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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    I need people to play DAYZ with

    What's up with you satipatrick@aol.com ? You've already been warned for exactly the same thing and you come back again. Don't start new Topics in the wrong Forum ! Now go and look up the last one you made about the same subject before Wüstenfuchs gets here.
  2. boneboys

    Molotovs idea

  3. boneboys

    Ninja and Tanir

    Stop your Bumping. Ninja and Tanir don't live here it seems.
  4. boneboys

    DayZ Server Information [HELP]

    Could you not just try and use the SEARCH function or just lôôk around the Forums for yourself. No need to start a Topic in the DayZ General Discussion Forum, we are here to talk about the game not your private sever needs. Moved.
  5. boneboys

    Website/Forums Error (My Content).

    Works for myself but this may be due to my status. Anybody having the same problem as the OP please post here. Thanks. Topic Title Edited.
  6. boneboys

    Did I break an unspoken rule?

    No ,not as far as I can see from your post. Count your BeanZ and move on to another Server, is my personal advice. I will just close the Topic for good measure.
  7. BE support usually takes 4/6 hours. I just remembered that my BE updated and restarted yesterday so I don't think that is the problem. One of my mates lost connection when he tried to open up the DayZ DB Loot Map in a different window but that is not unusual. He re-connected with the DayZ DB Loot Map already running and things were back to normal.
  8. 1 :The Face mask was reffering to the future possible use of RoccoFaces ! 2: Is BE supported with Beta 97127 ? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?140273-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-97127-(1-62-MP-compatible-build-post-1-62-release)&p=2226495&viewfull=1#post2226495
  9. Tactical use of Moon Shadow is anything but easy. + a decent camo face mask !
  10. "A storm again? i wonder if its fixed to the date ive choosen for the server." Could well be. Try setting to somewhere in or around mid-summers day. This will give good weather and perhaps more importantly long DayZ and short NightZ, doing away with the need to - gmt anything. Ascending or descending Moon phase with a little bit of cloud cover & Fog prediction should give something acceptable (for most players). I am enjoying my time on your Server so far as are my mates, there were four of us last night for a couple of hours. Thanks
  11. boneboys

    Dayz- Movie by my friend!

    Post in the correct Forum please.
  12. Played tonight until about an hour after night fall, very overclouded and black as night. Maybe when the Moon comes up and the storm dies it will be playable but as it is, a pair of NVG's would come in handy :ph34r: ! - 4 GMT is about right I believe. Thanks.
  13. Quick, go look at Rocket's new Topic.... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93317-private-hive-dayzmod-integration-project/
  14. Now that's what I call good development practice. I've always been a modding community guy and have supported independant developers. Things can only get better.... :thumbsup:
  15. Setting the time to gmt -6 or something might be a good idea, however some people (myself included) do like playing at night. Might have to go to the Polls on this one.
  16. boneboys

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Everest? There are no beans up there. Alice_Packs will do the job and save the DayZ.
  17. It was as bright as a Full Moon night with clear weather,,, until the Storm came, then it was,,, not so bright, overcast, wet and windy. If you have set the date to a full moon phase, try setting + or - by a couple of DayZ. If not, try increasing fog /cloud a little. The only script I have seen can be found here... http://forums.bistud...-Weather-Script I doubt that it will be of any use in this case but its interesting to know that it exsists. Q : "Is it to bright?" A : a little. The night Stalkers may not be to happy but if there were fewer players at night time before, then they (The Night Stalkers) will just have to deal with it. We were 3 in the evening and later just two of us came back in to test the MooonZ. Thanks for trying it out, have some more :beans:
  18. OK, thanks for the answers. As for the clear moon, in a normal mission it would perhaps be set in a weather script. To be quite honest, I've absolutly no idea how that would effect the relation with \time/ in DayZ. Somebody, somewhere, knows how to do it. Not I.
  19. The pleasure is all mine, I have spent a couple of hours on your/the server already. The reason I ask about the Moon phase is because the guys I play with can only be on-line in the evening and asked me to find a good Server with more vehicles and less troublesome players (Hackers/scriptykids) and Full MooonZ. I admit that a clear night does change to a certain degree the play style but,,,, not a lot :D. Easy enough to implement and would pretty much guarantee a better evening time player count. Another question I would like to ask is about Server restarts, are they as nesecerry on a local Hive as in the Official DB build ? If so, are they at a fixed time and on a regular basis ? Thanks. Have some :beans:
  20. Voted YES. Small Mods like Roco Faces, which will enhance the game without changing the base gameplay, I think are worth while. Anybody who takes the time to install a mod or two will more than likely stay loyal to the server, even more so than now. Full Moon ? I am lucky enough to have the time to play in the day, the two or three guys that play with me are not so lucky and can only play in the evenings. Thanks.
  21. Heli crash sites for NVG's,,, at night :thumbsup: A bit risky but has the best results as far as I'm concerned. Tents, any medium spawn point. (I found one in the apartments in Cherno last night). ATV/Quad, comes with a tent 2 cans of BeanZ and 5 heat packs. Range Finder, barracks at Novy Sobor + 24 slot Coyote Backpack.
  22. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92415-parachuting-out-of-a-boat-even-hackers-are-jealous/