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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. Every time someone posts that video I'm going to post this reply...
  2. boneboys

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Might be the vest you are wearing or pre/post 0.55, I noticed my pistol was not showing in the holster (not sure which character, so many hives...)
  3. I assume you have read through this... http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/ Read this... http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/1/620696934012070839/?l=french
  4. Then what are with all your troll comments. Be gone.
  5. boneboys

    want my money back allready

    http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/6794-i-give-up-this-game-is-bull-i-want-my-money-back/
  6. boneboys

    persistence off=boring

    There will be a fix for Private Hives.
  7. boneboys

    Side by Side error when starting game.

    Merged, some have managed to fix the problem it seems.
  8. boneboys

    The people have spoken?

    Bit of a drop, nothing to write home about and lets face it those that have left are probably not suited to DayZ as it's meant to be. Server hoppers are having a hard time, groups gearing up and hoarding also. Loot is not so much of a problem if determined to survive, zombie attack is causing more trouble if the player gets caught out. Private Hives are waiting for a fix. Public servers appear to be functioning, although no doubt there will be some fine tuning in the future. Exp 0.56 will be interesting. I listen to the people.
  9. boneboys

    persistence off=boring

    Server hopping doesn't work as it did in the past.
  10. boneboys

    First Person Publics

    Promote your server, here and elswhere. I only play 1st pp always on the same server (public), it is often quite in the daytime but gets pretty busy in the evenings and weekends. The USA may have less call 1st pp but I believe the demand is there.
  11. Have a look through here, you might get an idea, check the pinned parts builder Topic for prices... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/56-technologyprogramming/
  12. boneboys

    Persistance on private Shard

  13. boneboys

    Tents in persistence

    Search Results Your search for the term persistence returned 123 results Search Results Your results for the term tents limited to the first 200 *********************************** Read this post... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223688-can-we-have-an-official-statement-on-tentsfarming-plots-in-055-please/#entry2247874 And this... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223721-wednesday-wipes/#entry2249349
  14. boneboys

    DayZ not booting

    Close Steam, remove the config files in My Docs/DayZ/ (name). Start Steam and validate you local game files with the Steam tool provided. Check to see if there is a BE cmd window open which is blocking the game from starting. Moved to Troubleshooting...
  15. That has changed for the better, it is now possible to stealth your way through a town. Z attack animations are out of sync, as noted in the patch notes (-Visual bugs in zombie animations) and some sounds are missing.
  16. boneboys

    Tents in persistence

    Search Results Your search for the term persistence returned 123 results Search Results Your results for the term tents limited to the first 200 *********************************** Read this post... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223688-can-we-have-an-official-statement-on-tentsfarming-plots-in-055-please/#entry2247874 And this... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/223721-wednesday-wipes/#entry2249349
  17. boneboys

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Fences not rendering is a known and acknowledged bug.
  18. boneboys

    @Patch 0.55 Elitists

    Stirring up trouble on the Forums again are we Grimes...
  19. boneboys

    DayZ.exe and DayZSrv being blocked

    Then it is possible that BE is blocking the game because you have malware or other trying to access DayZ.exe. "Scan your system with up-to-date anti-virus software. Malware that modifies system or game files can cause such issues when BE is enabled".​ http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/
  20. boneboys

    Trading Post

    I found a LRS yesterday, new spawn, 1st pp public server and I've absolutely no intention of trading it, not even for a pair of binoc's... Worth its weight in gold. I am however always on the lookout for a Mosin, so if anybody wants to make a deal, I have a hay hook that I'm willing to trade! Merged...
  21. boneboys

    Private Shard Constantly Locked

    Which GSP do you rent from ? Maybe someone here can help you, if not I suggest you contact the company concerned.
  22. boneboys

    please help :( dayz not working

    Did you verify your game cache ?
  23. boneboys

    "This is your story. play it our way"

    There are too many claims that amount to defamation here that cannot be ignored.
  24. boneboys

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Small update available.
  25. boneboys

    [Wednesday "where are the servers?" merging topic]

    I've just switched to Stable from Exp. You will need to do this to obtain a small update to Stable, 12.9mb.