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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. Well most are not really polite so if I did I would have to give myself une mauvaise note :huh: Google will help, you just have to be tricky. "créve crève fils du pute" would be die SOB but google won't tell you so I'm afraid, crever is what you need in fact. I am the worst French teacher in the world, I'm certain there are faults in my previous post, mais bon !
  2. Yes I have and I just love Céline Dionne because of her accent, true French is Québe French !
  3. I play with French people and they all use friendly at first encounter with other players, French or other. Êtes-vous amical, would be the direct wording but no one uses that, however " Êtes-vous gentile ?" is perfectly acceptable in everyday French. To expand a little upon typical DayZ dialog... Depending on the situation results may differ, "à genoux connard" is my preferred when a French player shows aggression. A friendly will be greeted with "vous avez le quoi à manger ?" and :beans: are offered. When war is the only possible outcome cries of "créve crève fils du pute !" may often be heard. Putain de merde, sale zombie ! is another that I hear on a regular basis. French is a very rich language and full of colour, I am often amused in a most pleasant manner.
  4. boneboys

    If i do know who's cloning equip

    Known duplication measures were introduced into Exp update (last Friday ?) So, with a bit of luck... -Duplication issues (fixed)
  5. boneboys

    Hackers galore this weekend?

    And I will say it again... If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff, it will be looked into and verified. Example : I have received 2 videos + a Steam member id, I am waiting for the hack *readme. There is enough evidence to ensure action will be taken.
  6. My first post was real, the rest were tongue in cheek or poor humour I guess, at least I bumped the Topic for free :wacko: Would be interesting to see different view points of the same event, so :thumbsup:
  7. boneboys

    Religion in DayZ, is a god out there ?

    Orthodox Chernorussian. СТАРЫЙ СОБОР would be Old Cathedral.
  8. Ah, ok,,,carry on then... NP
  9. Ah, you mean you are recruiting ?
  10. boneboys

    Lets talk major league DayZ.

    Don't do that.
  11. You have already made a poll, you should update and ask for it to be moved rather than make another Topic.
  12. That's another story and I agree, I was commenting on forced 3rd person servers. I'm at a disadvantage, even when I play on 3rd person servers with my team I stay in 1st.
  13. boneboys

    Lets talk major league DayZ.

    Don't do that. ******************************* 3rd party player tracking would be against the Terms of Contract I believe.
  14. boneboys

    Hacks at Svetlo

    If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff, it will be looked into and verified.
  15. I've talked to R about this in the past, he was not enthusiastic. The discussion was why so few 1st person servers and how to encourage.
  16. Do not turn this into a 3rd vs 1st flame fest ! Maybe for PS4.
  17. System specs + OS + router and connection method used ?
  18. boneboys

    what happend to Arma3 Dayz

    There is no A3 DayZ.
  19. boneboys

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    sloasdaylight & Azzerrrr Stop the petty bickering, you are derailing the Topic. Cleaned.
  20. boneboys

    Private Server: When?

    Does not help... Give links or don't bother. @ OP : The details on how this will be dealt with are unknown, I doubt that this will happen in alpha phase.
  21. boneboys

    WTF just happened?

    Sounds like the Random Weapon Throwing bug but you never know, perhaps someone hacked the weapon out of your hands. However... If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff, it will be looked into and verified.
  22. I believe that's being worked on, I'll ask the next time I bump into the guy who does that.
  23. boneboys

    For those of you that have lost faith in DayZ...

    Not the post, we all know that you are a troll, you come here just to knock the game and development in every post. I can not find one (1) that I might consider as being unbiased or at best participative in casual everyday Forum discussions. All of your content bares witness to this, so don't even think about contesting. For those that consider that these forums are at a alltime low just leave, those that stay will reap the benefit ten (10) fold.
  24. boneboys

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    and who gave you the link ?