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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Do we have to start again?

    Expect downtime for most of the day.
  2. boneboys

    Matches and fire

    Weather conditions already effect use of matches.
  3. boneboys

    In-Game Mic/Voice *Problem*

    Try this : go to sound settings/record /communications/ = do nothing. Might help, might not.
  4. boneboys

    Private Shard Pricing is Outrageous

    Nothing wrong with asking for donations for server running costs, just keep it to your own Forums/Sites. Asking for an Entry Fee is a different subject, I will have to inform myself before making any statement, so for now just keep it to running cost donations, then everybody is happy & safe.
  5. boneboys

    Private Shard Pricing is Outrageous

    No, official GSP's only.
  6. 11) Multiple Accounts: Multiple accounts are not tolerated and may result in a ban for each instance.
  7. boneboys

    Someone Help Me to Die

    If all else fails... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/191410-dayz-support-stuck-characters/
  8. boneboys

    Permadeath? This is permadeath!

    Everybody dies in DayZ. He's just looking for :beans:
  9. What settings do you have ? (please check your PM in box)
  10. boneboys

    Players start with a map

    You may use your phone but don't assume "We all use it to look at a map when we play the game".
  11. boneboys

    [Street Lights] Power Grid Maintenance

    GeneratorZ, who said genaratorZ !
  12. boneboys

    [FR] - AdopteUnZombie.Com - Admin Actif - TS DISPO !

    Alors, si je comprends bien, si je me connecte en dehors du territoire français l'accès à votre serveur sera refusée! Ceci est totalement contraire à l'accord concernant la location d'un serveur. Avez-vous bien lu le document concernant ceci? Je vous conseille de prendre le temps de le faire. http://dayz.com/files/pdf/Server_Hosting_Rules_Public.pdf Excuse my French.
  13. boneboys

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    You never mentioned your Deathlove of shoes before ! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/213132-why-do-guys-in-highschool-care-about-shoes-so-much/#entry2139049 Combat knives, really...
  14. boneboys

    Time to ditch the Torch/Flashlight

    If it was up to me (good thing it's not) server time would be fixed to location as it was when the mod was first released. If it was full moon when I looked out of my window, so it was on the server I played, the only way to work around that was to play on some far flung US server. Not really a problem in the summer time (Paris/Frankfart*/Prague) but the winter nights were/are long and hard. Long live the torch and the long life battery within her. Vive le lampe du poche !
  15. boneboys

    wtf did just happen?

    If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. I know it's frustrating but posts like this are not useful, not only can they give hackers the satisfaction that may motivate them - but it achieves no value in solving the issue. Please have a read of these recent posts from Rocket and Eugen on the issue of hacking/security as well as the last few status reports where it was addressed. http://forums.dayzga...ns-on-security/ http://forums.dayzga...status-reports/ SmashT TM
  16. boneboys

    DayZ Server Saver

  17. boneboys

    Decided on a PC but have one concern.

    Yes 500w should do it. I would take the time to check this Topic, I understand that you want something pre-built but it is worth comparing the different parts. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/196501-gaming-pc-budget-builds/#entry1978807
  18. boneboys


    Search Results Your results for the term vehicles limited to the first 200
  19. boneboys

    Decided on a PC but have one concern.

    Get an SSD for OS and the games that benefit and a normal HD for everything else. On my SSD I have Windows and the stuff it requires + a few games (DayZ/ArmA3/BF4/ + Photoshop). Everything else is on the 2nd HD, including all downloads/images/Videos recorded through ShadowPlay/Fraps/TS and games that I play now & again. Because 2nd HD has no OS+AV+ or other programs that slow things down other games run better than if installed on primary HD. Same applies to 2 normal HD's, so the answer would be : yes quite important but keep in mind that the larger the HD the more cluttered it becomes over time and the longer it takes to fetch the data required. I have a Samsung 840 Pro 256 SSD + 500 7200 HD, system is fast and with good management the capacity enough. IMHO !
  20. boneboys

    How much of DayZ have you experienced?

    Everything except find a tent.
  21. boneboys

    ballistic knife

    Some ideas are just not worth the flames that come with. @OP, accept the fact that if you post you will receive comments, whether you like it or not.
  22. boneboys

    Cant join any servers?

    Hacked version. Go away you owible pirate.
  23. boneboys

    DayZ SA - Admin Abuse (WTF?)

    If you encounter an abusive admin or server, please do not post it here on the forums. We cannot do anything with these reports. It is not productive and does not expedite action taken against these servers. Please report them to the GSPs directly following the pinned Guidelines.