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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    Porting Dayz to a new map ?

    The remake had conversion problems, was usermade. Is not an ArmAII map. It could be reproduced but from scratch. IMHO.
  2. boneboys

    Porting Dayz to a new map ?

    Firstly they are not Maps but Islands. If you want to make an Island, you need to install the complete BIS Tools, which can be found out there on the internetZ. You may also find video tutorials on the basics of creating Islands. IMHO, it is the most demanding of all the elements involved. (maybe animation apart). You need to go over to the BIS Forum for any real help. http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?16-ARMA-ARMED-ASSAULT-COMBAT-OPERATIONS-EDITING Good luck.
  3. boneboys

    Porting Dayz to a new map ?

    If you have a basic knowledge,,, you may have an idea already on how to proceed. A mod is a mod,,, you import the neseccery into the Island and mod to your needs. It's as simple as that. Good luck.
  4. boneboys

    DayZ "Novel" I'd like to write...?

    Real place in the World ( Czech Republic). I don't see a problem,, just don't call it DayZ Lôôk... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vgYzMVI6Q0&feature=player_embedded
  5. boneboys

    banned from dayz

    Same as PM... "That must be a community ban. I will open up your Topic but you must contact the ban list people or the admin from the server that banned you. Maybe the list has not been updated and that is why you cannot see your name/N°."
  6. Don't tell me that all downloaded compressed files are stored in the @dayz folder when using one of the tools (DC/6 or any others that are out there) ? Thats very messy. I update my mods by hand (for want of a better expression).
  7. boneboys

    banned from dayz

    There is a STICKIED TOPIC at the top of this Forum. More information can be found within.
  8. boneboys

    Hacking out of control on NZ servers

    It is a sad fact but hackers are still hacking in Public and to a lesser extent in Private Hive. I understand the need to make such Threads but it is old/nothing new and has been bled to death. There are some Private Hives down under (I can use the term because I'm up over), try to find out which have active Admins. I'll just Lock this Topic, no need to Graveyard it.
  9. Little test to ping different Server locations. If you ping is good then you have a problem with your game or browser. http://www.pingtest.net/
  10. ftp://dayzcommander:dayzcommander@
  11. boneboys

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I don't use 6 or DC (old school) how can I install the client.
  12. boneboys

    A game I think dayz could learn from!

    Best Walking in teh Woods simulater out there, nice engine and has TrackIR support, which is the reason I tried it out, a long time ago. Trouble is that the game/deer is even rarer than a pair of NVG's at midday in Vorkuta.
  13. boneboys

    Unofficial servers!!

    Yes, your char is saved on that servers Hive.
  14. You are more than Posting you are Spamming this and other Topics with your anti Alt+ F4 fears... You have your own Alt+F4 Topic, I suggest you stay there.
  15. @ WalkerDown You have made your point. If the system is found to be inadequate it will be removed or modified. Deal with it.
  16. Is this a Steam build, if so make sure you verify your local game cache files with the Steam tool provided. If not, make sure that you have the latest official ArmAII/CO Build. A lot of people are using DayZ Commander to launch the game which seems to be a little less complicated than 6. Can you play the vanilla game (no mods no 6 updater) ? This is important so please do it, ArmA/2/CO. Good luck.
  17. boneboys

    Choppers Namalsk

    Positions on the default settings: Ka-60 Kasatka on Seraja heliport Mi-17 Civil version on Lubjansk heliport.
  18. boneboys

    Barry Bandit

    What Server, I'll send in the Empty Horses to round him up and bring him in.
  19. @ OP. Write down all the steps you have taken to install and update the game. You are obviously doing something wrong. Explain your self Hear and Now. No more Topics, no more PM's. Build = Retail/Steam + everything you have done so far. Maybe,,,someone will tell you what you have done wrong.
  20. Fraggle he's posting everywhere. He has to read the Guides, like everybody else. Merged already.
  21. Stop making Topics about the same problem. Make one Thread and deal with it. You had better follow the instalation Guide which you can find in the New Player Forum. Do it.
  22. boneboys

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I've had the same problem giving blood to someone wearing a Ghillie suit a few times already. The guys with who I play no longer wear a Ghillie for this reason. We do not have the problem with the Camo clothing. I am not sure if this is a recognized bug on the Tracker. Topics merged.
  23. boneboys

    need help

    Did you update your game with the latest Official Build. If your game is a Steam addition you should run the game as CO, I believe, I have the retail/boxed version. Check out the STICKED Topic for guides. http://dayzmod.com/f...ds/#entry104583
  24. boneboys

    ArmA 2 OA Patch Problem (Please Read)

    Your original Topic is in the TroubleShooting Forum. Go lôôk.
  25. I would be in debt for about 1000€ already. No thanks, I'll stick with the modding community.