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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. Unacceptable and slanderous.
  2. boneboys

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    OP is stuck in a loop, it is apparent that "DayZ Development progress makes no sense", in his opinion and what anybody else thinks is of no consequence or concern, that includes those on the development team. I made the mistake of not closing this Topic when first posted, my apologies.
  3. boneboys

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    And on that note ladies & gentlemen...
  4. boneboys

    is it worth overclocking 4690k

    You will be pleased with the performance increase with the new build. Over clocking the later intel's is not as fruitful as the older i5's (2500k for example). My mate is having trouble with anything over 4.4 while I can get a steady build at the same with my 2500k. I shouldn't worry too much about over clocking at this time, just make sure you have a good case and cpu cooler for the future. http://www.anandtech.com/show/8227/devils-canyon-review-intel-core-i7-4790k-and-i5-4690k/6
  5. boneboys

    The 'war on snipers'

    Have not noticed a problem myself, when I play on my own I hunt snipers (with a score of 7 to date), mostly around Cherno / Balota, the last one a few days ago in Elektro. When playing in my group we always have two snipers watching from afar as the rest of the team go in to loot, this has proved to be efficient. I will take a closer look and see what all the fuss is about but to be honest as I said above I have not noticed anything that I would call problematic.
  6. boneboys

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I am here but to serve :blush: The Exp servers and build have been wonky since going live I'm afraid. Persistent loot servers (Stable) are mostly glitched, it is obvious that some serious work is being done back in the office to get this and other problems sorted out. I'm waiting for a new Exp build before playing any more DayZ.
  7. boneboys

    Delta-Zone DayZ Standalone

    Because he was running servers on a so called Private Hive I believe.
  8. boneboys

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Now why are you making another Topic about this ? Everybody knows that the Experimental Servers are broken, your question has already been answered and your previous Topic merged into the relevant Topic.
  9. boneboys

    Where'd my post go!?!?

    Go to your profile (name) / My content ! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/207961-fix-rebooting-experimental-servers/#entry2105683
  10. boneboys

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Nor do you, just remember that.
  11. boneboys


    Read the Rules...
  12. boneboys

    Butt Hurt admins are ruining this game.

    Who, what, where when.... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/
  13. boneboys

    Another game copy

    Get you friend to ask on the Steam Forums. We do not deal with BE or Vac Bans here. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/203442-global-be-or-vac-bans/#entry2044868
  14. HaxorZ ! What server was that ?
  15. boneboys

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Only just, recommended minimum is 2.8 ghz, you have 2.1.
  16. boneboys

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Use image, not hot links please (and spoilers). Post edited.
  17. boneboys

    Kiddy Bandits

    Ah yeh, coming back to this 12 (twelve) year old fallacy, my last encounter with one of the squeaky voiced race dropped his gear for me before committing suicide by jumping of the ships bow. He was very friendly, I tried to talk him out of his intention to no avail, so sad ! Cross bow / 2 arrows / school bag / compass / Pipsi Thanks kid !
  18. boneboys

    DayZ & Bandicam

    Fix your Bandicam.
  19. boneboys

    New dog tag system?

    Search Results Your search for the term dog tags returned 65 results
  20. boneboys

    Kiddy Bandits

    Probably not twelve and certainly not Bandits. You made a tactical error and now you are dead.....
  21. boneboys

    Dayz Video with edited menu screen

  22. Only BE are in a position to answer. http://www.battleye.com/
  23. boneboys

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    You still do not understand the loot perma spawning it seems. I thought nor even mentioned server hopping, Who's jaded, not I.
  24. boneboys

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    Be careful, that is slander !