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About Wookieenoob

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  1. Wookieenoob

    I need a good Narrator for a DayZ short film

    i'll do it if you want british doccumentary voice or david attenborough
  2. Wookieenoob

    the problem with dayz: not dank enough

    they should improve jumping and stick it on spacebar, as well as just sticking action key on F rather than on the mousewheel by default. then dayz would feel like a wider variety of games that aren't ARMA
  3. everything in dayz is pretty much pristine and covered in green. while that's fine for the more rural areas like stary yar, an area like novodmitrovsk should be collapsing and full of rubble and mess. the most we really see is individual stacks of rubble or burnt out cars. the world is nicely put together but a lot of it lacks any sort of real persistence with the idea of it being a post apocalyptic environment. for one thing, why is there not a solid layer of moss and trees growing at random in the middle of streets and between cracks in pavement? /=/ tldr the game feels finished and not rustic, and ARMA and not it's own entity. i'm aware i'm playing ARMA when i'm playing dayz.
  4. to make your game better decrease the amounts of objects the game draws at once by decreasing the distance you see them from. funny though i forget which setting this is
  5. the problem is that if you fill the map with junk loot you can't use for anything there's no room for anything else. the same reason why apartment buildings spawn very little loot. just the ones near balota full of loot would take up 90% of the server's loot on books, even if nobody collects books in russia there is a school building anyway.
  6. i found a couple and sawed them off before laughing to myself and putting them back where i found them
  7. Wookieenoob

    Where do you find Smersh Backpacks?

    netting is gg in 0.55. check boats then cry tears smersh backpack was military loot in 0.54, gg could spawn anywhere and nowhere tl;dr gg
  8. Wookieenoob

    further away from Wednesday the KOS comes on strong

    i want a character with aids so i can go around filling all the waterbottles with bodily fluids and infect an entire server with aids
  9. Wookieenoob

    further away from Wednesday the KOS comes on strong

    i don't have 400 spaces for apples either we need baskets we can carry around in our hands
  10. Wookieenoob

    further away from Wednesday the KOS comes on strong

    inb4 you have the wrong knife and can't cook it anyway
  11. Wookieenoob

    further away from Wednesday the KOS comes on strong

    extra crispy whyherro
  12. Wookieenoob

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    i guess a couple of them look semi-edible uh ew
  13. Wookieenoob

    Why can't we eat infected humans?

    aren't they like, rotted through??
  14. Wookieenoob

    Returning Player, configuration question

    try it without then try it with, if it works it works. you can reduce the distance at which trees/loot/players/zombies spawn or increase it as you like.
  15. Wookieenoob

    further away from Wednesday the KOS comes on strong

    that would actually be pretty sweet. dayz in the jungle with aztec zombies and loot