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Everything posted by boneboys

  1. boneboys

    BattlEye Restriction #45

    I believe so. I reported this before the update went live and was told it was fixed soon after. This is on an official DayZ build using the required Hive. So in theory if the server is running the correct files, it should not be happening. I have not tested this since (on the test server) went live, so I cannot confirm. Might help, might not.
  2. I locked the other Topic you made, maybe you should read my post.
  3. boneboys

    Please explain play with6

    Ask here... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/105010-play-withsix-troubleshooting/ Search the Forums before making a not-needed Topic.
  4. boneboys

    i would love your idea on what i did

    Read this. http://forums.bistud...l=1#post1660975 Moved.
  5. If you have a problem with that server, contact the admins. Maybe you were banned for a reason. Some Private servers don't allow killing in safe Zones or some other rules that you did not read & respect.
  6. Did you look through the Guides that are Stickied at the Top of this page ? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/ Do it.
  7. Please use the Stickied Topic. http://dayzmod.com/f...sk-here-part-2/ Lôôk through the Forums before making another Topic. Some useful info on Graphic settings... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?101040-ARMA-2-OA-Post-Process-Settings-Decoded&p=1660975&viewfull=1#post1660975
  8. boneboys

    How do I shot web?

  9. boneboys


    Moved to Trouble shooting.
  10. Cannot read your Topic. Please use default text.
  11. I have moved your previous post to the General Server Forum. Official Server questions in the Server Forums.
  12. Post in the correct Forum please. Server General is for Public / Official Hives only. Moved.
  13. boneboys

    DayZ: Cherno chopper assault

    Is that helicopter in the offical DayZ mod ? I think not. Correct me if I'm incorrect. Moved.
  14. boneboys

    How do I shot web?

    I am very moderate with my :beans: but you can have some... I've already used the term webshot, just to show off my interwebZ skills and show how cool I am...
  15. boneboys

    How do i open doors (webshot)

    Hey guys, the question was just a webshot ( :P) , why all the hate. Most DayZ players had never played anything that comes close to ArmA before. I bet a lot of players still don't know how to sit down, roll over or salut, or even that such actions are possible. Locked.
  16. boneboys

    How do I shot web?

    Ahhh,,,How do I, then, ask teh webZ,,,ok I'll just keep webshot in mind. The internet made easy, thanks.
  17. boneboys

    how did dayz or arma2 get Russian

    Play the Campaign, all the mysteries of life in Chernarus will unfold before your eyes. I was playing Wasteland last night and someone asked "why aren't there any Zombies",,,unbelievable but true.
  18. boneboys

    How do I shot web?

    Can someone explain to me what the Topic Title has to do with the repairing problem ? I've seen many a thing on these forums but this one has me stumped, completly...
  19. Try this...http://www.pingtest.net/ Run once and then choose a different European server. I get 155 ping to your City. http://www.pingtest.net/result/72749113.png
  20. I'll let it go this time. Do you plan to dress in White when you get cut & carried. I would be happy to act as first Brides Maid. Oh dear, gone all off-topic again...
  21. boneboys

    BattleEye Restriction #45

    You have never played DayZ and you are kicked for #45 already ? Please confirm that this is the first time you have played and that your character is fresh. Thanks.
  22. "As suspicous as it may sound I'll promise it's free and there's no killing involved!" or dodgy stuff that you found on teh beach I hope. People are very wary nowdays. Thanks
  23. boneboys

    Play withSIX no servers

    Come on Serious (and others), read the OP before giving your generique spam response... "I have both Dayz commander and Play withSIX none work...any help?" Make sure you have given the correct paths to ArmA/CO/+beta,,,,,,,,,, would have been a better reply. @Rooniedoo,,, ask here please... http://dayzmod.com/f...roubleshooting/ This is not the correct place, most people have no idea what they are on about. It sounds like you need to make sure you have the game + mod installed correctly. Lots of guides here... http://dayzmod.com/f...elpful-threads/
  24. boneboys

    new person help

    Numeric keyboard Enter (if DayZ server allows). A lot of pretty useful info can be found here... http://dayzmod.com/f...elpful-threads/