enough I had an intense experience on my second or third night of play.

    I was running lone wolf up north searching for vehicles and was on my way back into Berezino for parts.

    It was pitch black and I had no NVGs so I'm running through the woods by compass alone when I hear a chopper.

    Being not only alone but a purely non hostile player I promptly hit the dirt and watch the silhouette of a Huey fly directly overhead.

    Just as I'm getting up I hear an Mi-17 come in following the Huey. It however does not fly by.

    I'm laying prone looking back toward the sound and can just make out the edge of te dust cloud it is creating when I hear a loud whine followed by an explosion.

    Suddenly my little patch of forest is lit up like day.

    I'm loaded out with med gear and figure they must have hit a tree so I go in shouting this over direct.

    I circle the wreckage and don't see any bodies so I'm about to bug out when I see a chute above the tree line.

    I ask if he needs assistance once more. Getting no response I figure its time to go.

    I couldn't have been more right.

    Fire erupts from the south in steady bursts followed by a second set of shots from the north.

    Both sets are too close for comfort so I head east.

    As I do I here fire from the direction of the paratrooper and the fire from the south ceases.

    Then the paratrooper fires another burst and the fire from the north ceases.

    I am still bugging out saying "I'm not looking for any trouble man, I'll be on my way" when a third burst from our flying madman takes me down.

    All I hear as I die is "I don't want to hear it."

    I was hooked.

    • Like 2

  4. If you look how the zed is turning as your walking around. The zeds line of sight is very low its the direction the zed is always facing with an angle of sight of 30 degrees looking at the video your well out of that.

    So draw a line from the direction the zed is facing then add a cone of 30 degrees out to a max of 80 meters this is the zeds sight. Due to this cone effect the closer the zed is the worse the sight is this is where hearing should start being picked up more and i think you noticed that as you are walking :-)

    There is no chance based system so some zeds will seem stupid as hell but others will catch you. The issue is when they attack they shout out to all zeds within the range of that shout. This shout is a 360 degree radius around the zed. this is where the lack of sight but increased hearing starts to work best. Its a work in progress system we need a clean start and clean feedback on this.

    The zed callouts don't seem to be working very well. Agroing a single zed doesn't seem to cause the full 80m agro. I don't know if this is because they deagro immediately if you aren't in LOS or if there are other factors.

    I will try and capture some video to show what I mean.

  5. I don't know if this was mentioned before but I've discovered some bug with the quiver.

    It's not possible to have two quivers without the game deleting the other one with the first shot.

    My experience with this was I had two quivers with both in my inventory. One quiver had 6, the other had 1, so all together I had 7 arrows. When I fired the crossbow which was using the quiver with 6 arrows in it, the quiver with one arrow was deleted and the quiver in use showed 5 arrows. So two arrows were gone from my inventory when I fired once.

    I will continue to search for more bugs.

    Odd I did not have this problem when I carried 3 quivers.

  6. Yes the zigzag issue was a real pain to deal with during testing the guys told us they ran too much in a line so we did try giving them a little movement back just to make them a little harder but overall the zeds and loot need some work. :-) But from the feedback so far i think alot of ppl are enjoying the new zeds i haven't heard anyone say a zed agroed miles away. YET :-)

    No they are definitely not agroing as far but as above your last post I think they agro to little even at close proximity.

    I know the ai has been a major wrench in your gears so I salute your ability to fix as much as you have on the pathing.

    • Like 1

  7. the drift to players happens over a range of 300 meters from players any zed above 250 meters is forced back towards the player. All zeds below 250 meters will try a find a spot closer to the players as they move around. As we start changing the sound and agro levels of zeds back this will become deadly. The m107 and as50 both have agro ranges counters over 500 meters on firing. This will take time to get correct we need to remove all chance based system to get a real feel of how the zeds behave and this is the feedback we need back form you guys.

    This is something we may have to fight for a little bit of time id love to get hold of someone with alot of ui experience in arma 2.

    Side Notes ammo saving is an issue with private hives the official server.pbos should be saving ammo fine this also counts for tents and global vehicle dmg. Bliss has been unsupported now from patch anyone still using bliss will need to update to a new server side system use the official private hive sql on github (currently being redone) or move to reality or one of the many other private hive systems out.

    Sorry i cant always read every post.

    Thanks for the direct reply.

    I'm really glad to hear that this is a part of the fine tuning process and that you aren't content with the current levels.

    I should have complemented you earlier on the reduced zig zagging and the fact that zed now have to go over objects or around them. Seeing one slow and creep over a loot pile was a very nice feeling.

    One thing of note is that although they zig zag less they still run a few meters away before coming back at you.

  8. too bad the logout block was removed when getting zombie aggro, also having 120 meters max zombie aggro range leaves snipers even safer than they actually allready were

    however, the rest looks good, keep up the good work

    I agree. I think the zed drifting toward players is supposed to counter the issue with snipers but with logging back on the table it pretty much negates any good the change might have done.
