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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Experimental problem

    There is no experimental build at this time. Dev servers are running Stable build. Enter the ip in the remote tab = (2302)
  2. boneboys

    Hack in my server

    This sort of situation should be resolved in the future, until then you should respect the contract.
  3. boneboys

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Topicwashed... Do not post exploits on the Forums please. Check the Bug Tracker and/or submit a Bug Report. BugZ
  4. boneboys

    Cant get optimal game settings

  5. boneboys

    HP ProBook 450 , switching gpu problem.

    Did you guys read the Stickies ? http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/203970-resolution-problems-read-here-before-posting/#entry2049835
  6. boneboys

    Char Rest please.

    Please follow the instructions... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/191410-dayz-support-stuck-characters/
  7. boneboys

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    Welcome to DayZ
  8. Until notified otherwise this applies... Hacking: If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Posting a topic will result in it being locked. ************************************************* We have received detailed videos/Steam ID's and the hacks being used (in same report) on several occasions. I have been sent details of a private hack group by a person who has never posted on the Forums, he joined just to send me the details. Keep in mind that if you know the hack is available then BI & BE are also aware of it. As always WIP.
  9. boneboys

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Discuss the temperature (cold bug) here please.... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/211732-temperature-effects-are-broken-since-hotfix/
  10. boneboys

    Implications of 100-150 Player Servers

    100-150 is too many, 75/85 will be the sweet spot ;)
  11. boneboys

    Duck Tape Usage

    I expect there is a bigger plan for duct tape in the future, same as pliers and wrenches ! Meanwhile... Your search for the term tape returned 15 results (this Forum section & titles only).
  12. That's ok venkman, you may well have met someone using a hack, you are one of the few that has not tried to start a scandal, thanks for that. No one denies that it is out there but... Hacking: If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Posting a topic will result in it being locked.
  13. boneboys

    0.49 No Servers

  14. boneboys

    For those of you that have lost faith in DayZ...

    The game is an Early Access Title something you have failed to understand. You have been warned once already for spaming, do not continue.
  15. boneboys

    New patch is out.

    Regular 0.49 discussion here please. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/211083-stable-049-discussion/?view=getnewpost Map changes and the consequences is another subject, feel free to make a Topic for debate but please try to give an adequate title.
  16. boneboys

    Love the New Sway

    Oh no, not this again !!!!!!!!!!! Your search for the term sway returned 14 results (Titles and in this Forum section only). I'll merge it with something or other...
  17. boneboys

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    It is an option both for players and Server hosts, the purpose being is to gather data on a large scale, something you fail to grasp. I find your comment derogatory.
  18. boneboys

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Hotfix : Stable - 0.49.124972 -Fixed a server crash caused by ragdoll -Fixed a server crash and persistance corruption -Map changes -Persistance is enabled again by default on official servers. And is available as an opt in for all servers. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/211680-hotfix-stable-049124972/#entry2120467 Please continue and give feedback on Hotfix. Thank you.
  19. boneboys

    I can't go in to the main menu !

  20. boneboys

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    Ghillie suit crafting is a thing to come.
  21. boneboys

    Vybor spawns?

  22. boneboys

    kill stats,kill messages in game too

    Ah, you must be new here, no problem ! Look... Your search for the term stats returned 133 results. ********************************************* I would like to see something like the Journal that we have in the Mod. everybody including Rocket loves Joey..
  23. You will get nowhere if you can't even post in the correct Forum. This is the DayZ SA Official Server Forum. AnyoOldPoch is thataway >>>>>>>>>
  24. boneboys

    0.49 No Servers

    The maintence will be a little longer than usual... 1 hr ago = "New patch under testing (fixes for two server crashes and map changes), maitenance will get extended. Please be patient."
  25. boneboys

    0.49 No Servers

    DayZ SA will have a weekly maintenance period. Every Wednesday, at 06.00 GMT servers will go down for 3 hours. Duration may vary...+ or -