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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Remote control hackers?

    Scipt kiddies/hackers & their friends are not welcome here. HFPower has been put out to grass for a while.
  2. @OP You should make a few comments here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/102155-dayz-developers-are-still-delusional-no-admin-tools-for-standalone-dayz-hackproof-they-call-it-i-bet-it-gets-hacked-the-first-week-its-released/ Would be worthwhile to see the results. Go on, do it.
  3. boneboys


    Well I never, there is hope for humanity yet. I'll have to log off and have a nice cup of tea, just to celebrate this rare occasion. Have some :beans: :thumbsup:
  4. boneboys

    Good Server?

    Why don't you look through the Private Hive Forum and make a decision for yourself. There are a lot of good servers to choose from.
  5. If you load the vanilla game there are a few stress tests that will allow you to experiment with your settings. Disable @dayz. Load single player and look for bench mark 1&2.
  6. boneboys

    deleted.namalsk, ns_dayz, ns modules

    @ juhnpls Do not make another Topic for the same problem. "-mod=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@dayz;@nc" -nosplash -world=empty. This is using SpiritedMachines ArmAII Launcher. The two files are ns_dayz pbo & ns_dayz.pbo.NST They need to be put into the @NC addons folder. Or as St Jimmy said.
  7. boneboys

    I need an australian private hive server.

    You do not need to make three (3) Topics to ask such a question. I suggest that you browse or use the SEARCH function to get hooked on a suitable server. I know the Forums are laggy but hey,,,check to see if your Topic is validated or not.
  8. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    For those that cannot find a link to download this modification, I suggest you lôôk at post #27 of this Topic. In between post #26 & post #28.
  9. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    All is working now, the only thing I can think of is that the servers I tried to join were running another ns_dayz pbo (maybe test). After about 3 hours of play on EU911. Zombie loot is very, very rare, (5% ) ? I have yet to find anything to eat. Weapons are plentyfull (maybe to much military class). I have found 2 heli crash sites (not sure if random). Wildlife is rare, (only runny babits) :P I have never been kos like this before, I think everybody is so stressed out, it's a shoot first ask questions later syndrome at teh max. It's cold up there above the snow line, I mean really cold, heat packs last about 15 mins before needing another ! Too much industrial class loot. Needs more :beans: Z Difficulty is 2x higher after playing on Chernarus for the last 6 months. Some of the endless corrigated fencing needs to be opened up here and there (near one of the harbor docks, not sure which). Excellent first impresions but the feeble be aware, it is very rough out there... Thanks.
  10. boneboys

    Question regarding forum

    Bring on the Empty Horses :thumbsup:
  11. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    My ns_dayz pbo is not accepted. This is my start up line using ArmAII Launcher... "-mod=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@dayz;@nc" -nosplash -world=empty Beta is same as server. I'll try again later. EDIT : seeing more servers running.
  12. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Getting wrong key error (2 servers in browser). I have the full package. I have the ns-dayz pbo in addons. The key folder is in the @NC package, also in the Bis keys folder (added after just to make sure). I keep a clean install and use SpritedMachine's launcher. Using latest beta. I am not sure where the problem lies...
  13. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Will give it a go using latest beta build 98220 as soon as possible (within the hour). Thanks.
  14. boneboys

    Debug mode

    Welcome. Please read the STICKIES and use the SEARCH Function or at least lôôk around the forums before starting a new Topic in future. This "debug problem" was noted in the release notes http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/87636-hotfix-build-1726-rolling-update/#entry825040
  15. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    So I just need to run @NC along with DayZ Mod ? Correct me if I'm incorrect.
  16. boneboys

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    Namalsk + Dog script by BigDaddy + some use rmade models + mission. Credits at the end of film. Made about 2 years ago... I just threw in some roadblocks here and there :lol: lol...
  17. boneboys

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    Back on Topic. This is not a place for DayZ Commander discussion, for those that do not understand. Go here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/27604-dayz-commander-unofficial-six-launcher-alternative/ That's all.
  18. boneboys

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    Thanks, I went through the change list and other info on your site this morning. Good luck. I am really looking forward to this release. Have some more :beans: Z. (I'm up to mission 20 in Nightstalkers btw, but I'm not sure which tower I should take shelter, nevermind I'll work it out later).
  19. Because Private Hive is not officaly supported by the Dev team, although there is some co-operation between the different parties. Lôôk http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93317-private-hive-dayzmod-integration-project/ I play on a server that uses this http://dayzprivate.com/ the base modification remains the same which helps with the balance of the game, it is then up to the server owners to add/use different options available. I've played on servers that give you Map & Compass, NVG, matches, knife and a whole load of stuff that completely breaks the concept and game balance, imho. Good luck.
  20. boneboys

    disappearing gear

    I went Private Hive (Bliss). Problem solved. Public Hive is a little hit or miss, the worst case I had was 8 server restarts before the tent started saving and then, sometimes it would be there, sometimes not !
  21. The title of your Topic is not wisely chosen if we consider the real question that you ask... People,,,,,,,,,,this guy needs info on setting up a private hive server... That was a bump.
  22. boneboys

    DayZ Action Figures

    Well, that took a little while to sort out, so welcome back. Remember One Thread Fits All and a Tidy Forum is a Happy Forum. You write songs as well I see, good luck to you and just to show there's no hard feelings,,, have some :beans: :thumbsup: Oh, if ever you do a girly one, her name is Alice_Packs, btw.
  23. boneboys

    Cyanide pills/airtanks for low-air tires

    Two birds with one stone...
  24. Optimus Prime You have a terrible history of Multi-Threading ! Stop it... RyanH100 Don't do that ! OK.