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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Does Directional Channel voice chat work?

    It helps if the server requires the latest beta + = everybody in game also.
  2. boneboys

    Just finished downloading arma2 and...

    Check out the New Players forum. Your game is missing something. This should help : http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2085&pid=19241#pid19241
  3. boneboys

    Can't see any servers

    You need to start the game with the ArmA2/CO launch icon ?
  4. I'm still here. Show a video with this "stroboscopic effect" in game (not easy at 30fps I know). System spec's. Video card. Driver version and in-game setings. To fix a "bug" you must be able to reproduce or at least gather enough elements to identify the problem. What I see in the previous video is normal. Carry on. EDIT: I will move this to the TroubleShoooooting forum. Thanks
  5. I have recieved a PM, so... Ok, this is, as far as I understand a result of being attacked by Z's and simulates a general hurt/panic and eventually a lose of health status. It may well occur when injury is inflicted through other means. I do not see this (personally) as a bug or glich. I have watched the video and understand that it may well be problematic for some. I will how ever bring to you notice that every "Video Game" comes with a Warning concerning side effects=== Thank you, I will bring it to the attention of those concerned. Have fun.
  6. I can not find an exact answer to your question but it seem that your game files are corrupted. If you are using a Steam build please "verify the integrity of your game cache". If that is not the case then I suggest that you re-download your game files. Looking at your system build you are very much on the edge, this however should not provoke this error. Good luck...
  7. boneboys

    Disable all HUD elements

    I believe there is a addon that will (nearly) do this in vanilla ArmA2. I doubt it very much for DayZ. If you did manage to find some way, it would not work on-line. I would say, "No"!
  8. Lean left, lean right, repeat (the lean dance) Salute. Sit down. Surrender. All can be found in the control settings.
  9. boneboys

    Change name for player

    Create a profile in vanilla ArmA2/CO, set your controls. Then start up with the dayZ mod enabled. Thats what I would do.
  10. boneboys


    Sig, what sig ?
  11. boneboys

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Look at the top of the Forum Page, Back To Website... Top Left = Download DayZ (ALPHA TEST).
  12. boneboys

    Shami, Invisible character

    The invisible player problem is being looked at, there are other Threads concerning this. Please read the stickie/guide for reporting. Thanks.
  13. I count my shots, most of the time :idea:
  14. boneboys

    Server and other questions

    If I kill someone who is firing at my mate while he is eating his beanZ, does this make me a bandit ? Those that fire on unsuspecting survivors with the sole intention of protecting their "zone" are they bandits ? You will have to find out for yourself how to deal with different circumstances. This I find is an interesting post about bandits and survivers... http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3693&pid=69706#pid69706
  15. boneboys

    Invisibility exploit

    There have been reports of invisibility spawning. It will be investigated. Thanks.
  16. boneboys

    A Public Apology

    Keep your head down, if he reads this thread, he knows who you are ! How sweet is revenge ?
  17. boneboys


    Top post on the Announcements forum today is... http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7145&pid=65957#pid65957
  18. boneboys

    Stole a helo B)

    I've seen a heli land or hover on a hospital roof (at night) pick up med supplies and leave... Not sure who but it was on the EU9 server a couple of weeks ago. Epic...
  19. boneboys

    Climbing Zombies

    I've had a whole hoard of Z's climb up after me on one of the chimeny stacks in Chernogorsk. I've also seen a Zed moving to and fro along a metalic gang plank, I actually thought it was another player trying to sneak up on me, (I could hear the clank,clank,clank). As far as I know the Zombies are only dead after they've been killed...:ô┬ô:
  20. boneboys

    Server setup

    I should try looking in the Server forum, if you have not done so already. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1429
  21. boneboys

    Direct Communication

    I believe that the latest ArmA2/CO beta build has fixed this. I have not tried myself so... What I can tell you is that installing the beta will not stop you from playing on official 1.6 servers. Be aware that there might be instalation differences between Steam and retail versions of the game. Try it.
  22. boneboys


    Welcome to the forums...
  23. When you go camping you steal your neighbors beanZ and replace them with road flares ô┬ô
  24. boneboys

    Balota Airstrip Loot Question

    I found a frag grenade, once.
  25. boneboys

    Another "Why do I get shitty FPS" thread

    I recently changed my processor, I had a e8400 dualcore2 @3.1ghz which I thought could handle anything I threw at it, then I moved on to one of those i5 2500k @3.3ghz. What a difference it made, unbelievable like butter through a knife. I know nothing of ATI/AMD cards. What is your monitor ? 22", it is often recommended to run at native resoltion. Might help, might not.