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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Why you DON'T enter the laboratory in Namalsk(Funny video)

    The ladder works.
  2. Look in the Private Hive Forum. Make a choice. This is the DayZ General Discussion section.
  3. boneboys

    Dayz helper

    rotcehdayzhelper1.2.rar (0.00 MB)
  4. boneboys

    Battel Eye restriction #36

    My mate has been getting kicked when he is killed by Z's. I'll ask him for more details. EDIT : All players are kicked for the same reason, killed by Z's. On different Villayer (sp ?) servers, several times. He is not sure of the message,,, sorry.
  5. boneboys

    how to get namalsk map working?

    The instructions can be found here, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/101981-dayz-namalsk/ just go through the Topic. Do not make another Thread. OK. SERACH the Forums.
  6. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I do not have screenies & NO, I will not tell you where I found it. I just hope the twat that snipped me bothered to search my body, he was on the other side of the valley so probably not!
  7. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Yet to find a tent or Alice_Pack/ Czech Pack outside of Vorkuta. (tents need winter camo). Food & animals are a little rare ( just a little). Heat packs need to be more effective (time wise). One hit Zombie kills are happening to often to be intended (other players reporting same issue). Now this is difficult...how do the Z's spawn and in what ratio ? Example : I spawned near a small military base, moved up and found an AKM with 3 chargers. Zombies arrive while I'm in stealth position inside the barracks,,, I killed 74 Z's. All this happened in about 10/15 mins before I was over run. I have found the secret weapon and 3 chargers to go with it. Have working NVG & GPS been removed ? I believe not. Confirm please (I've found broken only). Last but not least, I had the video artifact bug inside the Secret Bunker similar to the pre 1.7.2 6 release problems ! Thanks. Topic cleaned up.
  8. boneboys

    Fat Zombies & Bitchin' Customizable Hairdos

    Merged a couple of suggestions !
  9. boneboys

    Issue with Six Launcher???

    Ask in the correct Topic. http://dayzmod.com/f...ldwide-network/
  10. You are advertising for your own profit. Do not do it here.
  11. Are you referring to the bench marks ?
  12. boneboys

    well that was fun while it lasted

    With those last words from the OP, I hereby declare this Topic,,,, Closed.
  13. boneboys

    Is your cdkey being wasted?

    This is not the place to be begging, whatever the reason. Just buy your friend a key.
  14. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    You will have to give more details than that, so others may help you. The basic info can be found in this Topic.
  15. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    No, it was not intended for you and the problem is solved. Stories go here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/56-dayz-stories/
  16. Try using the full version at the bottom of the page on your phone. I never log in with my phone and besides I have a different version of the forums. I forgive you, have some :beans: Z
  17. The merchandising of anything related DayZ is not allowed on these Forums and the whole question of moneterization concerning BIS products is set already. I will ask someone up there /\ to be more precise. I will lock the Topic until further notice. Thanks.
  18. Why don't you guys report the Spam/Bots. Both of your posts I consider spam, you add nothing to the topic or discussion and waste peoples time. Just hit the REPORT tab next time and help the community a little more.
  19. boneboys

    Your server and custom loot tables

    Servers that keep the base game with maybe a few added vehicles and some minor additions like random loot drops and side chat are ok and keep the difficulty as it should be. I've played on servers with 100+ Vehicles/NVG's/Map/Compass/Matches and Knives +9mm silenced at spawn,,,,, the gameplay is completely fucked up ruined. I mean really DM with Z's. So if you want to keep the DayZ experience keep it to the minimum. IMHO.
  20. boneboys

    Installing advice

    I'll say it again,,, you guys have got to learn how to use the STICKIES. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/#entry104583
  21. All the information you need is out there on teh interwebZ. You will recieve no help here.
  22. boneboys

    Dayz Namalsk

    You may find the information in the Private Hive Forum.
  23. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    This Topic is for discussing Namalsk Island Only, not server preferences Private or Public. Anything non related will be cleaned. @ U.B.C.S. Zantiago I have sorted the problem, thanks.
  24. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I'm going to Stickie this Topic. It is the first time we have had the creator of an Island present his work to the community. Nothing apart from feedback on the build itself, "no,,, game is ruined by hackers or anything of the sort". Let us help make it a Better World to Play In. Thats all.
  25. boneboys

    Once you go back you never go black

    Title edited as to be less flame worthy.