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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    This is the place to discuss DayZ on different Gaming Platforms/Consoles. Play Station 4 is now Official. https://twitter.com/PlayStation/statuses/499245341943021569">
  2. Right click DayZ in your Steam Library Click Properties Click the Betas tab In the drop down menu choose... experimental = preview testing version. ************************************* To revert back to Stable Branch. Right click DayZ in your Steam Library Click Properties Click the Betas tab In the drop down menu choose... NONE = opt out of all beta programs Close properties. ************************************* NOTE : No code is needed. DayZ needs to be closed when changing this setting. You will need to download files when switching between versions, size may vary. ************************************* How to find Experimental Branch Servers... Click the Change Server Tab on welcome page. Click version tab or... Scroll down list of Servers until you find a Server with a Green Tab. Click on Server to Highlight. Click on Host Tab (top left browser option). This will group all Experimental Branch Servers. Select Server of your choice. ************************************ NOTE : Separate Character for each Game Version (Experimental / Stable). ************************************** A useful Topic... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161796-howto-test-experimenal-builds-help-the-dev´s-to-improve-quality/#entry1629015
  3. boneboys

    Future of public hive servers

    Please, no videos or links to hacks.
  4. boneboys

    Awful Weapon sway

    1st post for ranting in the wrong forum. Will not end well. People putting their date of birth in forum names has become most popular, probably all the rage nowadays ! Will not end well.
  5. boneboys

    Questions about Servers

    The Rules (Public) are quite clear. If the Rules are being adhered to is not. https://dayz.com/files/pdf/Server_Hosting_Rules_Public.pdf You should consider a Private server, more adapted to your needs. Also there is the strong possibility that Public Servers will become official only in the future...
  6. boneboys

    BETA in 8 months or less.

    I'm sticking with : When it's done. Do likewise and everything will be alright.
  7. boneboys

    PSVR - Is there even a sliver of a chance?

    Nothing has been said or even talked about but there again...
  8. boneboys

    zombie hordes

    Nice idea but https://forums.dayz.com/topic/64047-roaming-zombie-hoards/ has been suggested in the past.
  9. boneboys

    Future of public hive servers

    ArmAIII has twenty (20) official servers. They are used not only by and for random players but run different game modes or popular mods for data collects I believe. A similar approach would do no harm to the DayZ community in my (humble) opinion.
  10. boneboys

    Metanix - No unban !

    This forum section is for DayZ SA Servers only. Anything DayZ Mod related will be removed without notice. If you encounter an abusive admin or server, please do not post it here on the forums. We cannot do anything with these reports. It is not productive and does not expedite action taken against these servers. Please report them to the GSPs directly following the pinned Guidelines Wednesday Server Maintenance: Scheduled weekly maintenance occurs every Wednesday, at 06.00 GMT servers will go down for about 3 hours. Duration may very. No need for another Topic. https://forums.dayz.com/guidelines/
  11. boneboys

    Low FPS

    The cpu is fine, the GT630 is the problem, an old card and the little sister of the then excellent GTX660 (2014). Check to see if you are able to change the GPU in future.
  12. boneboys

    GPU or CPU?

    4ghz is good, (I'm oc'ing a 2500k at 4.2). GTX660 to GTX1070 doubled + or - my frames. Also moving from a HDD to SDD resolved most texture popping issues.
  13. boneboys

    Flickering textures, bought new PC, no change

    Merged Topics because...
  14. boneboys

    Eugen Harton on Early Access

    This will not end well... ************************************************* Espa, I know your intention was good when making this Topic. The video was posted here...
  15. boneboys

    from fun to pretty much unplayable

    same old, same old... OP has thanked you all for the many hints and words of advice. Have a nice DayZ.
  16. Locked, any more of this and I will issue infraction points and suspensions.
  17. boneboys

    Vehicles on Stable branch

    Topic cleaned. Feedback is asked for, not bickering. We all know there are problems with vehicles, it's written all over the place, all you need to do is read.
  18. boneboys

    Exp Update 0.61.137912

    Clean up was a sweep which included one of Baty's posts and some related to the closure of the Topic. When there is a new build a new Topic will be made and this one closed (as per usual).
  19. boneboys

    Exp Update 0.61.137912

    Topic cleaned. I will issue infraction points and suspensions if the pair of you (concerned) repeat or continue in future. Take note that PM's are also covered by Forum rules.
  20. boneboys

    Suddenly started to have low fps?

    Fourth (4th) Topic since the begining of this month concerning your fps drops...! Set everything on high and let the gpu do the work, if that makes no difference and the card temps are stable,,,,upgrade, no point in making another Topic.
  21. boneboys

    Stable Update 0.61.137720

    Trolls/Flamers are not welcome here.
  22. boneboys

    Streaming on chiptole bandits

    You have been warned.
  23. boneboys

    Servers Still Crashing

    Bug Tracker did you ? https://forums.dayz.com/forum/83-bug-reports/
  24. boneboys

    This game sucks (the life out of you).

    This game sucks... Is now known as...