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Everything posted by khaenz

  1. khaenz

    Your bad DayZ habits

    Whenever I see someone with a gun I really get a huge urge to shoot him. But I play as mostly a hero. It's painful.
  2. khaenz

    Oculus Rift + Omni + Dayz

    I actually think that would be quite awesome. Getting out of the Omni, into a chair, and use a PC Racing Wheel Controller, and when getting out, into the omni again. The 45 minutes of constant running would be nonexistant, since you would need to take breaks, just like in real life. And when taking those breaks you could do things like look at the beautiful scenery of chernarus (This of course will be ugly if you dont have a ultra computer) DayZ is a zombie apocalypse simulator, and immersion should be a big part of it.
  3. khaenz

    You're fav location?

    Misty Peak. Nowhere near civilization, on what I think is the highest hill/mountain on Chernarus and south of it is like 1km of plains. Perfect for hunting, camping, and it isn't on the loot map either.
  4. khaenz

    I have just 2 questions...

    Well, you could sort of use it to get a good reputation by "saving" the one he is shooting at if you want to, this will make the "victim" feel much safer in chernarus and perhaps teach him that there actually are good people in DayZ. For your buddy, you could help him by tricking people, like you distract someone and talk to him, and your buddy kills him. Basically if he helps you make people feel safe in Chernarus, you can help him kill people without ruining that safety feeling for survivors, since they know that they were talking to a friendly, not killed on sight by an unknown number of bandits.
  5. Although you are a bloodthirsty psychopath, it's very good you at least have honour. Me myself, it depends on what playstyle I choose to play. If I got a military-style where I ask people questions (Like I ask them whats your name? And they reply their username, and I demand their real name etc.) and decide if he shall die or not, depending on if I like him as a person or not. Other than that I might go a mixed hero/bandit playstyle. I help people that could use some supplies, and kill people who have everything. My last playstyle is going as a psychopath. I become a bloodthirsty maniac and kill as many people as possible in the most brutal ways (Letting them bleed to death, aiming shots at specific locations, using different weapons etc.)
  6. khaenz

    Any, Disturbing things you have, "Witnessed"

    Was playing DayZ 2017, and me and my friend were stalking a group of 3 survivors. They set up a campfire for some reason and just sat there, cooked some meat etc. We couldn't hear them talking, they were probably talking through skype or something. Then comes some retard with a double-barrel shotgun and peppers one of them with pellets, another one gets a Lee Enfield shot to the head. The last survivor attempts to escape, but gets shot in the back, and finished by the double-barrel guy, 5 metres from the fire. The bandits were talking in direct chat, and one of them was a 9 year old or something, and had the most stupid laugh I had ever heard. He nearly screamt "OH MY GOD, DID WE JUST KILL ALL 3 OF THEM?" while his friend, who I presume is around the age of 13, said "Hell yeah we did!" They proceeded to loot the poor survivors, when the older one of them said "Wait, did you know you can gut these?". They proceeded to gut the survivors, and found Human flesh on it. They cooked it on the campfire and ate it. They both got bandit skin. Me and my friend watched for a while, until we noticed they were about to leave, so we moved up, I had a Remington 870 (You could have it in the earlier versions) and my friend a Double-barrel and killed both of them. Was hilarious hearing the little kid screaming "SHOTS WERE GETTING SHOT AT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT". And that's how brutal Dayz 2017 is.
  7. khaenz

    Share your /facepalm moments

    Ran after someone who had a shotgun with pellets while I had a hatchet. Quick turn and I was dead. Thats what happens when you underestimate the double-barrelled.
  8. AKM (Hate the look and sound of the gun, but the other AKs are extremely underpowered... soo, this is my choice) AKS74U (A good close quarters weapon with fast turning speed) AK74 (Extremely low damage but also low recoil) AKS-74 Kobra (The sights. Horrible for a rifle) AKS-74U is a carbine, not an SMG, just thought i'd let you know. Big difference between those two. Carbines are shortened rifles, SMGs are automatic weapons that fire pistol rounds like 9x18mm.
  9. I'm not talking about APC's like BMPs or LAVs but vehicles like armed technicals (With DSHKm behind) and UAZ with DSHKm or Military off-road with M2. Of course, these would have to be incredibly rare to make sure there won't be too often some retard driving around the coast firing at people. I think it would be a really nice addition. They wouldn't really be overpowered, considering how easy it is to take out a gunner on one (Unless you're stuck somewhere and pinned down) and that finding ammunition would probably be hard. It would also make the vehicle more intimidating, which would make more survivors avoid you. Or maybe having a BRDM-2 but without ammunition (The BRDM-2 doesn't have thick armour, and can be penetrated by 7.62 so I don't think it would be overpowered)? Whats your opinion about these kind of things? Would they be overpowered, and if yes, how? Oh, also, opinions of being able to fire while in a vehicle? I think that would be pretty nice, if you could for example on a pickup truck stand in the back and fire from there using some sort of machinegun with a bipod (You'll fly off if you get shot/the car crashes though, and most likely die).
  10. khaenz

    Give me a DMR

    Instead of removing or modifying the sniper rifles, they should add more factors that can affect the bullets trajectory. Wind is a good example of this and would balance the game a lot. Hipfiring should be like in red orchestra 2, the gun isn't always in the middle of the screen.
  11. khaenz

    Why did you start playing DayZ

    Ever since the age of 8, I've always wanted a Zombie Apocalypse Simulator. Now it's here and I love it. Although incredibly buggy, I have spent around 500 hours on this mod and around 300 hours on ArmA 2. Possibly the best game I have bought.
  12. In ArmA 2 you are also afraid of dieing... unless you're playing Wasteland or some mission with respawns. But kills in ArmA 2 and surviving there is in my opinion as satisfying as in DayZ, because when you die, you're out for the rest of the mission, you're making it harder for your team mates to survive. Same thing happens to the enemies when they die, thus why it always feels good after killing someone there, because you know you are one step closer to victory, and it was thanks to you. You would be afraid of killing, since firing will make your position easier to find (It's easier to spot and shoot someone who is firing full-auto than someone who is carefully placing shots, even though they are at the same distance/area). Firefights in ArmA 2 are also much more intense since they have a larger scale, a bigger selection of weaponry, and you don't have the same annoying deaths as in DayZ (Randomly getting sniped, and your friend dies, and theres no one left, you lost the fight, he got the gear). In ArmA 2 this doesn't happen. You move in larger groups, a sniper would have a hard time killing all of you without any help. Have you ever played ArmA 2 properly?
  13. 1. Zombies. They are horrible. They shouldn't be able to walk right through doors and walls. 2. Wind, sniper rifles are too damn overpowered in ArmA, so wind would be a really nice addition, you would have to take a "test" shot to know what the wind is, or find some sort of windmeter. 3. More skins. I want things like soldier uniforms, suits and hazmat suits.
  14. khaenz


    I personally see a large amounts of bandits as idiotic trolls who just kill for no other reason than fun. In my view, actual banditry is when you try to get as much loot as possible, by doing things like stalking a target until he has gathered enough loot, make some people your slaves and prisoners and people who do not kill unarmed players or players who pose no threat and have nothing worth anything for the bandit. In fact, killing these players that grant no benefit when killed, will set you back a little on the loot, because then you cannot encounter them again and loot them (Once they do have loot), or encounter other bandits who have previously looted them and then you can get that loot. So yes, most of these "bandits" I have met are retards who snipe, but don't loot (Elektro Snipers and Cherno snipers are a good example of this, as well as some NWAF campers). Or just idiots who pepper me with bullets when they see me, even though I am unarmed.
  15. khaenz

    Why do you need 12000 blood?

    He calculated it from A2's damage system. I don't know how it works but every gun has a damage value from 1-15 I believe, and I think an ArmA unit has around 7 of those units. In DayZs programming it calculates that into blood, and then decides how much blood you will lose getting hit. For example, 6 was around 3700 blood if I remember correctly, and thats for M1911 and Revolver. AKM had either 7 or 8, and deals 4500 damage. Anyway, on the topic, I think they should add the location something damage thingy that someone brought up. If that's not possible in the mod, then at least lower it to 8000 blood. It's pretty damn ridiculous that you have to hit someone 5 times with an AK74 to kill them (and maybe 6 at longer ranges).
  16. khaenz

    When is it Okay to KoS?

    If I am in a large city like Chernogorsk or Elektrozavodsk, I will kill anyone I see with a weapon efficient for PvP, a.k.a any primary that isn't a crossbow or hatchet. On heli crashsites I will most likely kill someone, unless I have already looted it and he poses no threat to me. Up north, the only reasons I would kill on sight is if they have spotted me and are aiming, if they have ghillie suits, if they have bandit skins, if they have a sniper rifle and are alone/in a pair. I kill on sight on some locations up north, these include Stary Sobor, Northwest Airfield and Vybor. This is mainly to get valuable loot that I cannot get since they have taken everything that is valuable from the area, and also to make sure I won't die when looting by being shot by some asshole I decided not to kill.
  17. khaenz

    Teach me the bandit ways!

    Tips for a new bandit: -Be careful and pick targets. Don't kill people unless you really want/need their items. -Do not engage groups unless you have a very big advantage. If they outnumber you and/or have better gear, let them pass, or it will end with your death and maybe some of the group members death, which is a minus for both parties. -Try to make at least one or two friends, so that they can give you a bloodbag, carry more loot and help you fight against groups. If you don't have any, it's easy to become friends with someone who is unarmed on the beach. These people might kill you later, if they don't find you useful anymore or have friends of their own, so you have to be very careful around people you don't completely know. Once you have become an experienced bandit, you'll get different techniques for getting loot from people. -You should be good enough now to hold up people properly. If you see someone who is completely unaware, alone and you are close, rob him. Tell him to drop all his stuff on the ground, and not to face you. If he does, shoot him. Take what you need from the pile and leave the rest for him. Leaving him alive and with gear allows him to go and get more loot, so that you may rob him again later, or kill him and loot him if its too hard. This way you'll leave more loot for fellow bandits, and for yourself, and you won't be a complete asshole. -When you are at this stage I don't recommend using snipers mainly, as looting is going to be a bit more dangerous if you do. Always carry an assault rifle or shotgun, and keep a Designated Marksman Rifle/Sniper as a secondary, used only when you're providing overwatch or for getting an advantage in combat. Fighting close-up is much more fun, and requires much more skill, and it's much more satisfying to get an epic victory rather than shooting some poor rabbit who did not even know where you were.
  18. khaenz

    Does killing zombies give humanity?

    It doesn't, but it would be awesome if killing a zombie would give like 3-5 humanity per zombie kill. That would give you a reason to kill them (Other than for residential supplies and possibly ammo)
  19. khaenz

    DayZ crazy moments?

    I spawned in kamenka, and was running to Komarovo, but on the way, I saw on the side of a hill, two people throwing flares at a sheep. One of them had a makarov. I approached them and the guy with the makarov aimed at me. *Click click click click click click*. He didn't have any ammo. I just said "Hellouuu :D" and they replied "'Ey dere" in what sounded like a British accent. I said "I shall be on my way, adios!" and ran away. I looked back and they were now throwing chemlights and cans at the sheep.
  20. khaenz

    Your most satisfying kill

    Me and a friend refueled a GAZ east of Gorka, when we got ambushed by two horrible shots. One was armed with an enfield, and one with a makarov. My friend died, and I quickly escaped behind three pines. I waited 40 seconds, then went out, and shot the makarov guy, who had taken my friends PP-19, with a G17. First shot was a headshot, and he went down instantly, I quickly advanced to a nearby wall and tried to locate the other guy, when I notice that at the end of the wall is a enfield and an arm sticking out. I decide to spam 4 shots at the arm, he quickly retreats and I pursue him, and shoots him in the back. Basically, I survived an ambush, they didn't get out valuable gear and our car, and it was my first victory against some pretty impossible odds in ArmA 2.
  21. So, I tried to fix a military off road, and repairing the 2 front wheels worked, but repairing LB wheel and RB wheel doesnt seem to work. The wheels became orange in the car, but were still busted. Anything specific I need to do or does it only partially repair the wheels?
  22. khaenz

    AA-12 in dayz?

    1. Remove HE rounds and it will be good. 2. He posted the video as a joke. 3. The same reason the M4, M16, M14 AIM, M107 etc. are in soviet barracks.
  23. khaenz

    I want some old school Dayz!!

    Im pretty sure Rocket did not intend for DayZ to be a PvP Shitfest.
  24. khaenz

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I had this one moment in Cherno. It was night time and me and my friend were looting peacefully since the zombies didn't get aggroed as easily when it is night. Suddenly I hear a large explosion near the hotel. Me and my friend go and investigate it, and we see nothing burning, when we hear some strange static noise behind us. There was a guy in a ghillie suit, unarmed. He just stood there, staring at us, from the other side of the road. We slowly walked away, thinking he was lagging or something since he just stood still and was silent. We continued our loot run and saw him again, but this time on the roof of the firestation, just looking at us, we slowly approached and tried to talk in direct chat, but all we got back was static noise again. We found a green car out of fuel near the harbour, and drove to Elektro, but near Pik Kozlovka that SAME GHILLIE GUY, just appeared in front of us, and just as I was about to run over him, he dissapeared. Once we reached the outskirts of Elektro, we somehow busted a wheel, just in the middle of the road. We went out, and saw the ghillie guy sitting on the other side of the road. Not standing, but sitting. Just sat there. We were spooked out, so we took cover behind the car, and shot at him. After 10 shots or so, he just dissapeared. We thought he was gone for good. We looted Elektro industrial buildings, and after that we found the same guy. We were inside the convenience store, both in a corner, while he was blocking the entrance. Instead of static sound. He asked in a slightly distorted voice "Why?". We answered "Why what?" and he just dissapeared again. We continued looting and went to the firestation to find ammo for my M16. Thats when we found him again. He blocked our way down from the tower, and had a hatchet this time. He asked once again, "Why?" We answered that we shot him because we were scared, and he slowly approached. As he pushed us all the way up to the top of the tower, he cut both of us and killed us, we tried to shoot him, but he wouldn't die. EDIT: Whoops, mixed between Elektro and Cherno, I have just been playing so much Wasteland I don't remember anything about the coast :P