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Everything posted by valdark

  1. valdark

    I am looking for crash, can you help me?

    Will do. This is on stable branch correct? Edit: Nevermind, just saw the discussion category I jumped here from another discussion.
  2. valdark

    Future of public hive servers

    Great topic. I personally dislike shared hives due to ghosting as others have mentioned but if we are to have one this change will make it a better introduction to the game than the current state of affairs. If there here is a public hive it should not have private management.
  3. valdark

    Exp Update 0.61.138341

    Updated: Same vehicle. Ran around doing some heli crash hunting and hit a fence when the car rubber banded during a turn. This blew out the front tires which showed as pristine and could not be changed. The car drove just fine. Checked another heli crash at NWAF and that's when things got strange. As I was placing items in the car inventory my character began sliding around in random directions. After a minute of this I relogged to find the heli crash had been deleted. Then proceeded to drive to the opposite end of the airfield where I got "you are dead" followed by a game crash. Logged back in alive but the car was non operational. While testing I got into and out of the car and again died, this time the effects were permanent.
  4. valdark

    Exp Update 0.61.138341

    Getting strange desync around a car I found in Novo. Invisible zed, actions delayed extremely etc. Once I got the car running all went well but I died when I first spotted it to the mentioned invisible zed and nearly did again my second attempt when I rubber banded 10m or so behind a wall. Seems it may be related to door states server side in that area so I'm not sure the vehicle was at fault but it's the only issue I had on the server. My second attempt I had another player with me who did not go through buildings and he was not experiencing this.
  5. valdark

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Thanks for the link sir.
  6. valdark

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    I wasn't aware of those. Do you have a link?
  7. I had asked on Twitter a few days ago whether the changes we have seen to lighting (proper shadows and no longer casting light through walls) would also change how explosions were handled in regard to how damage is distributed. Currently explosions seem to have been reduced in radius because they go through walls. Can we hope to see them returned to their larger radius but with cover working to avoid damage due to the progress made with the engine?
  8. Thanks for the reply. I was hoping the light calculations for the explosions could be piggybacked to tell the system where in the radius to apply damage. Since explosions have a light component anyway it was my hope that this could serve the dual purpose of cutting down on server load and simultaneously apply damage only where obstructions did not exist.
  9. valdark

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    That was me, they seem not to like me.
  10. valdark

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Is anyone else noticing a lower framerate than the prior build? I seem to have lost between 15-25 fps depending on area.
  11. valdark

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    also helps to heat up cans and other containers then store them in inventory as makeshift heatpacks.
  12. valdark

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Almost died of Hypothermia because I went afk for a minute to make my kiddo something to eat and hadn't gathered the materials for a fire, it was raining and zombies were everywhere. It was perfect. Zombie ranges seemed much closer today so the desynch may be resolving a bit. Didn't get to test much else before the servers went down.
  13. valdark

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Didn't get in today but the one Friday had the same issue with being pushed through objects. I got forced into a corner of the police station where I could not get out. Only relogging allowed me to escape the corner between fallen shelves where the zed pushed me.
  14. valdark

    Dayz Standalone Mod: Arkansas

    There are plugins for Blender and 3dsMax so that you don't have to do the work using BI tools. They've progressed quite a ways so you should be able to follow a workflow similar to what you are familiar with.
  15. valdark

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I said it isn't ideal, doesn't mean I don't use it regularly in game and that I wouldn't resort to it in a survival situation. Lol, way to take the least important part of the message out of context there champ.
  16. valdark

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    You can light it off a fire so there's your process for using the hand drill kit. Definitely not ideal, but neither is resorting to the hand drill kit in the first place.
  17. valdark

    Experimental Branch: 0.53 Discussion

    Yeah, it's been that way for ages. Just give the BE folder exemption and it will improve by leaps and bounds.
  18. valdark

    Status Report - Week of 05 Jan 15

    I think we've sent them plenty of ideas. Ball is in their court. I personally like the arma squad.xml system which allows clan tags to display on vehicles driven by those with the .xml configured in their profile as well as on certain clothing. This appears for everyone in the server. Only problem there is that it's a combination of resource issue and policing the .xml content that become problems long term. I think the player should have to acquire a specific resource to be able to add the patch or icon to their clothing. It could even be simplified to fewer pixels for performance and be a spray paint recipe that only those given the right info can access. But whatever it is, this indicator needs to be equally visible to enemies as allies and be something that can be stolen from corpses for infiltration.
  19. valdark

    Status Report - Week of 05 Jan 15

    Yuck. That's almost as bad as icons.
  20. I would love to know if this is to be an actual, functioning test server or if it is strictly for testing if the whitelist. If it is the former does anyone have info on the whitelist application process so that I might join. I would really love to be able to test the game without server hopping affecting loot vs. population as well as not contend with the ghosting issues that still occur.
  21. That's the one. Let me know if you do hear anything.
  22. Yes, I know that it is a private hive with the experimental update but there is only one and it has neither players nor information on how to become whitelisted. The question is whether this was set up solely to test the whitelist setting to see if it works as intended or if it was set up to run a true test server. Your answer basically repeats the information I already have concerning this one server.
  23. Nice! Weapon cleaning kits and hardcore only hive! Can't wait.
  24. Anyone? I'm really getting frustrated by every damned server being 8AM all day every day. Found one server that is stuck at 4AM which isn't much better. EDIT: I found one that at the very least begins in the darkest part of night and progresses to dawn. Haven't seen it reset yet to know if it holds a true day/night cycle but for those interested it's the closest I've found. filter: goblinarmy