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Everything posted by valdark

  1. valdark

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    No it will “be available” through the pbo files. Not as part of Chernarus.
  2. valdark

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    I really love all the "feature bloat" you had to cut from the main game showing up in paid DLC which is otherwise just repackaged A2 and A3 assets. You've really outdone yourselves this time.
  3. valdark

    Stable Update 1.05

    Thank god you “fixed” bullets and explosions being able to damage tents. Wouldn’t want to have things make sense.
  4. valdark

    Experimental Update 1.05

    So the answer to dealing with climbing and bases was to make it so that bases couldn't be climbed despite them being shorter than the max climbing height? Who comes up with this?
  5. The direction they’ve taken since they failed to deliver helicopters in 2015 has just been a series of reneged promises and feature cuts. This “new increased speed” isn’t even on par with the speed on the old engine and they are just re-implementing a fraction of what we we got to play during early access but now with crappy useless base-building. The map work was almost entirely done in the old engine so we cant credit that. The vehicles are still next to worthless as far as reliability is concerned and both melee and gunfights are the worst they’ve been since Arma 2. We’ve basically been given the shaft and told we should be happy they put a few pieces of what we had back in maybe if they feel like it. I went from the most enthusiastic and forgiving memeber of this community to just another disillusioned player among millions with the 1.0 and post 1.0 handling of this project.
  6. valdark

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    Releasing 1.0 as you propose is the best way to ensure you miss this mark.
  7. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Appreciate your hard work as always Batty, hope you enjoyed your holiday.
  8. valdark

    Player Assistance Team

    Bobby 38 Willing to help answer questions online here or on reddit u/Valdark2 Also willing to help in game when I'm on which is mostly 10pm-4am CST Monday-Thursday though I'm sometimes available during the day as well. Ive moved to mostly playing official servers but willing to establish myself elsewhere if need be. Im not typically combat centric but do love running as a dedicated medic/zed control if there is a group that needs such things. I also dont don't mind maintaining and transporting vehicles if I know someone will make use of them.
  9. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Not replying to this but couldn't find your earlier one on the 1pp US servers. I'd like to reiterate my comments from earlier since I know you were all on holiday. Only one of the US servers has consistently stayed online this weekend and it is connected to the 3pp hive character (ATL 4-274) The other US servers have only been on for brief periods since you mentioned making them 1pp both the other ATL server and the DAL servers were only available for a few hours from your changing them to 1pp till they reverted to 3pp servers. I really want to spend more time in the official servers but the 1pp servers seemed to be crashing frequently (while they were available) except for the one connected to the 3pp hive.
  10. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    That one is 1pp hive. 4-274 is the 1pp on the 3pp hive. 4-225 was having issues with persistence this week.
  11. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Careful, one is still linked to the 3pp hive.
  12. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Ok so my characters are there but the DAL server is no longer showing 1pp. Win some you you lose some I guess. Hoping ATL server gets its persistence issue sorted.
  13. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Yeah, something odd is happening with the official servers today. I have two accounts and both had characters on both 1pp and 3pp servers as of this morning. Now now I have no characters on either account.
  14. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    So now all of my characters have been deleted both 1pp and 3pp official and the DAL 1pp server is gone again. Not sure what is going on here but it's odd indeed.
  15. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Ok odd, the 1pp DAL server from last night is gone and now I have a different 1pp DAL server that uses my 3pp character. The DAL server I favorited last night no longer appears in my list. The new one one that's connected to my 3pp hive character is DAL 4-100 it appears ATL 4-274 also has the 3pp character.
  16. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    My favorited DAL 1pp server is back! Thank you Batty. I had actually taken a break due to the lack of decent servers (ATL issues and no 1pp US officials) for me to invest time in. Just found out last night. I work the weekend but expect me to be on regularly during the week now that I know I have a home base.
  17. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Well fuckall. I had two 1pp official servers marked (one DAL and one TX both under 40 ping) and both went 3pp with the latest update. Sucks because With the split I'm finally interested in playing public again except they took all my servers.
  18. valdark

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Wanted to check with you. Have you had issues with persistence on the ATL server? I've been loosing every barrel I place. The first ones I can see being snagged but the second set seems unlikely. Both times ones I came back only a few hours later but after a restart to find the barrels gone even though population was extremely low while I played.
  19. valdark

    Exp Update 0.62.140099

    I know it's not really what we are testing but the weather is so good these last couple of builds. Between the the incoming storm winds, the torrential downpours, and the heavy fogs I've had the most enjoyable experience from the environment alone.
  20. valdark

    Exp Update 0.62.140062

    Spawned inland at Black Lake with no rock surfaces. No sharp objects Couldn't make rags, fireplace or rope. Still raining. Stayed alive by heating a cooking pot on pot on a gas stove and wearing it in my hoodie while picking apples in Olsha. Wasnt enough to keep me warm but it kept me from completely freezing. Made my way way back to Sverograd hoping to make a stone knife on the beach from some rocks I mined at the crashed car South of Olsha. Ran into to a stranger there. Traded his ability to make fire for a can of sardines I couldn't open. Had to log. Looking really good but suggest the ability to craft stone knife by striking two stones together in addition to at the surfaces since most inland stone surfaces have been removed with the map changes.
  21. valdark

    Exp Update 0.62.140062

    Spawned in 3V, it's raining. Warmed by the fire before heading inland with just my flare. No food to be found. I find a couple of sodas on zed I take out but the pickings are slim and I'm having to stop at every house with a fireplace to warm up. Still no food. I find a sedan but promptly slide off the dirt road and high center on a log... these things weren't meant for muddy roads. I make it to mysta but I'm too cold to try picking apples and I'm loosing blood from starvation. I get cornered by this one so I have to fight her off. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/859474057604065140/3937A472B10C77455BEEBBA400184F0424EE5FA8/ She has a can of peaches on her. I cut it open with my stone knife and raise one to my mouth as I fall unconscious. This build is just about perfect. Loving the visuals, no issues with performance so far.
  22. valdark

    Exp Update 0.62.144044

    Thanks was about to check the tracker.
  23. valdark

    Exp Update 0.62.144044

    Although tanning leather now works trying to dye leather clothing with nails now deletes both nails and clothing.
  24. valdark

    Exp Update 0.62.144044

    Berry bushes are working again. Keeps me from having to enter towns while I'm out searching for game. Now now if only they'd give me an advanced leather tanning option that didn't require some form of spawned loot I'd be a happy woodland hermit.
  25. valdark

    Exp Update 0.62.140009

    Liking the color changes so far. Was getting a slight stutter early on which went away after a few minutes. Couldnt tell for certain but it seemed like it might be related to changes in wind direction. Will I'll continue to look for a pattern when I can find time to hop on.