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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Can't pick up my packed tent

    Needs 3 slots in inventory.
  2. boneboys

    How bad is the hacking in this game?

    You see, it's all about which server and how well it is Administered. The Mod has been hacked to bits, of that there is no doubt. I've had a guy give me a full load out (which I did not want) no hacked in stuff. I've been teleported out of the NW airfield and into the barracks nearby. Once into the ThunderDome. The finest of all was when I had about 3000 blood and some hacker just gave me about 10 boars/pigs right next to me (thanks). Thats about it for myself, so not too bad.
  3. boneboys

    Kicked off game on all recruit servers

    No idea, sounds like bad server set up. You might try setting your Game Options to Recruit Difficulty. Thats the only thing I can think of for your problem.
  4. boneboys

    Save SUV action

    The SUV is not in game (officially) as far as I know. Taken from the Wiki: Will my vehicle stay where I left it? Exiting out of a vehicle will save the location. Using the save feature on the vehicle will only save the gear inside. Other people can (and will) take or destroy the vehicle if they find it. If a vehicle is unused, bugged or left, it will respawn after a minimum of 7 days. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page
  5. boneboys

    What is going on????

    Merged & cleaned.
  6. Better still, look at the Index Of Helpful Threads Topic. Use the SEARCH function and lôôk around the Forums. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/
  7. boneboys

    Finding Private Hives

    Better still, ask in the Private Hive Forum. Moved.
  8. Look at the "Trees & Bushes", mine is set to ALL, I believe. Also Shadow quality set to High. Might seem daft but thats the way it works. Try it.
  9. boneboys

    DayZ is a joke in its current form

    Hehe ! I've sorta been waiting to pounce, they must be hiding in teh hills today, lol.
  10. boneboys

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You could try One "Tent" At A Time, that should keep you occupied for a while,,, Back on Topic please...
  11. Well some mothers do have them... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/95417-today-i-had-a-son-i-named-him-rocket/
  12. boneboys

    Tips for improving arma2 Performance

    Title edited. + http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28160-how-to-set-up-your-graphics-properly/
  13. boneboys

    Average age of Dayz playerbase?

  14. I believe the best thing you could do is contact the Server Administrator. Private Hive !
  15. boneboys


    You know where this Topic is heading.... In the Bin laden with other geehads OP Banned and the person who created the account Suspended for 2 DayZ +7 DayZ PPS.
  16. boneboys

    man duck this ship

    Quack, quack...
  17. boneboys

    DayZ Concept Art

  18. boneboys

    New DayZ clans network site

    I'm moving this to the Clan/Group Forum. You want Clans to see your work,,,, I believe.
  19. boneboys

    ArmA: OA Execution Issues- Need Help!

    @ Fraggle. Would you please use the SEARCH function. Here, let me do it for you ::: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93576-websiteforums-error-my-content/ lol
  20. You must be new here ! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/87636-hotfix-build-1726-rolling-update/#entry825040 Switch in Game Options between Default/Debug/ None.
  21. Found the link : http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/A2/Faces/#document
  22. Go to My Documents / ArmA2/ArmA2OA Profiles or other Profiles / look for line : }; class Identity { face="Default"; glasses="None"; speaker="Male01"; squad=""; pitch=0.83515763; Make changes to the face line face="Face02_camo3"; Now I cant' remember how many different faces there are hidden but there are quite a few. There are four camo types, so you might try.... face="Face32_camo1"; The best way check is to set your face in the doc, open the editor and place a couple of units, both "playable" and swithch between units to take a look. Do not touch the profile editor in the Game options! Do this without DayZ Mod loaded (just to be safe before hand). It works, I used it when the mod first came out. There is a veiwer/doc somewhere on the internetz but I can't find the bloody thing. Might help, might not. EDIT : Funny text problems,,,never mind.
  23. Can't vote after removing my vote but count me as a NO. We've had nothing but trouble with the Poll System. Smelly New Forums.
  24. Hi guys, shame about the Moonlight not making it but never mind. The sky was nice and clear when I was on last night/ this morning so that was cool. I'm going to vote no for removing the NVG's, they are pretty rare already, or at least have been for myself and if duping is really fixed I don't see the harm with a few NVG's running about the place (until I get sniped) at night. Whatever, I will go with the flow. Good Server. Thanks...
  25. boneboys

    I need people to play DAYZ with

    oops,,, to late... lol