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Everything posted by lets

  1. I think, if ALL buildings be fully entrable, it'll be great, te map would be so much bigger this way, but another thing I would prefer, , the furniture of the buildings weren't just static objects, it would be amazing if we could open fridges, stoves, shelfs. :D
  2. lets

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Man I love you, you said everything, and more
  3. lets

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Tell me ONE game, that made a complete game in 1 YEAR, with a small team, with a 225km map, with almost every building entrable, that doesn't have bugs and glitches, and don't copied and pasted their last game like COD, tell me.
  4. lets

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Oh man, this guy thinks he knows everything, you took some AAA titles, with big teams, and a lot of money, and you think, Dayz, that started to grow up it's money now, that have a small team, more or less 20 people, to have all that things you said, almost all the games you said, were singleplayer games, with a linear story, Dayz have a 225 km map, with a LOT of entrable buildings, and it's still, pretty much a pre-alpha, a LOT of things will me implemented, the mod was launched in April 2012, and the Standalone version, that it's a completely new game, was started in october or november. Where are the other 2 years? It's easy to say, that we're fanboys, but when some dumb guy start to say dumb things about something he don't even now, it's hard to stay quiet.
  5. I want to make a group, i'm 16, and I have experience in Dayz, the standalone version I already played 40 hours
  6. Will be added soon South America Servers?
  7. lets

    DayZ Memes

  8. The people who watched the stream know what I'm talking about.