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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Ages to load????

    Topics Merged. Do not start a new Thread when there is already one with the same subject on the same page. Whats more you should be asking in the support/TroubleShooting Forum,,,ffs. OK, Your internet connection speed is important if you use a telephone with a V90 modem, don't bother. The Server spec's are also very important (hence the min requirment Server Rule). Make sure you have chosen a Server that has a low ping, the lowest possible. Make sure you have chosen a Server that is running the same game version as yourself. Make sure you have chosen a Server that is running the same beta version as yourself. These 3 basics might not seem important but believe me they are. Joining a low ping, low populated server will get you in-game a lot quicker, also BE will validate sooner. (I sometimes join a low pop server just to get BE validated/updated). I am using the latest beta on a server that runs the same. The server has good spec's and is located about 300 miles away. I have a good internet conection. It takes about 15 seconds to join when there are few players, also if you know at which time the server has a programmed restart, join shortly afterwards, it seems to help. All this depends very much on how loaded the Hive DB is at the time of connecting. Check your ping: http://www.pingtest.net/ You can change server location with this test. Might help, might not...
  2. boneboys

    Servers Aren't Normal For Me Anymore

    The difference between yourselfs and I is that I know which server I want to play on, so I type in the server name. For example if I wish to play on FR 140, I would type in the name of the host : Canard. Also you can set different options in the Server Filter, BE/locked/empty/.... Lôôk at this : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140107-What-is-the-last-beta-that-DOESN-T-have-the-server-browser-limitations Going back to a previous Beta will not solve the situation. Might help, might not.
  3. boneboys

    who speak spanish to play?

    Left it here for a couple of DayZ. Now moved to correct Forum. http://dayzmod.com/f...clan-read-this/
  4. boneboys

    Looking for a Team/Group

  5. boneboys

    Any Clans or Groups I can join?

    Move & Merged. http://dayzmod.com/f...clan-read-this/
  6. boneboys

    Trading for Mk16...

    No comment.
  7. boneboys

    i have a radio for trade!

    I've got an empty Jerry Can if you need it, keep teh radio... http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Radio
  8. Lôôk : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7954-voice-text-communication/
  9. boneboys

    Looking for survivors from Nebraska

  10. boneboys

    Buying a server?

    Ask in the correct Forum. Moved.
  11. boneboys

    new team

  12. boneboys

    Alpha Omega Clan Recruiting

    Moved to correct Forum. http://dayzmod.com/f...clan-read-this/
  13. boneboys

    Underground Base.

    I read that they (BIS) have found how to create underground complexes but there was a problem with AI pathing. Correct me if I'm incorrect.
  14. boneboys

    Tent mechanics - please clarify

    Tents merged. Come on people stop making new Threads when not needed.
  15. Make the dismantling more user friendly and the fact that they (tank traps) re-appear at server restart. Never use but I get a kick out of taking down peoples fencing/ tank traps. No, keep but fine tuned a little. Shame about the Poll not working.
  16. boneboys

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Oh really, I must have missed that one. Link, or it didn't happen.
  17. My message of the DayZ is : Life's a bitch, then you die.
  18. 7 tents spread across the map + ATV. Sometimes they all disappear. So far they have all come back with the "next server restart" including the ATV (comes with a tent 2x :beans: and 5 heat packs) at last saved position.
  19. boneboys

    im looking for a tactical team

    Moved to correct Forum.
  20. boneboys

    Servers Aren't Normal For Me Anymore

    Server Geo Location was intoduced a while back, I think that may have something to do with problems that people are reporting. I type in the beta N° that I'm using 96895 to fetch same server build. Set BE to true/yes/required in MP filter.
  21. boneboys

    Things you've never found

    My mate found a NVG at Stary Sobor army camp yesterday. NVG's = Helo crash site (night time) :ph34r: . pipe bombs, never found one.
  22. boneboys

    free supplies...or I need a tent

    ATV's come equiped with a tent, two cans of BeanZ and 5 heat packs. I found one yesterday :thumbsup:
  23. It's on the NEWS page on the Web site front page, for a couple of DayZ already.